» Fantasy » He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings, Alexis Cooper [best e reader for epub .txt] 📗

Book online «He Wears a Pair of Silver Wings, Alexis Cooper [best e reader for epub .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Cooper


**Year of 1950**



"Coming to you live from Carnegie Recital Hall, here is the one and only Andrews Sisters!..." 'Rum and Coca Cola' started playing in the background as I adjusted my brown dress and pink petty coat, checking my hair and make-up in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs to eat breakfast. "Alexis, dear you look beautiful as usual." Beaming at me my father said as he was looking up from his newspaper and coffee, "Thank you, daddy" I replied, giving him my best smile. "Your brother sent a telegram for you," mother said as she sat my breakfast in front of me, "sit down and eat, you can read what you brother has to say when you get home later, and you best hurry or you'll be late" she continued off to the kitchen as I sat down with a huff, "Thank you, mother!" I called out to her before I devoured my meal. 

My mother was truly a woman I looked up to; she was perfect in every way. She always presented herself as a lady, even in rough times; she always spoke kindly to everyone and always so accepting of peoples flaws; she was a dutiful wife to my father and dutiful mother to my brother and I; she would always stand by my father and his final decisions and always stood up for her family when someone was unkind in anyway. My mother was beautiful in anyone's eyes, with her silky black hair that was often pinned up and out of her face, showing her lively green eyes. She had a smile that captivated audiences, with full red lips and straight pearly white teeth; a slender tall body with soft curves and flawless skin. Lastly; she had a witty sense of humor that dried anyone's damp mood with her loveable silliness. 

There was a loud honk outside, signifying my ride was here. Scrambling out the door kissing both my parents goodbye eager to be on time for my first day of senior year. A small chorus of greetings from the backseat greet me as I get passenger side of the mint blue convertible, "Hey everyone." I return the greeting, I look to the driver's side and greet my best friend, Jayne, with a big smile and hug. "How was your summer?" She asks me almost instantly once we are on the main road heading toward the school. "It was fine, although it felt a bit more boring than usual." I say with a frown. "You?" She crinkles her perfect eyebrows, and her face suddenly lights up and she smiles at me, "Nothing much, but next month my family and I are going to a dinner and we were wondering if you and your family would like to come join us? Oh, and the Andrew Sisters will be preforming for some grand opening! Isn't that just dilly!" "Oh, well that sure does sound like fun, but we will have to see what my father says" I reply smiling at her enthusiasm. "So Harper, how have you been?" I ask looking behind me at my blonde friend. "I've been just fine, thank you." She responds shyly with a small smile looking through her dark blond eyelashes her blue eyes shining with innocence and kindness. "And you, Gretchen?" I look over to the red head girl with a confidant grin on her lightly freckled face. "I'm quite well, just a little nervous about this year; I mean we are seniors now. I'm actually really excited thought, just think about all the senior boys and college boys just lining up for the four of us!" "Well, there was one other thing that happened this summer that I forgot to tell you guys," Jayne says, a little more quite than usual. "You guys know Johnny and I are still together?" Harper, Gretchen and I all nod, encouraging her to go on. "We got engaged a week ago." Jayne turned a light shade of pink with a small grin on her face. Almost able to hear the sound of jaws dropping, Gretchen was the first to squeal and praise her with congratulations, while I just sat there in shock. I never expected our new school year to start out like this. After a few moments of my silence, I sincerely congratulated her, for I was truly happy for my best friend.

After a 30 minute ride to the school we finally pulled into the car lot, we all got out at the same time adjusted our clothing and checking our hair and make-up before we made our grand entrance, just like we do every year without fail. Gathering our coats and purses we started walking toward the big white building, Jayne and I in the front side by side with Harper and Gretchen vertical to both of us. As if it was a theatrical scene with the wind that blows softly in our face with everyone clearing out of our way, from the corner of my eye I see Gretchen with a head held high, flip her perfectly waved hair. I will truly admit that we are all very proud and confidant with ourselves, but then again who wouldn't?

There was Jayne Scott, the black haired beauty with toffee brown eyes that has been in the same relationship since before she was in high school; Harper Willis, the shy and innocent blonde and blue eyed girl that all the bad guys wished to corrupt; Gretchen Meyers, with fiery red hair and light green eyes and the ability to flirt with a guy shamelessly; and lastly me, Alexis Ford, with my father's light brunette hair that has its own natural wave and greenish gray eyes that turn a light shade of blue. Each of us beautiful in our own different ways with bodies that most girls would kill for. The four of us girls met in elementary school at a dinner our parents attended, all of us young and naïve with quite a few things in common such as our families; Gretchen and Harper's families were the founders of our little town; Jayne's family owns the town's gas company; Lastly my family lives under the name of my grandfather, Henry Ford, leaving my family incredibly rich for many years to come. All of the powerful families of this small town often attended meetings and dinners so important matters may be discussed, that was where our friendship began. 

Walking into the school hallway to our lockers that we had for the previous three years, I hear whispers coming from freshman and people that where new this year. 'Amateurs' I thought with a smirk appearing on my face, I look over to see if Gretchen was ready for our first class only to see James, the school flirt with one arm against the lockers and leaning into Gretchen while she giggles like a little girl. I roll my eyes and shake my head while grabbing my books 'I guess I'm doing this alone. Thanks Gretch' my mind dripping with sarcasm as I walk towards class.

I'm looking down at my times-tables not paying attention to my surroundings. I suddenly run into somebody's back, dropping my books and tripping backwards shutting my eyes and waiting for the impact, as I'm landing an arm slides around my waist and stops me mid-air. I open my eyes to see the person that saved my pride and my butt only to end up staring into beautiful ocean bluish-grey eyes. I snap myself out of my probably creepy trance and fix myself "Thank you." I said before bending down to pick up my books, the stranger bends down and helps me fix my books properly. We both stand up, I get a real good look at him; dark black hair, piercing blue eyes that stare into your soul, sharp jaw line, broad shoulders, and he was dressed in black pants a white shirt with a leather jacket giving him a rebel look. He was handsome no doubt but he seemed dangerous, but at the same time I felt completely safe. "Thank you, again. You are very kind." I said looking him dead in the eyes. "Don't mention it, its fine." He stated with a smile "I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore. It's nice to meet you." He held out his hand for me to shake, "Alexis Ford, likewise." I reached to shake his has but instead he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, bestowing a light kiss on it never breaking eye contact with me. "It would be my pleasure to escort you to your class, malady." Not trusting my voice for it wouldn't work in my swooned state with a nod of my head he began walking me to my class, with times-table in his hand. 'This is going to be a long year' I thought with a blush working its way from my face and spreading to my neck and chest. I had and odd feeling that


'Damon Salvatore will be the death of me'


Text: All Rights Reserved
Publication Date: 06-16-2015

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