» Fantasy » The Moon Goddess, Natalie Washington [chrome ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Moon Goddess, Natalie Washington [chrome ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Natalie Washington

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Chapter 1

“He’s coming.”

When Ros muttered those two words, I couldn’t breathe. I clutched the hilt of my sword, my eyes unfocused and blood slowly leaked from my dry cracked lips. “Ros, you can sense him?” I managed to choke out. Ros glanced at me, his eyebrows creased in worry.

“Yes,” he whispered, looking forward again. “Hey, Selene?”

“What is it, Ros?” I fidgeted.

“You have to make it out of here alive.” He stared at me. “You know what they said right? This is the Ultima Bellum. You have to stay alive.” He was practically begging. “Please.”

I smiled in assurance. “I’ll try my best, Ros. But you know I can’t promise anything,” I reminded him gently.

He nodded and suddenly froze. “He’s here, Sel.”

I gulped and felt a chill race down my spine. I tensed when the trees surrounding the battlefield began rustling, meaning something was approaching. My heart began racing. This is it. The final battle. Kill or be killed. I saw our first opponent make his way into the clearing, his murky brown eyes searching. I glanced at Ros and saw him begin the countdown. I slowly began to unsheathe my sword, hoping the bright light of the sun would not reflect. I watched as Ros got to 3. Then 2. Then…

He suddenly bounded out of the undergrowth, with me right behind him. Training for the Ultima Bellum was hard, and few survived. The battle was ten times worse. You had to be the top of the top to pass the first ten minutes. Our opponent was fast and bounded out of our reach. I watched as Ros aimed his sword, the Nero Prinkipa, at our opponent’s chest. Ros bellowed, “Tsunami!”

A wave of water shot out from the tip of Nero Prinkipa and blasted our opponent. He easily jumped back, a smirk printed on his face.

“My, my. I actually have some fighters this year,” he smiled evilly. “But what annoys me is that you two have no manners!” He stuck out his palm and yelled, “Ampeli!” Large vines grew out of his hands and they raced toward me.

I shrieked and deflected the attack with my Fengari Thea. Ros jumped in front of me. “You’re battling me right now!” he shouted and ran to the man, sword prepared to strike.

The man dodged again and landed on the tip of Ros’ blade. I watched in amazement. “We haven’t formally introduced ourselves, have we?” his voice dropped with venom.

“What’s the point of learning the name of the person who’s going to kill you?!” Ros began trying to shake the man off Nero Prinkipa.

“My name is Xyan,” he answered, ignoring Ros’ comment. “What’s yours?”

“Go to hell!”

I watched helplessly as Ros battled Xyan. There are all types of people in this world. Water, Grass, Fire, Moon, Bug, and the Deadly.

Water people can use their power at any time. They’re also the most cunning and focused, some even have the ability to sense other people, as long as a water source is near. They have an advantage when it comes to battle because all battlefields contain a pool which is for thirst, or bathing, since many battles reign from 2-4 days. I guess every battle is a war here. Ros is a water person.

Grass people are the friendliest, but can only have full access of their power if the grass around them is freshly cut and healthy. In battles, they are at a disadvantage, because the grass in battlefields are not kept and wilt easily. Usually, grass people are the first to be killed in a battle.

Next are the fire people. They are the fiercest, and usually are leaders of their packs. They also only like to keep to their race, and not associate with members of the other clans. Fire people are also the most feared because they can kill easily, as long as they have their fingertips and wood, they can create a fire. Most of the time, it’s a fire person who wins first place in a battle.

Bug people. They are the most… peculiar clan. They are quiet, and are often seen talking to themselves or picking at the ground. They welcome insects to live on them and have a great advantage in battle. The only negative thing is, is that their attacks are extremely weak. But I guess as long as they have a massive army of bugs, the amount of power in their attacks don’t matter.

The Deadly. The most despised clan. They are the cause of traps, lies, and poison leaking into the world of Chamenos. The Deadly are usually the second place winners of a battle. They usually come with the dark eyes, droopy black hair and pale skin. They have the ability to use all powers to their advantage with their hypnotizing spell. They usually like to toy with their opponents and you can’t get through a battle with them without seeing a corpse or two. That’s a special move of theirs called: mátia pou den vlépoun. Xyan is a Deadly person.

Finally, we have our moon people, the rarest and most elegant clan of all. Ruled by Ble Nychta, the moon people are the most secretive clan. The moon people are usually born with silver hair and violet eyes. Slender bodies and pointed ears. Moon people are the most “ordinary” group you’ll find. Whether they win or lose, it all depends on their strength. Ble Nychta believes that everyone must train and seek the results for themselves. They are also the most formal clan. And the clan that attract the most men. There are the few moon people that are special though, the ones destined for greatness. Their eyes are red, and hold an ability that awakens in harmful situations. It’s called Epithymía. Ble Nychta was born with red eyes, but after a terrible accident, her Epithymia shattered and her eyes became a blank violet. At first, people were scared of her and thought she was possessed. But what could they have done? She was their ruler and they could not defy her. Slowly over time, the Moon people relaxed and realized that their Highness’ eyes would not change. I have red eyes. Ble Nychta is my mother. I am Selene, the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Who will one day rule all the six clans and protect everyone from evil. Or at least that’s what was prophesized.

But because I’m a Moon person, I am at a complete disadvantage right now. I forgot to mention that Moon people’s powers only awaken when the moon is shining. Which is why I’m useless to help Ros right now. But the people born with Epithymia, are trained so that one day they can summon the moon’s power when needed and be able to fight anytime. All queens have to learn it. They need to in order to protect their citizens.

“Sel!” I heard Ros yell. “Behind you!”

I gasped and whipped around as I felt something grasp my calf. I looked down and screamed. A corpse’s arm was sticking out of the ground and the hand had clasped on me. I closed my eyes and shouted, “Lampro Fengari!” a small ball of energy escaped my palm and crushed the weak hand. I sighed in relief. Since I am a princess in training, my Lampro Fengari, which means Shining Moon, is really weak and usually leaves me a bit breathless because I summoned energy from the moon and it’s still daylight. I glared at Xyan whose long bangs were covered his eyes. He had a sickening grin on his face.

“Nice, nice.” I watched in horror as more arms began surfacing. “I wonder if you can handle 5 pairs of arms at once.” He pointed a finger at me and whispered to the skeletons, “Go.”

Ros jumped in front of me again, his face red in anger. “You’re battling me! Are you a coward? Afraid to lose so you’re preying on the weak?” He stuck out his sword and yelled to the corpses, “Drowning Wave!” A large amount of water squeezed out and Ros commanded the wave, “Vai, mia onda di obbedienza.” I had no idea what he said to the wave but I knew it was Italian. The wave shot from the air and pryed open Xyan’s mouth.

Xyan’s eyes widened in surprise. He tried to summon more corpses but Ros shouted, “Binding streams!” Two small jets of water shot out from the sword and went into Xyan’s energy source, located in the middle of his palm. His eyes rolled back into his head as his breathing became ragged from the massive amount of water blocking his throat. His energy source weakened and he collapsed to the ground, his eyes blank and his blood seeping out from his hands. Ros lowered his water which splashed on the ground next to Xyan and fell backwards.

“Ros!” I yelled, running to him. I lifted him up gently, my long silver hair softly brushing his face. “Thank you, Ros.”

Ros’ real name is Phoibos, but he doesn’t like it. When we met as small children, I had no idea he was the Nero Prinkipa, or the Water Prince. I imagined a tough, handsome protector. Not that he’s not handsome. He had a boyish face. Big blue eyes, blonde hair with a blue streak in it. And a bang that flopped over one eye. He changed his look since then. Now the front was spiked up and the rest gelled. He certainly has became handsome over the years. But he’s my best friend, nothing more nothing less. His name Phoibos means pure, so I thought of another word meaning pure. I came up with Katharos, but he didn’t like it either. We compromised and now I call him Ros, sometimes I even forget that Ros isn’t his real name.

Ros looked up upon hearing my soft voice. “Selene?” he whispered, his blue eyes searching my red ones.

“That took a lot of energy out of you, didn’t it?” I smiled and took his hand in mine.

He nodded and squeezed my hand. We sat there for a while before I decided it was time to leave.

“We have to leave now, Ros,” I told him. “We’re in the wide open and any opponent can come.”

Ros reluctantly got to his feet and almost collapsed again, but I was ready. I caught him and straightened him. “Hold my hand?” he asked weakly.

I nodded and took hold of his hand again. We walked to our camp, which we had set up the night before. Halfway there, I muttered, “I was useless.”

Ros shrugged. “What could you have done? At least you tried. I saw your Shining Moon.”

“It was weak,” I sighed. I parted the leafy entrance of our camp and crawled in, Ros closely behind me. I stood to full height once we were fully inside the camp. Ros walked ahead of me and tried to walk quickly to his tent. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and followed him silently. He zipped up the flap and I listened from outside. I heard Ros breathe heavily and once in a while groan softly. Frowning, I opened the flap and gasped. “Ros?!”

He was splayed on the floor of the tent, his shirt off and I felt my eyes water. His eyes had snapped open at the sound of my voice and he stuttered, “Sel, it’s not that serious!”

“Not that serious!” I screamed, sitting across from him. “Idiot!” I bit my lip at the sight of the blood dripping from Ros’ lower abdomen. “What caused this? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“That bastard Xyan,” Ros spat, still breathing heavily. He tried to sit up and winced.

“Lay down, dummy,” I huffed. What am I gonna clean this with? “You just had to get hurt on the first day of the Ultima Bellum!” I snapped. “I was supposed to go hunting!”

“Then go,” Ros shrugged.

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