» Fantasy » Demons: Good or Bad, Khadidiatou Diallo [shoe dog free ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demons: Good or Bad, Khadidiatou Diallo [shoe dog free ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Khadidiatou Diallo


Once a long time, in the city of new cleavor: summer of 1999, there was a women on the side of the street with a little boy near her and she appeared to be pregenant . It looked as thought she was having trouble but nobody came to help her. Everybody was too busy with their cell phones or other electric devices, to even noticed her, accept for one man. He asked her if she was in trouble and whether she wanted help. She answered yes and as it turns out her water just broke. The guy immediatly called for a taxi. The taxi pulled up and it suddenly stared to rain. When they got in he asked her for her name.


The women: My name is Ava and yours.


The man: I'm Dillon.Uhh what about the boy is he yours.


Ava: Yes


Dillon: What is his name.


Ava: Will his seven. she said clearly in pain.


Just then the cab stopped and they arrived at the hospital. Dillon went out first and came back with three nurses and a docter. They brought a wheelchair for Ava to sit. When she got out she was faced with a big 5 storie building, painted in a slight orange beige. They stroled her in, the inside of the hospital was big and full of light. Ava was taken to a special room. The doctors asked her if wanted her husband to come but he was overboard there was no way he could make it. Ava was being prepared for delivery, Will stayed with Dillon in the waiting room. The docters took Ava to the deli very room, she spent an hour in that room.


Nurse:I'm sorry for the late update. Though it turns out she had twins, a boy and a girl.


Dillon: Is she alright.


Will: I want to see my mommy. He said while clinging onto Dillon.


Nurse: sure you can, I will come back for you in a minute.


Dillon and Will waited for about five minutes before they could see Ava. When they were able to finally see her with the babys and Dillon asked what she'd name them.


Ava: I was thinking Pheobe and Allan.


Dillon: that's great.


Ava: Meet your new brother and sister. "She said while looking at Will."


Docter: Its time to take the babies. You can see them tommorow.


Two nurses came and took the babies, then another bed was brought and prepared for Will to stay. Dillon said he'd go home and come back to check tomorrow.That is how he left and the rest of us went to sleep.


Emergency! Emergency! Phoebe is missing.


Nurse: Mam, pls listen and don't freak out but we can't find Phoebe anywhere.


Ava: WWWHAT! Wait start from the beganing.


Nurse: We did not want to tell you but Allan was not breathing very well although Phoebe was fine. Allan should not have survived but his great now and Phoebe just dissappeared.


Ava: How do you even lose a baby.


Nurse: We are sorry,don't worry everyone is looking for her know.


Ava: DON'T WORRY! DON'T WORRY! You've got to be kidding me right you lose my baby and that is all you can say.


Ava tried to get up but her body was too weak. The search went on for a long time but know body fond Phoebe. Once the police was called it was official, Phoebe was gone.


Fifthteen Years Later

 Allan is growing up, he is 15 now but he does not know that he had a twin who dissapered and was never found, Ava prefered it that way.


The bell just rang, school is over it is finnaly summer vacation.Allan did not want to go back home yet, so he went to his place. He found it when he was 10, he was getting bullied at school and di not want he mother to see him cry so he wandered around in the woods until he came across a lake in the middle of the forest. he loved it because the water reflected every thing the trees, the sky and the brds flying around. He went there often after that. 


Allan: Still the best place in town.


He had stayed there for an hour before deciding to go home. In that moment he noticed that there was a strange humming. He turned around to check it out when out of the blue appeared a giant white hole as if the light of the was bending in it. Before he could react he got pulled in and everything went black.


Allen woke up in the middle of a village confused, cold and scared. The night had settled in, it was dark and windy. He wondered around for a bit before realizing he was lost. By that time he was terrified and thoughts of his family started flowing as he thought how they must be feeling. just then a man on a black horse whith hair that fell to his shoulders and grey eyes appeared out of nowhere. Anyone could tell he was strong just by one look.


Straner: Can you pls come with me, your highness.


Allen: Excuse me but do I know you. 


Stranger: No, but I know you.


Allen: how do you know me and what do you mean your highness? matter of fact where am I?


Stanger: All will be explained soon. As for now I highly dout you want to stay here while it is dark and cold outside. I promise i wont hurt you. 


Allen thought: It would be crazy for me to trust some one i just met but it doesn't seem like I have any choice. "Alright I'll go with you." He said.


After getting on the horse, they travelled for what seemed like a long before arriving at a huge castle. it was the biggest building he had aver seen. Allen was absolutly amazed and baffled. Why were they heading towardes a castle then he suddenly remmebred what the stranger had said "can you come with me your highness". 


Allen thought: "there is no way right, or maybe I am riding on horse with an insane person." 


Stranger:We have arrived your highness.


Allen: Why do you keep calling that.


Stranger: Because you are the king.


Allen excuse me. What do you mean KING. 


Stranger: I mean you are the king, all the land you can see from here and beyond is yours.


Allen: Thats a lot of land espicially since the castle is on a mopuntain, are you sure you are not senile.


Stranger: no, sir. I'm not and neither are the people in here.


As soon as he had that comment a little girl came lounging at him saying " yay big brother is back, big brother is back." 


Stranger: Rose I am busy right now but I can play with you later. Okay.


Rose agreed while puting but went anyway. He then faced Allen and said " You may ask me any questiones you want." 


Allen:Let us start with, what is your name?


Stranger you may call me Dillon.


Publication Date: 02-06-2015

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