» Fantasy » A Message for Queen Lovely Lilly, James Gerard [smart books to read txt] 📗

Book online «A Message for Queen Lovely Lilly, James Gerard [smart books to read txt] 📗». Author James Gerard

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Hello children.  I have come again to visit you for a short time, yet my hope was not to visit so soon.  You see, since that very happy end to that horrible, horrible day many seasons ago, something very bad has happened.  The world that I created with love is hurting.  Darkness is covering the love.   Understand that this hurts my heart.  Again, I did not want to come so soon with this very, very sad news and story, but I felt that I must.

Remember, when I left you last time I asked for all to live with the love I put in your hearts and in peace with one another. You will need every bit of such love and peace for the story I am about to tell.  I warn you before you read further, the creature has returned.  This time it is much stronger.  Besides the darkness, the creature has shielded my children from the harvest for many a season. 

If no one can find a way to defeat the creature, then my human children will have no choice to leave and face a very, very hard life without the love of my fairy children.  If they stay, they will certainly perish from hunger.  That would be very, very sad.  If my human children do leave, they will also take their love away from my fairy children.   That will leave the fairy kingdom suffering under the dark rule of the creature.

You might be wondering how this could be?  Certainly, with all the love between the humans and fairies the creature can easily be defeated.  I wish that were so, but the creature is very, very, very strong this time.  I will tell you more about this in just a little while.  For now just know that the creature put up a barrier of darkness so strong that it has kept my children away from such foods as the long red sticks of carrots and heads of green, leafy lettuce.  That is not all.  Just as worse, my children cannot reach the juicy ears of corn hanging from the stalks.  In fact, the barrier of darkness has cut off all of the succulent and nourishing fruits and vegetables in the mellow meadows for my children to eat and live strong and healthy lives.

Sadly enough, there is more suffering.  The sea is empty.  The creature’s darkness is to blame.  All through the dreary day, the gray and gloomy clouds block the sunshine, and without the sunshine the food that the fish eat has disappeared.

To make things worse, the blue pixie crystals and the yellow pixie dust lost just about all powers.  Except for allowing some fairies to fly to and come back with reports of the creature’s barrier and allowing fairies to glide about and to hover in the chamber where Queen Lilly lays while suffering, they are of no use.

It is even worse than that.  The world I created was beautiful.  Not so anymore.  The running rivers, sweet streams and plentiful pools of cool and crisp rainwater are no more.  Once plentiful plants now perish under the gray, gloomy clouds.  Petals of purple petunias fall and lay atop the once rich and brown soil.  Yellow, red and blue wild flowers that once bathed in sunshine now fade in the gloom of the creature’s darkness.  Even the groves of mighty maple trees that provided sweet syrup are in a sorry state.

Forests are failing too.  Strong and mighty pine, oak, cedar, elm and fruit trees of all kinds suffer in the dark and gloomy days.  The creature’s darkness and its barrier and shield has left the world I created in a horrible, horrible way.

This is how strong the creature has become.  The love in the world I created is not enough to defeat the creature this time.

Now, first I must tell you that the darkness began long after the lovely little Lilly, who is not so little anymore, was crowned queen by the wishes of my human and fairy children.  Second, I must tell you that she just may be responsible for the return of the creature: For the creature to return so strong had to have help.

You must be thinking that cannot be.  She is loved by human and fairy children.  They made her queen after all.  I will answer your concerns in time, but for now let me tell you a bit more about the crowning of Queen Lilly.

Like her best and precious friend Foster, she learned to speak and understand the language of fairies.  In time, with her encouragement, all fairies learned the language of the humans and all humans the language of the fairies.  The entire kingdom was happy with that.  They wanted her as queen, but there is much more to it than that.

You see my children, Lilly was crowned queen because she is so kind and loved so very, very much.  Yes she is.  No, she was not crowned queen because the elders were bad rulers, far from it.  The elders were good rulers.   They began to rule after that horrible, horrible day.

The human and fairy children believed that a group of the old and wise could recognize and stop the creature if it once again came as a human king or queen seeking to destroy all my children once again. The elders performed well, however, I must tell you that it was much more than being kind and loved that had the children crown Lilly as there queen, much more.

Besides being so kind, my children felt that Lovely Lilly should be queen because of her friend.  That friend, her most faithful and finest friend, is my finder fairy Foster.  They became best of friends the first time they met. 

Remember, the lovely little Lilly, very little then, needed Foster to arrive so the whole fairy kingdom could be dug up from the underground prison.  I brought Foster into the world because of Lilly’s innocence and loving nature.  All the children knew he would help her rule the world just right.  After all, I made them friends that share one heart and mind.

Now, since Lilly and Foster were the best of friends, my fairy children decided she would not only be the queen of the humans, but would be their queen of the fairies too.  King Midir and Queen Findabhair was happy with the decision: For they too had worked so hard keeping their eyes open for the return of the creature on the fairy kingdom’s behalf, that they became so tired and were ready to give up their crowns.

So my children, there were so many very, very good reasons that lovely little Lilly, not so little anymore, became queen.

Are you still wondering who helped the creature return to the world?  Do you want to know if Queen Lovely Lilly, or any other human or fairy for that matter, helped the creature spread its barrier, shield of darkness, and kept them away from the succulent and nourishing fruits and vegetables?

I have chosen not to answer those questions or any other question for now.  I will not answer not because I do not care about my children or you; I do very much.  I choose not to answer because while I am disappointed and sad that I had to visit you once again so soon with this story because of the choices of my children, I have faith that my children will do right in the end.

Do not be mad at me.  I know you deserve the answers.  After all, although you are just a visitor to the world I created for my fairy and human children your loving heart might just be needed to help defeat the creature as well.

Again, do not be mad at me.  While it may seem cruel of me to allow my children to do the impossible, defeating the creature, I do have my reasons.  Because of the creature’s power this time, however, it is in my heart to give them a little help.  I will send one of my children with a message for Queen Lovely Lilly.

With faith, the message and the love and peace in your heart just might be enough to defeat the creature.

Foster Fails a Friend

Foster hovered just above the nose of Queen Lovely Lilly.  He stared at the tears trickling off the corners of her closed eyes and dripping onto a plush pillow.  He wondered why his best and dearest friend suffered so.   All she could do was lay in bed while moaning, groaning and whispering the same words for many a season.  At some point Foster had hoped the light from the love that surrounded her would penetrate the dreary darkness and bring back the love and joy sparkling from an innocent heart, but it did not.

“Oh what have I done?” she whispered time after time.

In truth, with the dark and gloomy clouds in between the sunny sky and the rich and brown soil, Foster now and then thought that his most dearest of friends was under the influence of the creature.  Even worse, Foster dared considered that his lovely little Lilly, not so little anymore, could just be the creature itself. 

He knew, however, that could never be the truth: For Lilly had too innocent of a heart, a heart they shared.  The two were a match made in heaven.

Even so, while Foster now and then had thought such bad thoughts about Queen Lovely Lilly, he truly believed she was just suffering from an unknown illness.  A lot of fairies and humans, however, thought differently.

After all, Queen Lovely Lilly became ill at the same time the gray and gloomy clouds brought darkness into the world.  That same day the barrier of darkness cut off the harvest from the children and fear entered the world the creator made so perfectly.  Not long after, human and fairy children suffered so much at the thought of never enjoying the succulent and nourishing fruits and vegetables in the mellow meadow.

Even worse, there had been many whisperings from unknown voices.  Foster had heard many of these whispering while in the chamber of Queen Lilly’s lovely little house.  The same house where her mother Lilith and father Lawrence once shared with their precious daughter after that horrible, horrible day.

“The creature has control of her,” a voice would whisper.

“She is the creature,” another voice would whisper in response.

“The last time the creature came as a human king.”

“Yes, but this time it has come as a queen.”

“We must send it away.”

“Yes, then all the darkness will go away too.”

Foster could understand how they felt.  True, he acknowledged, darkness arrived in the world while the lovely little Lilly, not so little anymore, became ill.  He also was well aware that the fruits, vegetables and nuts in the very village that the human and fairy children lived, the land close to the sea, had begun to fail on that day too.

Also on that day, the gray and gloomy clouds blocked the sunshine warming the sea, and slowly took away the plentiful plankton that fed the mini minnows that fed the

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