» Fantasy » Pawstales Chronicles, Indira Nankoosingh [free novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Pawstales Chronicles, Indira Nankoosingh [free novels to read txt] 📗». Author Indira Nankoosingh

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As you may remember, Beatrix and Jade had headed out on their first adventure through the forest – a place their Granny Evelyn had talked about many times. They made friends with a large friendly creature they had named Teddy, who was not scary at all - along with two fairies who went by the names, Gats and Linx. When they eventually came to the edge of the forest; they said their good-byes to their new-found friends, not realizing the danger that was soon to come. The story continues……..

Once they stepped out of the forest into the clearing, giant black hawks suddenly swooped down upon them. Terrified, Beatrix and Jade ran back into the forest for safety. They hid behind a great big oak tree and watched as the birds tried to follow them into the forest. They were relieved when they saw that the birds were unable to attack any longer. It appeared as if they were bumping into something invisible, because they kept bouncing off backwards, and hitting the ground.

Beatrix and Jade wondered how they were going to get past the large hawks, but were too scared to leave the forest. They did not know how to defend themselves against hungry hawks, and although the scene appeared quite comical, it did not appear that way to Jade or Beatrix. By now the girls were tired and hungry and all they wanted was to get home to see their mom and dad again.

“How are we going to get back home?” asked Jade, her voice trembling, as she snuggled up to Beatrix.

“I don’t know,” replied Beatrix, who was also afraid. Taking a deep breath, she tried to keep calm in order to protect Jade the best she could.

“I’m scared,” Jade cried, shivering with fear.

“So am I, but we’ll be okay. You’ll see.”

Beatrix then thought of Teddy, but she was not sure how to reach him. She tried calling out to him, in the hope he was still nearby.

“Teddy, Teddy,” she called out, still hidden behind the tree, with Jade huddling close to her.

After a few minutes they saw Teddy walking towards them, the ground shaking with his every step. The girls were surprised to see him respond so quickly; it was as if he had known they were going to call to upon him for help.

“What can I do for you my little friends?”

“We need your help. We can’t get out of the forest. Those large birds tried to attack us, and we are afraid,” explained Beatrix, still hiding behind the tree with Jade, snuggling up close.

“I’m sorry girls, but I cannot help. I wish I could, but I can’t. I am not able to leave the forest,” replied Teddy, wanting so badly to help.

“Why can’t you leave?” asked Beatrix, now upset at the thought that her new friend did not want to help.

“Well you see, Miss, the villagers had a witch put a spell on me. There is now a force field surrounding the forest to keep me in. You see, the villagers think that I am a danger to everyone and any thing nearby. Even the other creatures that do not belong here have been caught in the spell. They cannot leave if they tried.”

“Do you mean that Gats and Linx cannot leave the forest either?” asked Jade, feeling sad for the creatures that could not go home to see their families.

“Yes, I’m afraid so, but you and your sister can leave the forest, because neither of you were caught in the spell.”

“So why were the birds not able to follow us in,” asked Jade showing a little more bravery.

“I can’t say. I don’t understand it myself. Maybe they were caught by the spell at the time they tried to enter. All I know is that I cannot leave, even though I have tried many times. I am stuck here for the time being, at least until I can figure a way out.”

Teddy shook his head, wondering how he could help the girls escape from the Hawk Lords. He did not know what to do. He wanted his new friends to arrive home safely, but was unable to help them.

“I’m sorry girls. I really do wish I could help, but I just don’t know how.”

“I know you want to help, Teddy, and I know now that Gats and Linx may not be able to help either, since they were caught in the spell too, right?”

“Right,” replied the creature, with a sad expression on his face.

Moments later they were startled to hear barking, and crows screeching. When Beatrix and Jade peaked around the tree, they saw, to their amazement, another feline. They saw a cat riding on a canine, as if it was a horse. Beatrix, Jade and Teddy watched as the feline bravely fought the hawks, lashing out with a sword in one paw, while she grasped the reins with the other. As quickly as they came, the hawks retreated from battle, now realizing that many of their own had just lost their lives.

The girls were still hiding behind the tree when the female warrior slipped through the force field as if another type of magic was involved. She then jumped off her ride, and removed her helmet. Beatrix and Jade watched as she now greeted Teddy. The two hugged as if they had not seen each other for years. The girls admired this cat as she came closer. She had beautiful black markings, large eyes, and a low forehead that made her appear fierce. As the girls admired her, they noticed that she was coming towards them, speaking gently.

“Hello, you can come out from behind the tree now. I’m not going to hurt you,” said the feline as she left Teddy standing at the side of her canine.
First, Beatrix showed herself, with Jade close behind. They noticed the warrior was now smiling at them as she asked them their names.

“My name is Beatrix, and this is my little sister Jade.”

“Pretty names, they are. My name is Tika.”

Tika then called to her canine to stand at her side, so that she could introduce him.

“This here is my good friend C.B Avalon. He is also my guard.”

“Hello, nice to meet you, young misses,” exclaimed C.B as he bowed to them.

“Hello,” replied both girls at the same time

They both relaxed, realizing they were absolutely safe in the company of Teddy, Tika, and C.B. The girls listened as Tika continued to speak.

“We were sent by an old friend. She said that you girls were under attack by the Hawks, and that you needed our help, so we came to the rescue.”

“Do we know her, and how did she know we needed rescuing,” asked Beatrix, now curious.

“Don’t worry, you’ll soon find out. Come on, let’s get you home.”

“What about those large birds?” asked Jade, her voice filled with fear.

“You mean the Hawk Lords?” replied Tika.

“Is that what they are?” cried Jade.

“Don’t worry, they shall not harm you any longer. I’ll make sure of that,” replied Tika, setting their minds at ease.
Beatrix and Jade then hugged Teddy and said their goodbyes. Then Tika helped the girls up onto C.B. Avalon’s back, and hopped on herself. Just then Teddy turned to the girls and said, “I hope we get a chance to meet again soon.”

“We hope so too,” replied both girls, feeling an overwhelming sadness at having to leave Teddy behind.

Preparing to leave, Tika turned to Teddy, and exclaimed, “Till we meet again, my friend,” and then rode off into the sunset with the girls safely secured behind her.

Within an hour they all arrived at the castle’s gate. The girls then jumped off C.B Avalon’s back and thanked both him and Tika for their help.

“Thank you so very much,” said both girls, now glad to be home again.

“You’re welcome, and please be careful girls, if you decide you need another adventure. It’s a dangerous world out there,” cautioned Tika - showing concern for their well-being.

“We will,” chorused Beatrix and Jade.

Tika then smiled warmly at them, and then turned to ride off into the night. The girls stood at the castle’s entrance, watching Tika and C.B disappear from sight.

By this time Beatrix and Jade were exhausted, and famished. They both headed toward the kitchen, and each grabbed a quick snack before descending to their rooms for the night. They had to do this very quietly so that father and mother would not discover they had sneaked out, but it was too late.

“Where have you girls been? We have been worried sick about you,” cried King Phoenix relieved to see his girls were safe at home.

“I, uh, we, uh, were just outside playing,” stammered Jade, holding onto Beatrix’s paw, knowing she had just told a lie.

It was not a moment too soon before Queen Missy came running around the corner towards the girls and hugged them. She was glad to see them, but you can tell she was quite disappointed in their behavior.

“So, I believe your father just asked you a question,” said Queen Missy, with a frown.

“We were outside,” replied Beatrix as she lied through her teeth going along with Jade’s story.

“Now come on girls, I know that you are lying. We searched the whole castle and courtyards. You were nowhere to be seen,” replied King Phoenix with even more disappointment.

“Okay, I’m sorry; it was my idea to go into the forest,” cried Beatrix, knowing that she would not be able to keep the lie to herself for long. She also knew that Jade would not be able to either.

“YOU DID WHAT,” yelled the king, at the top of his lungs.

“We’re sorry, we won’t do again. We promise,” cried both girls now weeping after being yelled at.
The king suddenly calmed down, seeing how really sorry the girls were. He held them in his arms as they cried. Once their tears subsided, he spoke with a gentle, but firm tone.

“I’m sorry, but you shouldn't have done that. There are too many dangers out there and something horrible could have happened. You could have been lost to us forever…..”

“…..and most of all we would miss our little girls dearly,” added the queen as she put her arms around the two, hugging them once more.

The king guided his daughters to the spiral staircase and said to them, “Now dry your eyes, and go up to your room. We’ll be up soon to discuss your punishment.”

Once the girls were in their room, they quickly washed up and then went to bed, to wait their punishment.

It was not long before the king and queen entered the room, and saw both girls lying on their beds. The king went over to Beatrix and sat on

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