» Fantasy » The Forgotton, Laurie Deighan [read any book .txt] 📗

Book online «The Forgotton, Laurie Deighan [read any book .txt] 📗». Author Laurie Deighan


The rain fell hard banging against the tall dark windows of the mansion you would swear they reached the sky as you looked upon them from a far ,The grey clouds gathering over it as though they were being summoned to surround the building , The heavy pelting of the rain acting like sheets as the droplets slip and slide their way down the lenses of the cameras ,As the security guards sit in there comfy chairs squinting to see the image flickering on the monitor screens there machine coffee steaming in the cheap mugs,

" Hey Joe .... what do you reckon goes on in the floors below us ? . " the larger one of the two security guards looked at his companion in curiousity he had womdered for some time what occured down below them but had never voiced his curiousity till tonight .

" huh ... oh i don't know best not to think about these things Karl " Glancing from the flickering screen joe shrugged his shoulders slightly as he answeared karl as far as joe was concerned he was not hired to think he was hired to be the muscle not the brains , looking back to the screen as far as joe was concerned that was the end of it athough looking at the screen was a waste of time as he was concerned , It had been years since anyone had intruded upon the grounds and he figured no one would bother to do so again since the last person to do so was never seen again there were rumours of what happened to the poor soul but no one truly knew , The echo of the dogs barking frantically in the security locked kennels as the wind whistled through them the whole nose sounding like a drum through out the place as one of the windows erupts open as if someone had just kicked it quite vigourously the truth being someone had just not been bothered to shut it properly . Rising from his chair karl made his way over to the window the varnished floor beneath his feet squeaking against his cheap leather of his boots being the only sound within the walls of the mansion the rest of the place sitting in complete silence ,In actual fact the whole image of the mansion was just a cover but it was a good enough one that most people who passed by or lived in the village not far away believed it was an asylum for those with mental health problems as typically from the outside that is exactly what it looked like the orange stones that created the structure of the house the mansion with bars upon all of the tall windows as though their keeping something in but it is what is beneath that was to fear not that which resides within the mansion for 27ft deep under the mansion are three floors each with twist and turns upon them creating small sub rooms these floors span from 7 ft high to 127 ft from one end to the other length wise . Each floor having its own purpose , The first floor being the research Lab where the virus is tested over and over again the benefits and the down falls of it noted and watched for hours , Their being only three top scientist that run the complete function of the floor making sure that everything is in order each one has two more minor scientist at the disposal to help with the research spending hours on this trying to make the virus stronger and work more effectively , The second floor being the weapons research lab to create wepaons that are signified to the virus that they are testing within others to make the weapons recognize the one person it is a signed to if another trys to use the weapon all that will happen is it will backfire and shut down upon the person renderring it useless to them . The third floor is the most inportant of the floors as it is the floor that the virus is introduced to its hosts as well as the weapons being tested on subjects at first it was just animals that the virus was injected into taking over them and causing them to go into a violent mentality 9 times out of 10 the subject was disposed of and reports where made of the failure where scientist on the upper level read and work on the virus to improve it over so they could retest it . To even enter the lift that takes you down to the three floor their are several security measures to go through the first is fingerprinting on the side of the door where the lift is located their is a fingertip sensor pressing your fingers prints on you right hand firmly upon it will let the sensor run its over taking in the cells upon your fingers and allow you access to the next test if you pass the next test is a voise recognition reading the pitch of your voice this device determines if you enter as well as speaking the password you are given . This is the security to just gain access to the lift the security as it goes down to the lower floors becomes tigher .

Down on the Experimental floor deep within its walls there was a secret though they had perfected the formular within humans others before had failed and been disposed off but yet this subject seemed to have attached the Virus to her blood cells letting it morph with hers and create a whole new person, keeping the young girl that was no older that 20 years of age in a tank of solution that nuritioned her ivory flesh the breathing apparatous around he mouth feed her the oxygen she needed and kept her breathing at a normal rate as she was in a rested state of sleep unaware of that which was carried out around her the small white coat scientists runing back and forth reading and creating there reports of her progress with the virus . Although the young female was unable to break the barrier that stopped her from awaking , from being able to stretch her slender arms and well built legs out her hearing had began to enhance due to the virus . She could hear the scutttering of the scientist , the pens being pushed as some would say against the papers they where writting the reports on but most of all she listened in on the conversation between the scientists trying to find away to break the barrier that held her still making her feel as though she was a tropical bird trapped in a cage when it should be free to fly .

Chapter 1 . The Darkness

The soft buzz of the light above her woke flaire her eyes fluttering as they adjust to the dim light of the room she awoke in the last thing she remembered was the sound of something exploding and then nothing it was as though everything before had been wiped from her memory but that would make no sense how could she not remember anything before waking where she was , Clambering to her feet her legs gave way to her weight sending her crashing to the floor and the glass that she hadn't realised was there before quickly stretching her arms out to catch herself as she falls they lad within the glass cutting deep within them the hot flush of her blood seeping out where the glass has embedded her and rushing down her arms sends her slightly dizzy . Swearing to herself flaire pulls herself up once more from the floor grabbing what seemed to be a white jacket near by her as she had no clothing near or around her whatever had happened must have been fast for the state the room was in was as though a war had broke out , quickly wrapping the coat around her so that the cold did not begin to give her hyperthermia the fabric of it felt very rough against her naked flesh it hurt more than a coat of this sort should have done more than any one should have been able to feel the fabric roughly pressed against her skin


Publication Date: 11-18-2011

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