» Fantasy » The Griffin's Wish, Cayla Collis [scary books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Griffin's Wish, Cayla Collis [scary books to read TXT] 📗». Author Cayla Collis

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Snowy's Story

One sunny day, in a land very close by, Thames. A girl waited for her mother to finish putting the groceries in the car so they could get food. She races through her mind, finding her creativity to imagine everything better, she thought for a while, “wouldn't it be cool to be a dragon?” She thought about it, flying around, breathing fire, setting fire to your sister and burning your house down.... But wait, a griffin is what she liked so she looked up at the roof, thinking that it was the sky and began to pray, “God, I wish I could be a griffin, please, I am just asking.”


That very night, the girl went to sleep, remembering her pray. She woke up hours later too a gleam of sunlight, she lifted her hands up to rub her  eyes, her hands felt softer and seemed to have claws, she flashed her eyes open too see that she had bird feet! She stared around at her surrounding, it was a green field, she must of been dreaming before she saw a blurb of red flash by. She tried to stand up, but fell back down  she looked at her own body, she was covered in strange feathers, she had an idea to use all fours, it felt natural to her. She turned to see what the flash was after she got used to walking, she saw a dragon! She turned and ran but fell into a shallow lake. She looked at the lake, she could not believe what she saw, she had a beak, sleek eyes and pure white feathers! She turned around to the shore, but came face to muzzle with a cat! The cat widen its eyes and backed off arching her unusually patterned back “please I don’t want any trouble!” She said backing up and spreading a small pair of wings. The girl looked interested, looking back at her white feathers she said “well I will not hurt you, anyway I am Snowy, what's your name?” The small cat shaked, “I am Soul...” A little dragon popped up from her fur and smiled, “and I am Twitch” Snowy giggled at the little dragon, but trying not to let the laugh out. Hey eyes widened  when she saw Twitch giggle along, must be a friendly place.... She fought as she took a step forward. “What is this place anyway?” Snowy asked. Soul perked her ears “well all I can say is... Ummm.....” Soul stumbled for words “its Narnia!” Joked Twitch. Snowy looked around, “I don’t think it..”  “This land has no name” a Voice interrupted. Snowy showed a scared expression then sighed, she forced herself to turn around. She came face to face with a human! She was happy too see her own kind..... He stuck his hand out after a purple smoke came from his cloak, “I’m Swift, you are?” Snowy shook her head “i’m Snowy.” A strange wolf came out behind him, the wolf seemed taller than any other wolf, it looked like tentacles were flowing off his body, the wolf growled then said “and I am snipe, for your information, I am an alien wolf, don’t freak out..” Before Snowy could reply Swift pulled her away, “we have to get you out of this world if your not gone within a week, you will be stuck here forever.”

             She could not believe this was her whole new life.....


Twitch's Story

A small dragon named Twitch sat on a shelf in the basement, waiting to be set free... He wished he could fly around in the aqua coloured sky, where the honey coloured sun floated. He looked at the rainbow-flyers that flew by outside, they sounded like they were trying to say chip, Twitch wondered what that was until a voice interrupted his thoughts of the rainbow-flyers, “hey.... hey Twitch... You have legs, a fine pair of emerald coloured wings, you should escape from this wood covered dungeon!” Twitch tried to do what the voice said, he spread his emerald like wings. They were stiff, he couldn’t flap them, it was like a broken down car that nobody liked, useless and uncared for. He got up with a straight face, wanting to flop back down onto the shelf, he gave a small yawn and jumped too warm up his short unused legs. He felt like a freerunner, like he could fly, but he frowned as he remembered his useless wings. He leapt to the higher self, collecting balls of dust between his toes, he thought why is this shelf so dusty? He cleaned his toes and nudged his foot up, making him get up before falling back to the first shelf. He kept climbing until he encountered a strange obstacle. The window, he was free....  But he knew it was too easy, he lifted it up the window, it squeaked and stayed in one spot, Twitch knew he was stuck inside. He spread his wings once again, flapping them with all his strength, he began to hover, he knew what it was too be free, he felt like he knew everything now. He smiled and jumped off the shelf searching far his inner-dragon, he knew what he had to find, he just needed to fly. He fought of his family that left him in his basement, he let a tear fall before bursting out in speed, he was flying! He searched for a silver-ish can. When he spotted it he swooped down and perched next to it. He looked in to see the strange smelling liquid, he was even tempted to taste it. But instead he flew off with the can and put it next to the window.Like that, he knew he was free. He grabbed some of the liquid, trying not to let it spill, and smeared it onto a silver lock on the window. He moved it, after a while the lock came lose and he could lift up the window, he spread his wings excitedly and threw open the window. Suddenly leaping out and flying into the aqua sky, looking ahead at the honey sun, darting his head down at the brightness of the honey coloured globe, before going blind, and crashing into a post that towered over himself then falling into a patch of long thick grass. Everything went black.


Soul's Story


A normal cat, never knew her own strength, she was only a little kitten, just a runt. “Hey Soul, come on come play with us!” Said Soul’s sibling Star, Soul gave a faint cough “I am not feeling up to it...” She said snuggling onto a carpet, “come on Soul! A short game of tag will cheer you up!” Should stumbled to get up, “ok....” She said her voice shaking. Before she knew it Star was leaping at her chewing on her softly. Soul started to get annoyed, she turned and bit Star, before she knew it her mouth was filled with a sort of liquid, she opened her eyes to see that her teeth were deep inside her sisters flesh. She leapt off letting Star collapse to the ground, he ears fell back. She fell to the ground crying. “What have I done!” She called out running off, she fell into a puddle that felt like it suddenly appeared. The water was so thick that she could not swim, she waved her legs trying to move, but she was being pulled down into a huge hole....  She felt like something started to grow on her back, in the dark light she saw wings! She smiled before she hit the wall. Everything went black...

Snipe's Story


young wolf emerged from his cave on a unknown planet, with a yawn he leapt upwards, showing his short tentacles that  flowed off his body, he stared ahead at a panicking planet, he widen his eyes and ran off. He knew what to do, with power he leapt up, each time getting higher until, he was gone into space. He was eventually knocked out by the lack of oxygen, everything went black.

Swift's Story

 He is unknown...

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