» Fantasy » When We Are United, C Kelemen [funny books to read txt] 📗

Book online «When We Are United, C Kelemen [funny books to read txt] 📗». Author C Kelemen

Prologue: Before Sleep

“There was a place where imagination flowed and laughter danced through the colored winds. A place so unique and special, where many things lived, it was unknown to the rest of the universes. Then one day this place disappeared. The light that seemed to shine even in the darkest cave was then somehow gone. How, why, when, and where were the questions that were never answered. They say though on a starry night if your heart is full of faith and hope, in your dreams you could see this beautiful place, before it disappeared.” “Please tell me another story I don’t want to go to sleep yet. Please…” “No, but I will tell you this, if you have this dream never and I mean never touch anything.” That’s when Lily saw the eyes again. She grabbed her pencil and crayons quickly drawing what she saw, but as she was coloring the eyes, the color again didn’t seem right. Once she finished she quickly shut her journal of which she kept on person always and put the pencil and crayons back. Hoping no one saw her journal of eyes.
   As her guardian now left her snuggled up in bed with her favorite stuffed animal stuffed between her arms, the rumbling of her sheets was echoing though out the house as the little girl twisted and turned trying to find the right spot. Finally the noise stopped and was replaces by a ‘click’ and then the soft noise of pen on paper filled the air. Her flashlight glowed and she hummed as she took back out  her book flipping to the back and started to write down her gaurdians story. After she was sure she had gotten it down exactly as it was told, she put down bullets.

          - Don’t touch anything

     - Faith, hope, and dreams on a starry night

She then put her book back in her pajama pocket along with her pen and coloring utenciles. She looked out the window to be greeted with the bright shine of stars. She then snuggling up into a comfy position thought to herself as she fell to sleep hope and faith, hope and faith, hope and faith…

~Danny Phantom~
  The two of them had been together for years, their feelings though hadn’t been as strong or their, for half of that time. Sam and Danny had finally gotten their parents to allow them to go camping outside on this beautifull starry night, all alone. In order for this to happen Danny had to get all A’s on his report card and Sam had to dress like a girl. Sam was actually not as depressed about that as anyone who knew her might think because her parents got her purple dresses instead of some other colors that she loathed. So this night was one to celebrate for all, especially since it was the first day of summer. They were just about to finish putting up the tent when sam let out a loud sigh. Danny finished and then took Sam’s hand with his eyes full of worry. Sam giggled at Danny’s reaction. She’d never seen his eyes filled with such amounts of nervousness and worry.
  This day had felt so long since the last part of the deal was that their parents wouldn’t see them together today until they were supposed to go camping. The two teens were going to enjoy the results of their hard work. Sam’s bright smile slipped right onto Danny’s lips. They went into the tent whispering secrets to each other that they vowed to never tell anyone else. When their light died they decided that was a sign that it was getting late and they should go to sleep so that tommorrow they were ready for what they planned.their faith for each other and hope for tomorrow being the last things on their mind as they fell asleep to the gentle breeze of love in the bright night’s air.

   ~Sailor Moon~
 Kurai and Usagi were sisters, though they weren’t exactly known as such to anyone else yet, not even the boys they were in love with. Usagi was pacing in her room thinking to her self when she tripped over one of her pillows that had falen off her bed. She had to go over to meet with kurai in a little bit and she was not just nervous but scared. She never did things by  herself. She stood up bringing the pillow back to the bed with her. She flopped down onto the bed and closed here eyes debating whether she should at least tell someone.
 The debate was a short one since she already knew the answer, no. she got up, put her shoes on, and started to take the long walk to where kurai and her were going to meet. She looked up to the sky searching for the moon. She saw many stars but it took some time to see the waning moon. Her kingdom was up there a long time ago where she shared it with a sister she thought. She looked back down to the sidewalk and saw kurai in the distance looking up to the sky. When she reached her sister she grabbed her hand. They walked together with high hopes for tommorrow and faith in their friends understanding for their secrecy. They  both stole another look at the moon and simutaniously thought, ‘why?’

    ~Kilala princess~
  Kilala missed Rei with all her heart. Again he had to leave her. ‘For once,’ she thought, ‘could he just stay here with me.’ She knew the answer was no. The only thing that made her happy when he was gone was looking at the stars. Since, they were married she always found her eyes searching the skies at night. The weird part was she did not know what she was looking for. Rei was going to be home tommorrow. She knew this and so she got angsty. Kilala couldn’t help it all she wanted to do was crawl into bed with him.
  She closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair wondering what she would do tommorrow. Her eyes went back to the sky finding the constellations. She closed her eyes again took a deep breath and got up. She really had to get to bed or she would sleep through his return. she remembered the words of one of her “teachers” that morning and decided to prove him wrong. She took another deep breath of air puffed it out and then glided torwards the large bed and gracefully sat down onto it slipping her slippers off in the process. ‘see,’ she thought, ‘I can be ellegant if I want to.’ And then bounced on the giant bed while getting into place. She snuggled up to pillow hoping for tommorrow and held faith that her prince would return.


Publication Date: 04-08-2013

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