» Fantasy » Full Moon, Dixie Carnley [debian ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Full Moon, Dixie Carnley [debian ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Dixie Carnley

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“They are waiting for you, Arkanah.” My brother, Zane, walked into my tent. Thankful I was dressed as I turned towards him. He looked as every Equaddian warrior should, dressed in leather armor that allowed us to move freely. Zane is every Equaddian women’s dream, with broad shoulders and a golden tan. He is almost six foot three, only four inches higher than me. His shoulder length brown hair, the color freshly ground coffee, was pulled back and his emerald green eyes shown like the sun.
“I‘d hate to make the people wait.” I smiled as I grabbed my sword, holding it high. “Today is a day of change, Zane. I can feel it in my heart and soul.”
“Well you need to get that heart and soul into gear. The Pantherian army will be nearing the battle point soon.“ He laughed, a deep sound that was as familiar to me as the morning sun, then tenderly admitted. “It is useful, sister, for your confidence to seep through out bond, because, though I hate to admit, I am a little scared.”
Out of the two of us, Zane has always been the one to want peace and quiet, never liking the idea of fighting. The only reason he was here with me now was because of me. He wanted to stay by my side through thick and thin. Me, on the other hand, I was trained to fight. I lived to fight beside my people, protecting them from the tyrants at our backdoor.
“You are not scared, Arkanah.” He whispered, his eyes glued to the floor.
Feeling concerned for my brother, I stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder. Zane and I are twins, and the bond we share cannot be broken. I smiled a tentative smile, but I knew that there was a gleam in my eyes of fear and determination. “Yes. I am petrified. One would be foolish not to be afraid of dying, but the important thing is that you have to be strong. If the enemy should see that weakness in you, they may take it to their advantage. I will give my life to protect my people, and I know that the people will give their lives to protect their heirs. We are the last two, Zane. Our of our three older siblings and two younger, we are all that remain. We must defend our nation and our people from tyranny and those who want the see this nation shatter. Should we fail, my brother, then the world as we know it will burn.”
“I know. I love you, Arkanah.” He reached up and put one of his strong hands on my own shoulder, a symbol of respect to my people, and then he gripped my forearm with his left hand when I held it out to him. “Ride well, my sister.”
“Ride well, brother.” He followed me out to where I faced my people. Ares stood off to the side, looking battle-ready and tense. His golden blonde hair waved in the brief wind, making it look a little messy. His normally bright blue eyes were dark with anticipation of the up and coming battle. Ares looked much like Zane in a way, with broad, strong shoulders, his whole body muscled to perfection, and a golden tan. He was even about as tall as him. In his right hand he held the leather reins to my horse. One of the largest besides my brother‘s dun Quarter horse, Eclipse has a coat of fire and a mane and tail of silken magnolia. Though I can take my Arabian horse form anytime I wish, I choose to ride into battle on my Thoroughbred stallion. I swing my leg up and over the western style saddle, taking the reins in my steady hands and turning him towards my soldiers. I waited for them to quiet down before I spoke, and when I did, my voice came out clear and fervent like the first golden rays of the sun in the morning.
“My brothers and sister,” I looked over the crowd, all of them faces that I knew. Charlotte has two young fillies back home, with her husband taking care of them. Captain George of the third herd division has a niece that is about to get married, as well as an anxious wife that awaits for him either to come home safe or to receive notice of his death. They all hold their heads high, listening to their princess’s words. Behind me, I heard Zane mount up onto his dun stallion before he rides up beside me.
“You know why we are here. For as long as our ancestors remember, when Lady Epona first raised from the ashes like a great phoenix and taught our people how to transform, there has been trials and heart-aches. I stand before you today, not as your monarch or your princess. No, I stand beside you as a warrior, protecting what is mine and yours.”
My brother’s voice spoke out, strong and clear as the eastern wind that blows from the ice mountains. “We run into battle, our heads high and I hearts powerful. We may be a small nation, but we are large in bravery. The Pantherians will meet their match when we clash on the battlefield. I will not sugar coat the truth, for that is not why I am here. A prince must there for his people, for his country. Some of us will not make it out of there alive. Some will not remember what it is that my sister and I say here today, but they will never forget who we are.”
Then my brother and I both sang out together. “Ride well.”
And they returned it with a respectful bow of their heads with their right fists over their hearts. “Ride well.”

At the top of the hill, we awaited for the Pantherian army to get closer. We were downwind of them, watching as they traveled closer. I could easily spot their leaders out in front. Eclipse was a quivering bunch of nerves beneath me, so I placed my hand on his neck. I breathed in the scent of the earth, the damp leaves and musty decay of trees beneath the soil, sending it through me to him so that he could calm down. The battle clothes I wear are snug, providing protection as well as comfort and mobility. The pants are deer hide, tight on my thighs but a little looser in the calves. Knee high, brown leather boots were tucked over the pants legs, with two daggers placed securely in them. The top I had on was made of the same material as the pants, the sleeved two inched on my shoulders and the body of it cropped just below my navel. A leather arm band decorated both of my upper arms, engraved with galloping horses. War paint the color of pine needles curled over my skin, creating intricate twists and curls that started at my forehead and ended at my fingertips. My brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail.
I looked over to Ares, who was knelt on the ground in his palomino horse form. He caught me watch him and he nodded his golden head in respect. Then he tossed his head, sending his snow white mane flying. I turned my head to my brother, who was next to me. “Are you ready?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yes. You have all of your weapons, right?” I saw all of his, but I double checked to make sure that I had mine. My ruby embedded and gold handled sword that belonged to my father was resting in its ebony sheath at the left side of my waist. The oaken bow was in my right hand with the quiver of poison-tipped arrows on my back. Two of the three daggers were in my each of boots and another was strapped to my right thigh.
“Yes. I have everything.” I looked back towards the advancing Pantherians and caught sight of their prince. He rode out in front, dressed in all black and riding a black Arabian stallion. His hair was the color of polished onyx and his eyes are just as dark. Beside him on a white gelding was a red haired woman to whom I did not know. She was fair skinned, using her hands as she talked to her prince. This was a surprise attack, and luckily they had not caught out scent yet.
Like a Equaddian is known for their speed, Pantherians are known for their sense of smell. Like their cat counter-parts, they have an extremely good sense of smell, sight, and hearing. Though not all of the Pantherians are actually panthers, they all can obtain a cat shape such as tigers, lions, lynxes. It is their royal family that is made up entirely of panthers. Equaddians are the same, but our name does not rely on the royal family. The whole Arabianna line is Arabian, proud and noble.
I held my hand up, waiting to give the signal. Just a little bit more and they will be in the trap. Another group of warriors were sneaking around the back as we spoke. I could just barely see them as the snuck stealthily. Then all hell broke loose.
One of the Pantherians let out a warning shout, letting the others know that they were being dogged. They all went into fighting mode, turning to meet the second division. That was when I let out the signal, and like bats out of hell, we raced down the hill to meet the cats.

I would tell you that I was not terrified for my life, but that would be an absolute lie. Heart-wrenching screams of torture echoed through the scorched trees, loud and long, filled with agony and pain. I do not really remember much about the fight, really. When there is a matter of life or dead, and it is your life on the line, fight or flight kicks in. I chose fight, and fight I did. I recall riding into battle on Eclipse, a warrior call in my throat. I saw their shocked faces when they realized that they were surrounded and my brother raced ahead of me to meet the panther prince head on, and from there on everything is bits and pieces.
Now the fight is over, and I suffer only a few wounds. There is a gash along my forearm where a tiger send his claws into me. Somehow the fight had moved from the field to the forest, and during the battle fire from a broken lantern erupted. The woods burned as the night began to fall, creating bright orange and red flames that were still licking their way up the trees. Everything was embers and ashes as I walked through the wreckage. The smell of blood and charred bodies lifted their way to my nose

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