» Fantasy » Dark Night, Bree Turner [pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Night, Bree Turner [pdf ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Bree Turner

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Dark Night


I know that I would have never been in this situation if I hadn't moved away. But I did. I knew as I stared into his deep blue eyes that there was no going back.
"Trust me" he whispered.
"I do trust you" I said confidently.

Chapter 1

Beep......Beep.....Beep.....Beep. My alarm went off...again. I sat up slowly. Looking at my alarm clock i see what time it really is. Its 7:16.

"Crap! I'm gonna be late!"

As I run into my bathroom I stop and look at myself in the mirror. I'm really tall 5'11". I have long blonde hair that gets curly when wet. I have really weird eyes that change colors most of the time but they are mainly blue with some hints of green. I'm skinny and pale...deathly pale. As I brush my hair I pray a silent prayer that my first day of school goes okay.

Once i am dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I run downstairs, grabbing my phone, my favorite sweatshirt, and the keys to my blue beetle.

"K mom I'm going to school! See you later! Bye!"

My mom just waves goodbye. Yup that my mom for ya doesn't even say good luck on my first day of school. Oh well. My phone starts to ring. Its my friend Sarah.

"Where on earth are you?!" said Sarah
"Relax! Im on my way! I am almost there." I practical yelled at her.
"Well hurry up school is about to start!" Sarah yelled back.
"Sar relax school doesn't start till 7:55 and its 7:37!" I told her.
" Whatever, just get here soon." said Sarah
"Okay i am around the corner." I said.

As i pulled into my new school "Hayden Lake High School" i started to have a panic attack.

"Calm down" I muttered to myself.

Once i had parked, i started to search the lot for Sarah. She is not hard to miss since she just died her black and red hair pink and blonde. I spot her by the front doors pacing.

"There you are!" she yelled.
"Yes i am here, so relax!" I said.
"Come on! Lets go get our schedules!" she said
"Okay! Okay!" I yelled.

As we walked inside, i glance around me mesmerized by all the kids trying to get to there first class of the day, but then i saw him. He was standing in line to get his official schedule. He was tall, even taller than me. He had black hair that just about reached his deep blue eyes. I was telling myself to stop staring, cause with my luck id be know as the freak kid who stares at people. Just as i was about to look away he looked up and right at me. I felt my checks getting hotter. I looked down but when I looked up again, he was still staring at me.

"Ummm, hello earth to Anna?? Is anyone home?" Sarah said.
"Huh? Oh, what were you saying?" I said as I broke eye contact with the strange boy.
"I said, why are you staring at that kid?" said Sarah.
"What! I wasn't staring at anyone!" I whisper yelled.
"Uhhh, yes you were. You were staring at that kid." said Sarah
"Whatever!" I said.

As we walked toward our lockers I couldn't help but think, who was that boy, why did I stare at him, why did he stare at me, it's not like i am super pretty or anything I'm just average. When we got to our lockers, I looked around to make sure he didn't have a locker near me, I didn't see him around so maybe for once luck is on my side and he has a locker on the other side of school. I was waiting for Sarah, when I felt someone come up behind me, I moved to the other side of Sarah thinking that i was in the way of whoever was standing behind me, when I looked up to see who it was I looked into a pair of deep blue eyes.

"Hi there!" Sarah practical yelled at the guy.

He looked away from me and looked at Sarah. I looked down embarrassed that i had just stared at the guy...again.

"Hello, my name is Dimitri." he said.
"I'm Sarah and this is my friend Anna." Sarah said.
"Hi." I mumbled.

Dimitri turned his attention back to me.

"It's nice to meet you." he said.
"It's nice to meet you too." I responded.
"So what is your first class?" asked Sarah
"My first class is Calculus in room C11." Dimitri responded.
"Thats cool we have Pre Calculus in room C10." said Sarah.
"Well I'm going to class. See you later." I said as I walked away.

I was mentally praying that he wouldn't follow me, but of course he and Sarah both followed me to our classes. When we got to the door I went into my class without looking behind me or saying anything. I found a seat at the back of the class and sat down hoping that i didn't called on in class. Our teacher Mrs. Rogers started class, but when she went to pass out books she didn't have enough books.

"Anna, would you please go over to room C11 and get 13 more Pre Calculus books for me please?" Mrs. Rogers asked.
"Sure." I replied.

Great now I have to go get books from his class, just perfect. When I opened the door I scanned the room looking for him, but he wasn't in class.

"Ummm, Mrs. Rogers needs 13 more Pre Calculus." I said.
"Okay, there are books in the cabinet in the back of the room." said Mr. Woods

I went to the back of the room and grabbed 13 books from the cabinet. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me and when i turned around and took a step forward i ran straight into Dimitri.

"Sorry!" I said from the floor.
"Are you okay?" Dimitri asked.
"Yeah, im fine." I said as i started to collect the books that had fallen in a big pile on the floor.
"Here let me help you." Dimitri said as he grabbed half of the books.
"Uhhh, thanks." I mumbled

I tried to get up, but when i took a step forward i just fell flat on my face. Great perfect timing i fall flat on my face in front of a hot guy, just my luck.

"Anna!" Dimitri almost yelled.
"I'm fine." I sighed.
"Anna, your nose is bleeding, alot." Dimitri said.
"What?" I said as I reached up to touch my nose, I looked at my fingers and they were covered in blood. I looked at Dimitri, his deep blue eyes were black, completely black. I fainted and heard Dimitri shout "Anna!"

When I woke up and thought where am I, I sat up really quickly then groaned when i realized i had a massive headache. I sighed and slowly laid back down.

"Ah, sleeping beauty awakes." said Dimitri.
"Dimitri?" I whispered.
"Hey." he whispered.
"What happened to me?" I asked.
"You don't remember?" asked Dimitri.
"All I remember is seeing your eyes, they were black, pitch black." I whispered.
"That's weird, cause last time I checked my eyes were blue." Dimitri said with a tight voice.
"Yes I know that your eyes are blue." I said.
"WAIT! How long have i been ummm out?" I asked panicked.
"2 days." said Dimitri.

Two days!?!?!? Make a mental note not to bleed. But I could have sworn that his eyes were black, maybe it was the fact that I was losing so much blood at the time, oh well. Without thinking I grabbed his hand and once I had it was like lightning hit me it felt as though electricity was coming from his body and flowing into mine, apparently Dimitri noticed this also, because he looked startled, I looked into his deep blue eyes and was lost in him, I didn't realize that we were so close our faces maybe an inch apart until a nurse came in.

"Look who decided to join the land of the living." said the nurse
"Yeah." I mumbled
"Well since you are up I think I should tell you that you are all clear to go home!" the nurse said cheerfully.
"Cool." I said.
"But you should have someone drive you home." warned the nurse.
"I can drive her home." said Dimitri

I looked at him surprised. He winked at me.

"Uhhh thanks that would be nice."
"It's my pleasure."

As we walked out to the parking lot i asked random questions.

"So, what happened after i passed out?" I asked
"I took you to the hospital." Dimitri replied.
"What happened then?" I asked.
"They had to get the bleeding stopped, and once they did they gave you a blood transfusion, and they did scans on your brain to make sure that you didn't have a brain tumor." He replied.

I was starting to feel really dizzy.

"Wait, stop walking." I yelled.
"Anna? Whats wrong?" asked Dimitri.
"Its just....just that I....I am really....dizzy." I said with a weak voice.
"Should we go back inside?" he asked.
"NO! Its scares me in there." I yelled.
"Anna you don't need to be afraid I will be with you." Dimitri said.
"Please, just please don't make me go back in there." I begged as tears started to roll down my cheeks.
"Anna, it's okay, please don't cry, everything will be fine." Dimitri said soothingly.

Dimitri had stopped and we were on a island of grass, I collapsed onto the ground, Dimitri sat down and pulled me into his lap and started rocking back and forth trying to calm me down, he kept saying "everything will be fine" over and over again, and i have to admit the sound of his voice did calm me down, after a couple minutes the tears stopped rolling down my cheeks.

"Anna? Are you okay?" Dimitri asked.
"Yeah, I think I am fine." I whispered.
"Come on, lets get you home." he said.

And before I could get up myself he had gotten up, bent down, picked me up and cradled me in his arms.

"Hey! I can walk just fine!" I shouted.
"Sure you can, but i am carrying you anyways." He said with a smile.
"Why?!" I asked.
"Because I can see your face and you are pale....scary pale and you look like you are about to pass out." He said.
"A) I am always pale. B) I am not about to pass out. C) Put me down!" I yelled.
"Okay, suit yourself." He said as he set me down on my feet.

The second my feet touched the ground I started to sway, and when i took a step forward all i saw was the ground coming towards my face very quickly, just as i was about to hit the ground, Dimitri caught me.

"See." he said.
"Fine, I get your point." I said as he picked me back up.

He walked quickly over to my car.

"Uhhh what is my car doing here?" I asked.
"I drove it here." he said.
"Where did you get the keys." I asked.
"Your friend Sarah gave them to me." he replied.
"Oh." I mumbled.

He unlocked my car and opened the passenger side door and put me gentle in the

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