» Fantasy » Secret, karen [motivational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Secret, karen [motivational novels .TXT] 📗». Author karen


I’m training in secret; my mother Kym is training me to fend for myself. When people try to hurt us she tells me that my beauty is important to fool people and my strength for surprise attack.


Sadly, my dad has died trying to save me and mum from harm’s way, he told me to be strong for my mother but it’s such a big responsibility; I know that eventually I will fail.
Couple of years past and I still miss him like it was yesterday; but I'm still strong. I'm at my last moments in training and mum is helping me more than ever.
Suddenly there's a knock at the door, mother goes to answer it and out of the blue something strikes at her, luckily the thing misses however mother has to fight for her life.
''Kara! "She yells ''pack your bags quickly, while I hold him off."

Frantically I obeyed, I rush to my small bed room, snatch everything I posses and stuffed it into my suitcase. When I was finished I saw blood flow down the corridor and stick to the paper walls; at an instant I thought, my only mother killed, my only thing I can share my feelings with was gone...
Just then I couldn’t keep my eyes off the blood I started to reach for it and eventually started licking the white, now red, paper walls. Couple of minutes later I finally was able to control myself and stop consuming the red liquid. Creeping carefully along the corridor I peeked slowly around the edge and to my surprise my mother was still in full power, she was gnawing at someone or something’s neck.
It couldn't be I anxiously thought to myself. My mother couldn't be a vampire... But that would explain the reason I was drinking the blood, right? Or could it be a one-time thing?

the question

I walked silently to my room making sure she wasn't behind me and acted like I never saw a thing.
''Mum" I yelled '' are you there."
“Yes." she replied ''I'm ok."
'' Err mum" I asked her '' how come you were biting that person's neck?"
'' When...what are you talking about'' mum stuttered.
''When you err, never mind mum." I answered knowing that she was lying to me.'
We packed our things and left without a trace except for the blood on the wall and the body in our living room. We stayed at a hotel called 'the scorpion' in Beijing, China and the moved to Nottingham, England to start a whole new life.
Was mum ever going to tell me the secret?
Two weeks later, Mum managed to get me into a school it was called Desalting Noose secondary.
“I’m so excited about going to my first school it will be different to be home schooled don’t you think mum?”
“Yeah but you better get some sleep so you can be there early night love”
“Night *kiss* *kiss*

first day

My first day at school I thought to myself when I woke up the next day. I on my new uniform, which was the colour green, and my new school shoes and headed off in the coldest weather I’ve ever been in it felt like an icy hand had reached into my stomach and froze all my insides.
I miss china.
I got to school eventually, but when I walked in the classroom unfriendly eyes met my gaze except for two people a girl and a boy. The girl had glasses with blue eyes like the Indian Ocean and the boy had brown eyes which warmed my soul and melted my insides, he was the best looking guy I ever saw. The girl willed me to sit next to her so I went and sat down.

“Hi” she said to me. “My name is Olivia what’s yours?”
“Err my name; my name is Kara Tow I’m from china.” I replied.
“Cool name” The good looking boy answered. “My name is Trey, Trey Seethe.”
I blushed as soon as he started talking to me. My heart started to warm up and I couldn’t help but stare, but I finally got to my regular state and answer back thank you.
From there the rest of the day carried on and eventually it was break time and I was so relieved I couldn’t take any more of my maths teacher’s voice droning on in my ear. Walking to the toilet this girl pulled her arm in front of e blocking my way for the toilet.
“Excuse me!” I asked politely.
Her dry arm still stood in my way
“I said excuse me!!!” I bellowed at her.
“Who do you think you’re shouting at” she answered “How dare you shout at me in that sort of tone, I swear to god your gonna pay”
And she raised her hand right above her head but just then a teacher came and she quickly lowered her hand.
“You were warned!” she told me, her icy reached into my guts and froze everything inside me.
What was I worried about I could look after myself surely I can fight, other trained me well but ever since I saw that boy, Trey, I melt. Suck it up I thought to myself don’t let people push you around.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched but it was alright it was trey.
“Are you alright” he asked in the softest tone ever
“Yeah I’m fine, I can look after myself” I replied
“Ok, just watch out she can be a bit ...”
He came closer his warm sweet breath against my cheek
“Grumpy at times but I think she just has personal issues but try not to annoy her as much”


Text: vanessa
Images: karen
Editing: vanessacullen
Translation: vanessacullen
Publication Date: 08-14-2012

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