» Fantasy » My Serial Killer (Chapter 1), Adnan Essam [best value ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Serial Killer (Chapter 1), Adnan Essam [best value ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Adnan Essam

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Chapter 1 - Coincidence

On the sound of her alarm, a beautiful young lady woke up and pulled off her blanket. An exciting day it was for her, the first day of her second year in high school.

Her name was Kira, Kira Smith. A teenager with grey eyes, long black hair, and an average athletic body. Her father was a police officer, her big brother was a college student, studying law. Her mum was a housewife.

She organized her bed and rushed to the bathroom but as usual her big brother Mike is in there taking his usual 30 minutes shower.

**Knock knock** - "Mike, could you please hurry up? I don't want to be late for school!" - Kira asked while knocking.

"Sorry little sis'. Gotta' wait for your turn" - he chuckled.

Kira crossed her arms, waiting patiently outside the door - **Ten Minutes have passed**. Kira knocked again - "MIKE, I don't have much time for God sake!" - she shouted at the door.

Mike opened the door and stepped out in his towel - "Jesus, calm down". Kira just pushed him aside and went in - "You JERK!". She had no time, she took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and went to her room to change.

She took a few bites of her breakfast and ran outside to catch the school bus but she was late.

"Geez' thanks a lot, Mike, you stupid idiot!" - She mumbled in anger while stomping the ground.

"Argh" - she had no other choice but to walk to school as there was so much traffic jam.


At the same time, a male in his forties was rushing into a building. The building was a huge skyscraper with a logo on its top that said - "Nyxx Corporations".

He rushed into the elevator - "Excuse me, passing through, hi, good morning!" - said the male as he squeezed himself between the other employees in the elevator.

Upon reaching the 58th floor, he walks out heading to the laboratory section with quick steps. He opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry I'm late, good morning, how are we doing?" -  he asked while unpacking his bag, placing some documents on the desk and reaching for his plastic gloves.

"Good morning, Dr. Marcus, we're at 98 percent so far. Twenty minutes and we're done with the serum" - replied his assistant.

"Fabulous. I'll go get us some coffee let's hope I don't end up meeting Nyxx, you know how she is with her employees, geez" - Marcus complained while shaking his head.

"Haha, let's hope not" - the assistant chuckled.

Marcus stepped out of the laboratory heading to the coffee machine until he noticed Nyxx MacMillan, the 18 years old CEO of Nyxx Corporation standing aside with her assistant, both discussing business while Nyxx's back is facing him, more like not paying attention to him. She had long, curly red hair, blue sky eyes, small straight nose, black jeans, white buttoned shirt, pony-tail hairstyle. Her body had curves in all the right places being a good normal weight and size. Her buttoned shirt was hiding her perfectly shaped breasts.

He tried to pass by behind her, sneaking and trying to be as stealthy as a ninja without attracting her attention.

"Dr. Marcus!!!" - Nyxx called without even turning to him.

He froze in his place like a thief that just got busted by a cop - "Shit" the word came out of his lips due to the shock.

"How did you-...?"

"Oh please, you always use the same perfume, plus, you're the only one who arrives late every day like that!" - She responded with a cold tone.

The pretty redhead turned around and made an eye-contact with Marcus.

"So, how much have you progressed with the Serum?" - Asked Nyxx while tapping her right toe on the floor with her arms crossed.

"W-.. well it's all ready. I'll head to the lab and test it myself, see you lat-..."

"Great, I'll attend the test myself" - she interrupted him with a wicked smile on her face.

"W-.. whaaaaaa? Since when do you attend-..." - and before he could finish his sentence she interrupted him - "Since now, I hope you still remember my warning, this is your last chance, if this test fails, I'll end the project and there will be no more funds for it".

"Understood, let's head to the lab and test it" - Said Marcus in submission.

He opened the door for her to walk in then followed her.


In the meantime, Kira was walking down the street while cursing her luck and her big brother - "I hate him I hate him I hate him that BIG IDIOT!!!!!" - she mumbled while crossing the street.


"Huh?" - she looks to her left and saw a truck approaching her in a high speed, about to ram her over, it was the first time she felt that fear, the fear of death and seeing all of her life memories before her eyes. At this time she knew it was her moment of death.

But then she felt something grabbing her. A young man swiftly wrapped his arms around her and jumped away from the truck with her in his arms. Once they hit the ground they both rolled due to the impact, the boy looked down at her and grinned. He had an eyepatch on his right eye, his clothes were a bit torn and his hair was messed up.

People gathered around them to check on Kira - "Are you ok? were you hurt? any injuries?" but Kira was still in a shock. She kept looking right and left, trying to find the one who saved her life but no luck, he's gone.

"Be careful next time, young lady" - said one of the shops' owners while patting her shoulder. She nodded and went on her way, this time paying attention to her surroundings.

**In her mind - "Phew, that was close, I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't thank him though, shame" **

She sighed and moved on to her school. She arrived late of course and opened the door to her class, heading to her seat.

The teacher let it slip since it's the first day of school. Kira took her seat next to her best friend Mira and immediately took out her notebook.

The teacher started calling out the names one by one, those who were present raised their hand.

"Max!" - yelled the teacher. A blonde boy raised his right hand - "Present!" He had so much confidence since he's the school director's son but Kira didn't like him nor did she like his attitude.

"Kira!" -the teacher yelled. Kira raised her right hand and responded "Present!".

The teacher nodded and proceeded with the next name - "Leo!" - But there was no response.

"Leo? is he present?!!" - Asked the teacher.

"Probably taking a sunbath in the trash, ahaha!" - Said Max as the entire class laughed at the comment.

The teacher sighed and shook her head.

The classroom's door was pulled aside and the same young man she encountered walked in but he was limping on his right leg.

The whole class kept looking at him like he's some sort of a trash. Kira on the other hand felt really bad.

**In her mind "Oh no it must be from back then when he pushed me away from the truck, this is my fault, oh my God"**

"Are you ok, Leo?" - The teacher asked.

He looked at the teacher and raised his right hand, giving her a thumb up with a grin.

Kira looked at him for a moment then back to the teacher, she pulled her pen out but unfortunately it was broken due to the fall she had from the incident.

She sighed then noticed Leo's hand offering her a pen. She looked at him and saw the same grin on his face.

Her friend Mira took out a napkin and snatched the pen from her hand. "Hey, what're you doing?" - Kira asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Trying to protect my best friend from diseases" - She started cleaning the pen with her napkin, she then gave it back to Kira.

Kira felt terrible and knew Leo would get offended by that. She turned to him and before saying anything, she saw him looking back at the teacher, listening carefully and writing down on his notebook. He was so silent and mysterious, why isn't he saying anything?


In the meantime, Marcus was about to begin the test. He filled a syringe with an orange glowing substance and walked to a glass box with a lab rat.

Nyxx was watching from the side behind a glass wall with her arms crossed with a serious look on her face.

Dr. Marcus began the experiment and made a small cut to the lab rat then injected it with the serum. in a few seconds, the rat's wound started producing some steam and then it all blew up inside the glass cage, splattering it's organs and blood all over it from the inside.

"Oh God" - Said Marcus.

Nyxx shook her head and stepped out. Marcus chased after her - "Ms. Nyxx please, let me explain" - Marcus begged her desperately.

"No need, Marcus. This project is done" 

"You can't do that, do you have any idea how important this is to me?" - Marcus was desperate and angry.

"I know, your daughter has a late stage cancer and you're trying to make this serum work to cure her, but it's out of my hand. I've been funding this project for two years now, and, my corporation has suffered over two hundred million losses so far with not many positive results. I'm so sorry, uncle, Marcus" - Said Nyxx while tapping his shoulder twice.

"How could you do this to me? to your nephew?! At least give me a week. I'm positive I'll figure out whatever is wrong with it and fix it up!" 

"And then what? inject Sarah with that unstable serum and have her blow up like that lab rat? No no and no! I'm sorry but it's final, the project is closed, we'll figure it out together and find another way to save her but not THIS!" - And with that, she walked off.

Marcus felt so desperate and left the building, furious about his failure and how Nyxx shut down his project.

It doesn't mean Nyxx is a bad person who doesn't care about lives, she has also been funding a secret project for another serum, trying to find a way to cure Sarah, Marcus's daughter. But she had to keep it discrete to avoid any attempts from the competition company "Penter" from stealing that serum. Only her and her trusted assistant knew about it.


In the meantime, the class was over and it was break time. Kira looked at Leo and offered him the pen back - "Thank you"  She smiled.

Leo took the pen with the same usual grin and gave her a thumbs up. As he tried to push himself off his seat, Max passed by and bumped his shoulder into Leo's, intentionally.

Leo tried to keep his balance but fell down on his butt due to his injured leg. Max and his two buddies laughed. 

Max halted beside Leo and looked down at him.

"Stay like that. That's how low you are compared to everyone else here" - He mocked Leo while chuckling.

Not just that Max walked to that door limping on his right leg, mimicking Leo when he entered the class.

Leo looked down and just grinned.

Kira gasped and tried to give Leo a hand but Mira pulled her by her arm - "Are you out of your mind? Trying to catch a disease or something?" 

"What?!! What're you-...?" - Kira wondered but she got interrupted by Mira who pulled her away out of the class, leaving Leo there.

"Stop!" Kira pulled her hand off. Mira was shocked as it was the first time Kira showed such discomfort.

Kira headed back to the class but Leo was no longer there.

She decided to head to the cafeteria, maybe she'll find him there.

She got her meal and looked around for him until she saw

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