» Fantasy » Bijoux, K.B. Torres [ebook pdf reader for pc TXT] 📗

Book online «Bijoux, K.B. Torres [ebook pdf reader for pc TXT] 📗». Author K.B. Torres

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"Do you really love me?" I asked, cuddling into my boyfriend's chest.
I could feel his breathing, the constant rhythm, so simple...So human. I knew what he would answer. They always answer the same, until they find out the truth about me.
"Of course, Beth. I will always love you. For real." He answered.
I felt my heart constrict. I had learned long ago that when they said that, they knew it was a lie. I knew it was a lie, but, I wouldn't say just yet. I had to brace myself for the pain that was to come next. I knew that when my heart broke this time, it would be the last. I was tired of my life, my pain, my sorrow. I wanted to end it. Soon.
I sighed, getting up and brushing grass from my clothes.
"Then I need to show you something. Something important." I replied, as he scrambled up.
By the arm, I dragged him into the forest; looking for the clearing we called our own.
I dropped his arm, unbuttoning my nightshirt.
"Wh-what are you doing? D-don't be so rash. Think about this." My boyfriend, James said, stuttering.
Foolish teenage boy. They assume sex when a girl undresses. But I wasn't going naked. I was simply taking off my unnecessary clothing; clothing not closest to the skin would rip if worn during the transformation. I tossed the shirt aside, a gust of night air rising goose bumps on my bra-covered breasts. I began undoing my pants, slipping them off entirely.
"Beth, think this through. D-do you REALLY want to do We'll get grass in undesirable places." James stuttered holding his hand up as a barrier.
"No, not sex. I need to show you this." I said, before I began the change.
The first thing that would change is my height. I grew, from little 5 feet 4 inches tall to a massive 6 yards tall. My feet were the next thing to change. They grew long, silver talons in place of toes and toenails, growing to double the size of my head. My ankles fattened, my legs forcing me into a crouch on all four legs. My torso changed, growing, muscles and all, into the size to fit my body. I could feel my bones breaking, rearranging themselves, growing, along with my organs, to keep my body alive. I felt my wings grow and extend, long enough to cover my body. I grew a long tail, long enough to circle my body. Next went my head and neck. My head grew longer, my nose to a snout, my eyes going from an almond-shaped taupe gray, to a dangerous slim-eyed school bus yellow. My bistre brown hair disappeared into my dragon head, being replaced by dragon gills and deadly spikes. My skin went from a fair shade, to a midnight blue, slightly darker. It callused with scales, which glistened in the moonlight. The spikes extended down my back, down to the tip of my tail. The change always happened within ten seconds, but it felt equivalent to an hour. My sight was far better than an eagle’s, able to spot a ladybug from a mile up in the atmosphere.
My boyfriend looked shocked; terror glistened in his eyes as he bore at my dragon form.
I took a step closer to him, trying to prove it was still me, but he cried out, staggering back.
I tried to talk to him.
“Hun, it’s still me, Beth.” I said, but it came out as a screeching roar.
He paled.
“Get back, you monster! Back!” He cried, turning and fleeing. The word monster rung in my ears, slapping silence away like a cat with a mouse. The sound of his voice when he said it causing my depression to become worse than ever. That set my choice in stone.
I reared back, taking to the skies.
The wind blasted my face, cooling my hot embarrassment of the previous scene.
I could never trust a man. They are ungrateful, unforgiving, stupid creatures not capable of sympathy and understanding abilities.
I flew to the deadliest mountain range not known to man: Abraxas S. Amasius: Amasia. I flew to the nearest mountain, nearly plummeting out of the sky in exhaustion. I stilled at the deep male voice I heard.
“May I help you?” The male voice asked, guarded and scared.
Then the body to that voice appeared from the mouth of the cave. He was a man of about 18, with a broad chest, and deep sculpted muscles. He was wearing nearly nothing, except for the loose gray sweat-pants he wore. He was tan, with black hair ending at the area just above his eyes. His eyes were a hazel, more green-gold than green-brown, boring at me with curiosity. He was tall, making me look fragile.
“Oh, my. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize this cave was taken. I’ll find a better place to commit suicide.” I said, walking over to the edge to fly, my dragon form on top of my mind.
“Wait.” The boy said, suddenly next to me, gripping my arm as if it was china.
“What?” I nearly snapped.
“You are…A Terragonian, right?” The boy asked.
“If you mean I can transform into a dragon, then yes. I am a Terragoni-whatever.” I replied, my nerves screaming with joy. A fellow Terragonian! And a male! I caught myself. I was done with boys. I never wanted one, ever again. Even one who looked like this.
“Come.” The boy said, bringing me inside the cave. It was empty, except for a hay bed, big enough for a dragon twice my dragon size.
“Sit.” The boy said.
I sat. I curled against one side of the cave wall, pulling my knees to my (REALLY, REALLY) huge chest, resting my head on my hands.
The boy sat across from me, studying me in a very uncomfortable way.
“So, why did you run away?” The boy asked.
“Depression. Abusive family. Fellow children-of both sexes-shunned me, and I just hate my life.” I replied, finding a rock to throw at the wall, around the boy.
“My sympathies.” The boy said, sounding legitly sympathetic.
“Not to be rude, but who are you?” I blurted, before I could slap a hand over my mouth.
The boy laughed.
“Austin.” He answered simply. “I could ask you the same question.”
“Call me Be-….Bijoux. Yeah, Bijoux.” I answered.
If I was starting a new life any time soon, might as well have a new name. Several nights ago I had dreamed that as a dragon I was known as Bijoux. I had believed it was spelled Byjoo, but then I looked it up.
“Bijoux, it’s French, right? It’s a pretty name.” Austin said.
“Well Austin, I better go die now. It was a pleasure to meet you, even in my final hours of life.” I said, getting up.
“Wait. Would you by any chance consider me as an alternative to death?” Austin’s question made my body freeze. Then he added, “Why don’t you live here?”
I turned around.
I opened my mouth, letting the words tumble out.
“Maybe, I don’t know. It’s too hard to be around people. Especially after how I was brought up.” I blurted.
Austin looked hurt. It was then I realized. Living with him wouldn't be for my benefit, it would be for his. Who knew how long he’d been living alone?
“Fine, yes.” I amended.
Austin grinned.
My stomach growled in response.
Austin laughed.
“Come, we’ll hunt before it is too dark.”
Hunt? Why would I know how to hunt?
But before I could ask, Austin began the change into a dragon. He grew,growing to a massive 8 yards tall. His feet were the next thing to change. They grew long, silver talons in place of toes and toenails, growing to double the size of his head. his ankles fattened, his legs forcing him into a crouch on all four legs. his torso changed, growing, muscles and all, into the size to fit his body. his wings grew and extended, long enough to cover his body. he grew a long tail, long enough to circle his dragon body. Next went his head and neck. his head grew longer, his nose to a snout, his eyes going from an almond-shaped golden-hazel, to a dangerous slim-eyed lust red. his jet black hair disappeared into his dragon head, being replaced by dragon gills and deadly spikes. His skin went from a tan shade, to a white, slightly clear. It callused with scales, which glistened in the moonlight. The spikes extended down his back, down to the tip of his tail.
I followed, changing into my midnight blue skinned, school bus yellow eyed dragon form.
God, why did he have to be so beautiful, even in dragon from?

I thought.
I could say the same, even more about you.

Austin's voice rang in my head, deep and seductive.
I would have swayed lovestruck, if it had not scared the crap out of me to hear his voice.

I screamed in my head.
Tarragonians can hear each other's thoughts, as do Drakonians, our relative species. Our vocal chords aren't advanced enough for human speech, like every other animal. We make do with this. It must be embarrassing for you to have thought what you thought, since you thought I couldn't hear you.

I looked at Austin, my eyes sparkling.
Let's go. You gotta teach me to hunt. I am as skilled at it as a baby attempting algebra.

I thought.
Austin's roar of laughter sounded more like, well, a roar.
I flinched, acting like a scolded puppy.
Did I scare you? I was laughing. I guess Dragons were meant to laugh.

It's okay. I'm just a girl. New at this too.

I won't hurt you. I'd sooner hurt myself than hurt a girl, Bijoux.

Austin was really working his way into my heart.
We took off, Austin directing me without missing a beat.
We are flying towards a field. Stay close to me. Not so close our wings touch, but not too far away that I can't touch you if I try. We will be eating elk. Look for the elderly, sick, or injured. From there I will direct you.

I bumped him in acknowledgement.
We reached a clearing of the forest. The clearing was grassy, the grass yellowing from too much rain, with the occasional wilted patch of flowers here and there. As if on cue, a herd of elk came rushing out of the woods.
Perfect. Just on time. Like I said, pick out sick, injured, or old. Swoop down and grab it, as a eagle would grab a fish out of a pond.Go!

Quite a few were limping, but only a few were injured enough to separate from the group. I swooped down, grabbing an injure female by the back. She squealed for her herd, but I had already brought her up in the sky. I let her loose, watching as she fell back to the ground, instantly dying. I went back down and went to feeding.
Austin swooped down, with two injured elks, one male, one female, and an old male in his claws.
I figured you'd want another, since this is the only group we'll see in the next three weeks.

Austin dropped me the injured female, I finished the first female and went to the next female.
After we were done, Austin started to lead me home. I was so caught up in my thoughts, I turned left instead of right.
Bijoux! Stop!

Austin's voice was scared.
His voice was so urgent, I stopped in my tracks, nearly dropping

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