» Fantasy » Char Resurrected, Char Steel [christmas read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Char Resurrected, Char Steel [christmas read aloud txt] 📗». Author Char Steel

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First Life - Part 1

So yeah. I din't write this book here. I actually wrote it on wattpad. A good site. Anyway hope you guys love this!


Also, this is the first book in my triology so please look at the second one after your finished with this.


I woke up and peeked above my blanket at the sun streaming through the window and making my hair look a light dusty silver, the dust was from rolling around in the dirt. I yawned and pulled the covers off hopping out of bed and onto the freezing dirt floor. I hissed and jumped up and over to the hole in the floor that I use to relieve myself and looked around the room.

The only thing alive within my sight was Lodz, my familiar, a snow white spotted leopard laying on the floor still sleeping in. My room was a simple one with dirt walls and a dirt floor with two blankets on a wooden bench. I cast my gaze back over to Lodz and watched as he kicked his hind leg a little from the dream he was having.

I sighed and stood up moving over to him and scratching him behind his ears knowing that his purring would kick in. Sure enough he started purring and sat there as he soaked in the sun. I smiled and watched as he yawned and opened his eyes before stretching.

He looked around and looked like he would get up but instead he rolled over and went back to sleep. I stood there with my hands on my hips as I shook my head. Today was the battle day against the Dark Queen and Lodz was pretending that he was back in the savanna.

" Come on Lodz wake up you fool." I said and nudged his side with my foot.

He yawned and stretched his paws with all his sharp claws sticking out narrowly missing my boot.

I glared now wide awake as I missed death by inches and barely managing to jerk my boot away form his poison tipped claws. He pretended like nothing happened and relaxed as he drifted back to sleep.

" Lodz if you don't get up right now I'm not giving you breakfast." I sternly said.

He shrugged his shoulders and got up. Then he turned around and slumped down curling upon himself. I gasped.

He did not! The nerve of him! That was it! He was was going to get up whether he like to or not.

I tiptoed to him and crouched down until I was two centimeters from his ear. I inhaled a breath and barked.

" Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

He jerked up eyes wide and yowled scrambling away from me and across the floor. His claws slipping and sliding as he jumped up and over the window. I strolled across the floor and leaned out the window as I watched his tail disapear into the foliage leaving behind broken and waving fern leaves.

I smirked and turned away. Served him right not waking up on the most important day in our life's.  He was the most lazy, imprudent, selfish, lowlife, argumentative, and most foolish cat I have ever seen in my life. Although he had saved my life a few times I admit reluctantly.

I walked out of the hut and into the dusty but clean air. Sighing I closed my eyes as I breathed in the honey and lavender scented air. I sensed the peace in my self as I meditated  and integrated myself in it. Until someone broke it with loud, unruly, and uncalled for banging.

I snapped my eyes open and glared across the yard at Merny as he pounded away on another god forsaken piece of steel that would become a sword.

" Hey Merny keep it down over there! Some of us are trying to get some peace and quiet over here!" I yelled and put my hands on my hips.

He shrugged picking up the sword and dunking it into the water at his side before looking up and  wiping off the sweat on his brow.

" Ay lad I know tis a cheery and sunny day today but we go to war today against that wretched witch remember?" He said in his deep and rumbling voice.

" Yeah how can I forget?" I said as I strode across to him and inspected the newly made sword glittering in the water. It was silver with a double edged blade and black and blue encrusted diamonds running on the guard above the hilt. The blade was black with magic inscriptions running up and down with the hilt wrapped in black leather.

" Wow you really outdid yourself this time Merny."

" Ay tis the sword for the one who slays the queen."

I slumped and crossed my arms as I tried to rein in the disappointment spreading across my face.

" Oh well I'm sure they will appreciate it."

He looked at me and smiled as he deemed the sword cool enough and picked it up. The water sliding of the blade and dripping onto the ground made it even more beautiful. I looked away and pretended to look at the sun. " Don't worry lad it's the only sword that can slay the queen, perhaps you will." He said as I smiled and understood.

" Looks like it's about midday, plenty of time for us to prepare ourselves." I said and put back the mask on my face that I had perfected over the years. Nobody could break it down no matter what they said or did.

" Ay today we fight, and you can cut those dummy's to pieces as we might not make it out of the war." Merny said as he started polishing the blade with his shirt.

" Yeah." I sighed and moved to pick up my blade from my father that I have practiced with for years and started hitting and slashing away at the dummy's. Merny who's name was actually Mern but I only called him Merny since nobody else would dare call him that. Merny was the one who had saved me from a Lopa. A snake like creature with yellow cat eyes and a snake tail. The Lopa's are only women and they have six arms attached to their torso with a sword in each arm.

They come from deep within the earth and are very rare. The one who attacked me was looking for a male to kill so they could create a cavern in his chest for their egg. They can only generate a egg their entire life. It has to be a male that fertilizes their egg so that it turns out healthy. If it's a woman then the egg dies and nobody knows why.

Apparently this certain Lopa had been searching for a whole day for a male. Since they can only stay out for one day in their whole life before they wither she was desperate.

She had spotted me and mistaked me for a male so she attacked. I had been sitting in a meadow full of grief at the time in the forest as my mother and father had just died from one of the Dark Queen's raids at our village.

So I had been sitting there staring at the impossibly perfect blue sky without one cloud in sight. And grieving when I saw a shadow flicker across a tree. So I sat up and stared when the Lopa suddenly shot over to me so fast that I had no time to react. I sat there frozen as she was inches from my face her slithering tongue tasting the air as she stared at me with her creepy yellow eyes.

Then with a banshee yell a 200 pound man with a brown beard, brown hair and sky blue eyes leapt down from a tree branch and cut her in half with his broadsword as she let out a loud screech and split in half. The sides of her landed with a thud and splattered green venom everywhere. Thank god I had lighting speed as I saw the the blade heading towards me and rolled over right before the sword cut a furrow into the dirt right were I had just been seconds ago.

He landed and strapped his sword onto his back in one smooth motion.

" Ha! Take that you scroungy beast." He said not noticing me sitting a few feet away.

I looked at myself covered in venom then looked at him not covered in venom and at his armor strapped to his chest and legs. It was a pure sliver with intricate designs swirling around it. A sign that he was a warrior that lived to defeat monsters and protect the kingdoms people.

My anger heated up as I remembered that he had almost cut me in half when he was supposed to be protecting not murdering. I glared and stood up before walking towards him and kicking him on his leg.

" You murdering bastard! Did you not see that I was right there! You could have killed me!"I proceeded to continue kicking him and yell obscenity's as he turned around in suprisement.

" What in the bleeding hell?! Where did you come from ant?!"

I stopped and stared. " Ant? Did you just call me ant?!"

" Aye lad ye as small as an ant." He snickered.

I glared and took a few steps back. " I am not an ANT!

He snickered again and waved me away like I was a fly.... or ant. My fury proceed from level one to level ten in two seconds.

" Ahhh!!!!!" I yelled a war cry and charged him leaping into the air. He tried to grab me but I was too fast. I catapulted over his head and twisted around in the air. Before he could process what was happening I shot my foot out and kicked him straight in the back of the head before landing on my feet and kicking him in the unmentionables.

However I think that the last one was unnecessary as he was already unconscious. With a groan he toppled to the ground and did not move after that. I stepped back and admired my work before fear crossed my mind.

" Oh my God. What have I done?"

I couldn't think straight as different scenarios rushed through my head.

What if I killed him? Oh my god I could be charged with murder and treason. Which meant that I would be jailed or worse hung on the gallows. Maybe even get my head chopped of. Oh god this is not happening. I cant have my whole family killed in one day. Imagine the rumors that would spread around.  The gossiping girls would be snickering and say " Did you hear? The whole Coolgate family got killed in one day!" Then the other would twitter. " Oh my gosh really? I heard that their girl is cursed. That poor poor family dying in one day just because of her."

Shit shit shit. I bent down and put my ear to his chest and listened. Oh no he wasn't breathing. I'm so dead. I stepped back in horror and looked around at the bushy area and the corpse of the Lopa still there.

I bent down and grabbed his arms pulling and pushing before I was able to drag him behind a rock. Out of sight of the road that travelers were certain to pass by soon. Then I grabbed his sword and manged to haul it down to the Lopa and proceeded to cut her into manageable pieces as Lopas can stand at fifty feet.

I then proceeded to drag those fleshy pieces into the woods and burying them. As I had nothing to dig out the hole with I was forced to use his nice and beautiful sword and my hands. By the time I was done I looked like a monster myself. Drool, venom, and dirt covered me head

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