» Fantasy » Elegance, Rylaan Colon [best affordable ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Elegance, Rylaan Colon [best affordable ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Rylaan Colon

The Before Story

I'm sure most of us know the stories about the princes and the princesses, where the prince saves the princess and they fall in love. 

Well, my princess saved me ...

One night, when I was wandering through the courtyard, I met her. Katherine Star. She took my breath away. She was cunning and brilliant, and beautiful, I knew I had fallen in love at first sight. 

Her long black hair, flowing. Her blue eyes are as sharp as diamonds. I longed to run my hands through her hair, but I held myself back. 

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around me. A giggle of glee slipped from my mouth as we danced across the courtyard. She was an amazing dancer.

She held me perfectly, and her footing was spectacular. I just wanted to continue dancing with her.

We danced until midnight, where we laid and watched the moon. The animals were loud, but it was peaceful here with Katherine Star. 

I watch her as she looked at the stars. She looked almost like a painting, her hair was curled ever so slightly, and skin was pale and smooth. 

I moved my hands up to feel my messy bun, and my nightgown that looked horrible. I instantly felt self conscious. 

Katherine put her hand on my leg.

"You are beautiful. I love your hair, so effortlessly done. Your gown is so casual. You are beautiful my love."

I smiled and knew she was not lying, in her eyes, I was beautiful. I felt pure glee inside. I was giddy as I said goodnight. We had promised we would meet again here soon.

Every Wednesday after 10, we met in the common courtyard. We often snuck out of the palace range and into the night. We explored together, we learned together. Sometimes we would even replay our first date and dance until we got tired.

But we always made a point to be there every Wednesday, on time, and every time I saw her, I swear I fell in love all over again.


The Story


The elegance, as she takes each step. Her glass slippers make a sound that breaches across the entire ballroom. The way she makes every head turn. The mystery of who lies behind the gold mask. As her hair rests effortlessly. Her gown, made out of pure gold, shines brighter than the morning sun. Her smile reaches across the mile-long ballroom. Every prince, every princess, all people, focus on her movement until she reaches the last step.  A princess grabs her gloved hand and spins her. Her dress flows, and everyone parts for them. Her giggle echoes through the ballroom. Every guest was instructed to be masked. But her gold mask is the envy of all. Her cheeks are flushed, as the princess carries her around all the frozen people. A prince joins, dancing with his princess. Moving his hand into position and guiding her along. Soon the ballroom is once again filled with the sweet sound of the piano and people dancing. The princesses continue their dance.

She moves with grace like she was born to dance at this very ball. Clinging on the smiling princess. The princess whispers into her ear. Her breath is warm on the princess’s cold skin.

"What is your name?" she asks the beautiful golden princess . She smiles at her.

“Isn’t that the fun of the masks? No one knows who you are?” The young princess looks at her confused.

She giggles the princess smiles at her.

“A.J.” the princess looks around, she giggles again, “Those are my initials.”

“Oh,” she sighs, “K.S.”

The princess looks into her black endless eyes. Seemingly trying to measure out who she is. 

“No, I. You came!?” The princess smiles. She stops, backs away. “My love, Katherine Star.” She looks at her dreamily. Moving her hair out of the way, exposing her glittery neck.

Katherine again hooks her hands on the golden princess’s hips. 

"Alice, here we are again."

She slips off the mask and Katherine kisses her. Almost no one notices. Alice and Katherine dissolve themselves in each other. 

Alice’s mother strides across the ballroom.

Alice spots her and draws away from Katherine, “Wait!” she yells.

Katherine follows Alice as she rushes across the room. Alice slips her mask back on. Her heels carry her to the nearest door. When she pushes it open, she feels the brisk autumn air flows back at her. She stands dazed for a moment, then continues to the candlelit path. Making her way past each lit candle. Katherine still trails behind her. 

Katherine grabs her arm and spins her around. She stops, in the starlight. The breeze sneaks up behind her, she shivers.

“Here, please.” She hands her a jacket. She tries to refuse but Katherine insists. The wind blows out the nearby candles.

Alice slides her freezing hand up to Katherine’s face. She puts her arms around Alice’s waist. They slide of their masks. Leaving only Katherine and Alice, not the mystery princesses. And their love electrifies through them.

Love at first sight, for this, is the first time they get to see the other’s true selves. 

Someone rips Alice away. Katherine feels a sudden breaking. She reaches out for her, but her mother tore her away.

“What did I tell you about embarrassing the family?” her mother bellows. Tears ripple down her face. Katherine is gone in the fog, just a distant memory. Alice longs to be with her again. The pain rockets through her every second she is away.

Alice’s mother, Queen Sarah, looks at Alice furiously. 

“I told you to act normal tonight, no dancing with your late-night-girl -...girl...your friend.” Alice rolls her eyes at her mother. 

“Everyone was you two dancing together, kiss eachother. How could you embarrass this family that way!” The Queen scowls at Alice, “Fine, if you demand to act like a fowl girl, we will treat you like one!”

Her mom drags her back to the ballroom. Alice’s mask still off and Katherine’s jacket still on. Her mom’s long blonde hair flows behind her, as she leads them back inside. Her grip hurts Alice’s wrists.

“Ow,” Alice cries. 

“Shut up, you stupid girl.” Alice pulls away. Taking the attention to Alice and her mother. Most people stop dancing and stare at them.

The soft music continues to brighten the air. 

Alice’s mother lowers her voice.

“Shut up, you’re making a scene.” Alice looks at her baffled. 

“Don’t follow me or you’ll make more of a scene.” Alice’s mom watches as Alice walks away, lifting her pure golden dress. 

She heads outside.

“Katherine? Katherine?” she calls. Alice doesn’t see anything. She gets lost in the fog. Twisting and turning.

The breeze grows stronger and colder. She shivers and clutches her arms. Her hair blowing everywhere.  

“Katherine!” she begs and hears no response. All she sees is fog and the line of candles. Taking each step her glass heels make a clink on the gold stairs that match her stunning gown.

She sets her dress down, it flows back into place. She lowers herself to her shoes, slipping the heel off. Her feet feel relieved.

She sighs and looks around confused. She can’t even see a foot in front of her, yet she can see the path of candles leading the way.

The wind blows her forward. She stumbles. Her feet splash into a puddle. Alice looks down, the puddle has a shimmer of light in it. 

Alice stands still for a minute, then suddenly she finds herself falling.

Her dress flows in the air and disapeers. She is left with her favorite pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. The cozy, familiar softness comforts her. Her shoes have been replaced with comfy slippers. 

She sees a forest, the forest is full of illuminated animals. The tallest tree is far out of sight. She begins to walk, still confused but more at ease.

“Katherine?” More and more she seems to draw deeper into the forest until she stops at the edge of a waterfall. 

The water is sparkling, and clean. She remembers all the times she’d seen water, even just puddles, and wanted to jump in them. As the queen’s daughter, she is expected to be better than that. 

Alice stares at the water again, it seems to call to her. She stares over the adge, and just lets go.

As she is flying through the air, she feels the rush of wind and excitement. The feeling rushes through her as she plummets into the water. The water surrounds her. She sinks into the warm, illuminating water. She, herself, glows brighter than the water. She feels free.

She swims with joy, and slowly makes her way to the side. She steps out of the water, as her comfortable clothes replace themselves with the beautiful golden gown. She steps out from the water, fully dry, and she spins. Alice laughs, and all she can see is the gold of her dress. 

Alice stops spinning, as she feels hands around her waist. She feels the warmth. Suddenly, she’s back in Katherine’s arms at the ballroom. 

“Katherine?” Katherine smiles and slips off her mask. 

“How did you know?” Alice smiles at her, relief washes over her at the same time.

“The same way you knew it was me.” They kiss, and this time, no one stops them from kissing or dancing. They dance freely throughout the ballroom, giggling and laughing amongst themselves. 

At the end of the dance, Alice looks down at her feet. They are not aching as before, she looks down to see her slippers fitted perfectly on her feet, she smiles.


Publication Date: 02-08-2021

All Rights Reserved

This book was actually made for someone I loved really deeply. Their name is not important, but I used to call them My Queen Bee.

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