» Fantasy » The Next God of Creation, Nick Venom [new ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Next God of Creation, Nick Venom [new ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Creation God Czeco"

Locus was an outcast who wanted to live a normal life by himself. Unfortunately, he wasn’t given this normal life, instead, being struck by a car while on his way to the grocery store. His body laid out on the streets in a puddle of blood. His life drained from his body and rose into the air. His soul, absorbed into a sphere, flew around in circles, orbiting a man in a green cloak. The man waved the sphere around before directing it towards a portal that opened up in front of him. Locus’s soul went into the portal, reincarnating him into a new world. The world of Rizal.

Unlike his original body, Locus grew two inches taller, reaching 5’8. He was reincarnated as the same age of sixteen-years-old and had blondish-white hair with tan skin, light grey eyes, and a slightly muscular physique. Locus looked around and noticed that the water that he was sitting on was nearly transparent. He stood up and watched as the water rippled off each other and hit the circular stone wall. He looked up at the ceiling, figuring out that he was in a church. He noticed a name in bolded print that he couldn’t pronounce.

His body was drenched, water dripping off his body. As Locus focused on the small details of the church, he heard a plate shatter. He looked toward the direction that he heard the sound and noticed a nun standing dumbfounded.

“Who are you? Where am I? Didn’t I Die?” Locus blurted out. The woman shook her head, motioning for him to look up at the ceiling. On the ceiling was the name he couldn’t pronounce. “What is that?” He asked.

“Creation God, Czeco. The god that this kingdom worships. You're the reincarnation of him!” She shouted.

“Creation God? Reincarnation? How is that possible?” Locus muttered to himself. “That can’t be true… can it?” He then stared at the woman. “Where am I and who are you?”

The woman nodded before bowing her head. “My name is Sister Ashley and you’re in the main church of Millwells, the capital of the Wyvern Kingdom.” She then raised her head and motioned for him to follow her. Locus stepped outside of the pool and walked up to her, leaking water onto the ground as he did. 

Locus put his hands to his head and slightly squeezed it. “Can you tell me more about my purpose here? I mean, there has to be a reason for my existence, right?” Locus blurted out. The woman nodded.

“Our kingdom is being threatened by the demon kingdom of Slade. Churches all over the world have been praying for the strength to defeat Slade. It looks like the gods have granted our prayers and given us the power of the strongest god, Czeco. You!” She said as she turned to face him, waving a finger at him. “... Were reincarnated as the human vessel for Czeco and should have access to his strength.” She told him. He nodded as he followed her outside of the church and into the city.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! You’re telling me that I’m supposed to protect an entire kingdom? How can I do this?” He asked, his eyes wide and his eyebrows high.

“The king will fund your training.”


“Now that you’ve appeared, our kingdom is saved. We’re heading to the castle to meet with the king to introduce our future savior to him and the rest of the royal family. There you will be taught how to survive in this world, including how to access your godly powers. “

“What if I can’t protect the kingdom?” He asked.

The woman looked him in the eyes. “We will all die.” She whispered before turning around and heading towards the castle, looming in the distance. “If you get strong enough and meet people like yourself, then you can protect the kingdom and the world.”

“People like myself?” Locus asked as two street rats ran past him.

“The king will grant you a few elite allies, but you can find new talents during your adventure that will help in defeating the Slade kingdom.”

“Talents, huh?” He muttered. He was never talented at anything in his past life. He didn’t have a purpose in his past life. He would’ve been nothing in that world. This world, however, can be different. “I will control my powers and protect the world. All with the power of the Creation God, Czeco!” He shouted into the air. People around him, including Sister Ashley, looked at him weirdly. “I will become a hero!”



Episode Two "Alpha Demon"

Sister Ashley brought Locus to the castle, bypassing the royal guards by showing the marking of the Creation God on his skin. She led him to the castle’s main entrance until a butler showed up, prying Locus from her. “King’s orders are that only he enters. You must return to the church.”

Sister Ashley nodded and turned around, glancing over her shoulder at Locus. “I pray for your safe journey.” She told him before walking down the pathway to the front gate, leaving Locus behind. 

The butler then ushered Locus into the castle, closing the doors behind him. “Let’s not keep the king waiting.” He said as he led Locus to the king’s throne room, a beautiful room covered in red and gold. The king, sitting on his golden throne, ordered Locus closer to him.

“You are the reincarnation of the Creation God Czeco?” 

“U-U-Uh, yeah,” Locus muttered before suddenly kneeling. He’d read a lot of fantasy manga that told him of what he should do in this situation. 

“What is your name, young man?”

“Locus, sir---I mean your majesty.” 

“Locus?” The king repeated. The king was an elderly man in his late seventies with a flowing white beard that went past his ankles. His pale-ish skin was wrinkled to a large degree while his hair was nearing its end. In contrast to his looks, he wore a fancy light green and blue robe. “Firstly, I welcome you to the kingdom of Wyvern.  Second, I have a proposition for you.”

“A proposition? Like a deal or something?”

The king nodded. “Your current situation lands you as the hero of the human kingdoms. That’s something I want to use to propose an alliance with every other human kingdom against the demon kingdom. However, I don’t want to use you without providing a benefit. Instead, I want you to ask for anything that I can provide you. Beautiful women, land, weapons; Anything you want---that I can provide---you can have.”

“Anything?” Locus asked, stroking his chin. “After I defeat this demon kingdom or whatever, then can I have a normal life?”

The king jerked his head while raising his eyebrows. “A normal life? Huh, what an interesting choice.” He then stood up from his throne and walked towards Locus. He rested one of his hands on his shoulder before looking Locus in the eyes. “I can ensure that you’ll have a normal life, a hundred lifetimes over. However, there must be something else?”

“A w-w-wife,” Locus awkwardly muttered.

“A wife? That request makes more sense.” The king said before roaring in laughter. “A strong man deserves an equally strong wife.” He motioned for Locus to stand. Locus followed his order and stood, receiving a pat on the shoulder. “I will organize a ball and call upon every noblewoman in the kingdom. You can choose any of them that interest you.” The king declared.

Locus shook his head and tried to explain to the king that a grand gesture like a large ball wouldn’t be necessary, but the king ignored him and ordered two of his servants to begin the preparations. “I think I should be focusing on training?” 

“I’ve already organized your trainers. They’ll arrive tomorrow. You’ll start your training then. However, tonight, you will discover your wife!”

Locus protested against the ball, but the king wouldn’t allow it. The king handed Locus over to a group of maids, who looked at him with hungry eyes, wielding different suits for him to try on. “Wait, I can dress myself!” He shouted to no avail. The maids sank their teeth on him, pushing different suits on him until all five of them found the perfect one; a black and white suit with the marking of Czeco imprinted over his heart. The suit was fashioned with hidden compartments to hide knives. 

After trying clothes on for an entire hour, Locus walked outside of the changing room with his suit on full display. The king waited by the room like a puppy waiting for its owner. However, the puppy never noticed that an invader entered the home. The king’s wife appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the king by his ear. “Oh, you must be the reincarnation of Czeco. Locus, was it? I apologize for this one. He doesn’t know how to act like a real king. My name’s Harley.” She said as she extended her hand. Locus took it, shaking her hand longer than he should have. “Andrew will be busy for a while, but he’ll appear at the ball. You’ve been given access to almost every room in the castle. However, don’t enter any restricted rooms.” Queen Harley told him. She was a beautiful brunette woman in her early seventies with young-looking pale skin that didn’t match her age. She wore a beautiful white and blue gown. 

“Okay,” He muttered before Harley dragged Andrew off by his ear into a room, where minutes later, Locus heard his screams and cries. Locus ignored Andrew’s screams and cries and investigated the castle, coming across the kitchen, meeting room, the staffs’ room, and the underground prison. 

In the prison, Locus looked at the inhabitants while being monitored by a guard. Locus noticed that the small and cramped prison held ten people---nine males and one female. As Locus neared the only female, he noticed her beauty. A dark-skinned demon with bright pink long hair that curled at the ends. She wore brown tattered clothes that were hanging on a string at certain points. The woman noticed Locus and came up to the cell’s bar. The guard raised his sword and slowly walked towards the woman’s cell. Locus---intrigued by the demon woman---walked closer to the cell before the guard yanked him backward.

“Stay away from her. She’s an Alpha Demon!”



Episode Three "Angelica"

“What’s an Alpha Demon?” Locus asked him. The guard picked the visor up and revealed the male elf that stood inside of the

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