» Fantasy » elspeth, krystalline napier [best way to read books txt] 📗

Book online «elspeth, krystalline napier [best way to read books txt] 📗». Author krystalline napier


"sir you have a healthy bueatifull baby girl." i looked up from my book as they brought my daughter out to me. she had a bundle of white hair just like her mothers.
"o my dearest elspeth." i wispered to my sleeping child. my wife apparently wasnt awake or she would have already taken her away. that cruel woman has no compassion. i couldnt wait to sign the divorce papers. i took her to my manor the twin snake clan manor where she would be my heiress. my beautifull girl. my one year old little boy toddled into what was to be her room and jumped up and down. i laughed and picked him up so he could see his new little sister.
a week later the divorce papers where signed and i was granted custody of our two children.
apparently she had the aid of a dark fairy though because that night as i laid my children down for the day an evil fairy appeared to me and said,
" when this girl named elspeth turns 12 she will run from you in fear and shall meet a horrible end."
stunned i grabbed elspeth from her bed and ran from the room. i laid down in my bed with her sleeping peacefully in my arms. i fell asleep thinking of a way to save her.
when i awoke i new what to do. i tracked down one of my slaves and asked if she and her husband would like a child. she gleefully said yes though i did not tell her the parents of the child.
i kept her one more night and she slept in my arms. but before nightfall i had left her on the doorstep of the slaves quarters, hoping she would be taken care of.

six years later i heard news of one of thier childrens death, that was the first time i made contact with her. i was worried it might have been her.
but when i got thier she was sitting outside her house, her shoulder length hair in pigtails, and she said in a voice like bells
"are you here to see my little brother? he is dead you know. the overseer beat him to death. little brother wouldnt stop crying"
i was appalled. i went and asked which overseer had done the horendous deed.
i tracked him down and had him charged with slaughter of a child. he was put to death. soon things where back to normal, except for the fact she becamea favorite of mine. she would come to me and chat about her friends. i was happy to listen.

then the dreaded year came, she turned 12.

chapter 1

my name is elspeth. what a gay name. who names thier slave child after the clan heiress you serve. ok so we had never seen her. but the master is constantly boasting about her, elspeth this elspeth that. thats how we new she existed.
we are vampires. well they are vampires. we are vampire slaves.the big differance between us and normal people is they where their claoks over thier shoulders we have to keep them behind our shoulders. or not wear them at all most of the time we didnt it was to difficult.
male slaves wear cotton long sleeved black shirts, and black pants. females wear black tights, a black and red poofskirt similar to the ones humans buy at hot topic, and a black tanktop. all slaves go barefoot.
the only thing all vamps have thats the same is our clan necklace. they are made of metal and are the emblems of the clan you serve or the clan you are born into.
well anyway im sure you are wondering about our eyesight. we have two catagories thier, you either see or you dont. but if you cant you have this extra sence that tells you where things are. at least thats what we are taught.
the same goes for all are other scences as well.
you either had it or you didnt it was that simple.

well anyway this morning i had just glanced at my work scedule and saw i had watering duty. that meant i had five minutes to get thier! i skipped breakfast and ran for the field. the overseer merly grunted as i joined the group and marked me off his list. we all formed our lines and got our buckets filled them with water and staggared to our designated fields. we did this over and over again. minus the bucket we already had those.
we stopped at midnight for lunch which was a small glass of blood. then it was back to work. it was about midway threw after midnight when i dropped the bucket. i hadnt meant to. but still i groaned as the water seeped into the earth.
i quickly picked up the bucket and rushed to refill it. i was standing in line when we all heard,
"hey you slave"
we all turned to see the overseer coming towards us. i held my breath as he searched then gasped as he grabbed the front of my tanktop and pulled me out of line. fear engulfed me. i heard the other slaves give a sigh of relief as the line started moving again. i felt a brief flash of irritation before it was almost simutaniously replaced by fear as i saw him pull out the black leather whip all overseers carried. pain engulfed me as he hit me three times across the chest.
i gave an involantary wimper. that made him angrier.he grabbed my arm as he let go of my shirt and shoved my to the ground. i fell on my back but that was bad so he kicked me and i rolled over on my back. then he began to hit me across the back pain was all i felt.
then it suddeny stopped i heard voices butmy pain stopped me from understanding them. then a gentle hand lifted me offthe ground and dusted me off. i looked up and saw that itwas one of masters messengers i clumsily courtsied. he beckoned me to follow him. i had to run to catch up with him cuz he had really long legs and i like was just 12. but anyway as we entered the manor he said
"go see the master he is in his study."
instantly a smile spread across my face and i courtsied again to him.
the master is so kind hearted we all adore him. he is the greatest person i even no. he is so gentle with us. he never lets the overseers get to rough and when my baby brother was beat to death six years ago he had his murderer put to death for that i will always love my master. o! and he lets me talk to him i get house duty alot and i serve him tea and i can sit with him and talk sometimes i watch his son eniment practicing. well actually i hold towels bandages and water for him but i still get to watch him. ane day eniment even let me try needless to say i failled miserably. they were both so kind. as i bounded up the stairs my pain began to fade away. it had already dulled to a trob anyway i opened the door and gave a bow as i shut the door again.
"ah elspeth have a seat" he said in his deep rich voice.
"very well sir and please just call me ell." i replied as i sat.
" do u remember my friend from the dragon compound?"
"yes sir"
"good then ell will u please go help him take care of his girls"
"very well sir"
"thank you he will be at the gate soon go look for someone with his mark"
"very well sir"

as i left he said
"o and elspeth becarefull."
"i will sir and its just ell"
i rushed to the gate thinking about the drgon compound i loved it thier it was so beautiful and i just afored the lord dragons girls they were twins and six years old they had me watch over them alot. soon i saw someone with his mark i bowed and stepped into the road he grabbed my arm and began pulling me away it didnt take long for me to realize we where going in the wrong direction. soon we entered the commoner section of our village when i got scared. he pulled me into an ally and i was getting ready to scream when..........

it all went black

chapter 2

when i awoke i had no idea where i was. i couldnt see and the pain in my head blocked my other sences.
slowly my eyesight returned to me. i was suprised when i noticed i was laying on grass. i sat up greatly confused. what had happened to me? then the memories began flooding back to me. "o shoot!"
i jumped to my feet and had just decided to make a run for it when i realized it was day i panicked how long had i been out?
"i see your up" a male voice said behind me. i turned to c a male slave vampire sitting on the ground near me how did he get here? i

swear he wasnt thier a second ago

he had wavy black hair and he smiled at me as he stood and held his hand out to me
"hey im dran from the dragon compound. nice to meet you and you are?" he asked
caught off guard i said "elspeth"


Publication Date: 11-14-2009

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