» Fantasy » The Red Diamond, Emily Flowers [books to read this summer .txt] 📗

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Iman’s Journal Book 1


Copyright © 2020 by Emily Flowers

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

image Chapter 1

As long as there was enough socks packed in my bags for my cold feet, I’d be good. Oh and my book of spells for protection of course and you never know, I might need to zap a human specimen into a rabbit.


Now that grumpy old sweet voice could only be my dear grandpapa Charles Mathews. He was my rock, but it was time to say goodbye for a while, to my beautiful home, which was a mansion built with the most exquisite architecture and finest of fine interior design.

And most importantly I was going to miss my room; this was where my imagination caressed the power of real magic.

“Iman, it’s time to go!” My grandpapa yelled.

Goodbye to my magical room embraced with a ray of sweet purple and royal blue, but I’d be back with enough knowledge from the world of epidemiology. I believed my wizard magic would produce an epic kind of science which the universe needed.

As I walked down the stairs, there he was, my grandpapa waiting for me like I was a royal princess. I was only two years old when he adopted me after his daughter, who was mum, and my dad died in a car crash. Ever since Mr. Charles Matthews, my grandfather, showered all his love on me along with Mr. Albert Bell, our butler who spoiled me rotten. I was going to miss these two a lot.

Albert loaded my two huge suitcases in Grandpapa’s Lamborghini and off we drove.

“Rule number one, never use magic to perform bad deeds. Rule number two, never get too close or friendly with ordinary humans. Rule number three, never expose your wizard gift to humans. Rule number four, never lie to your fellow wizards. And most importantly rule number five, never fall in love or have any romantic affairs with ordinary humans.” Grandpapa recited the wizard code of conduct five times already so that it rang in my head like a Christmas carol.

Once we reached the campus, Grandpapa and I stepped out of the car and then I watched his dark brown eyes look into my sea blue eyes like his world was about to end. My heart felt like a sinking ship and before any tears could roll down my face, I quickly hugged him while he patted his wrinkled soft hand on my long red hair tied up in a pony.

He kissed me on the forehead and said, “Let’s go get smart, my apple.”

We both carried a suitcase and walked to my student accommodation. When we reached my new room, we entered to find a short plump but cute girl who already took the bed next to the window.

“Now how am I supposed to breathe?” I thought to myself.

Grandpapa, on the other hand, looked at the girl like she killed his favorite cat named “Spooks.”

I smiled at the girl slightly to break the awkwardness that already clouded the room and then went on to place my bags inside a two-door brown wooden cupboard, and at that moment I thanked my wizard ancestors that there were two draws in the room and neither of us had to fight for cupboard space.

My bed was a single bed leaning against a plain grey wall and next to my bed was a small table and chair. Grandpapa was not too pleased with the plainness that room contained. “Iman, if you want to still live at home, I don’t mind dropping you off at this place every day.”

I knew that was coming. My grandpapa loved elegance and had quite an expensive taste which he could afford since he was the owner of the largest chocolate factory in the City of Florida.

“I’ll be ok, Grandpapa,” I replied. “This is a new chapter, remember, for me to grow.”

“I know, I know, but before I depart I need to give you something.” Then he retrieved a beautiful ruby red diamond from his pocket, which he slipped secretly into my palm since he could feel the fat girl’s eyes glaring at them. “This will help keep the humans at a far distance so you’ll not get attached to them,” he whispered into my ears, rolling his eyes back as a hint toward my roommate.

I never shared anything before and I was not a people person and therefore this whole room sharing thing was going to be a hefty trail, but I’d be strong, I told myself.

I walked my grandpapa back to his car and hugged him once again. “See you soon, my dear!” Grandpapa said with a kiss on my forehead, and off he drove.

I trotted off to my new room and when I made my entrance, there was my roommate who had her hand stretched out incredibly excited to introduce herself.

“I’m Nicole. Nice to meet you!” she said with a squeaky voice, which gave me goose bumps and created a creepy atmosphere in the room.

“Hi ... I’m Iman.” I responded, feeling really unbalanced because she looked like a talking time bomb.

“Aren’t you like excited to finally be on campus? I heard that there are like really hot guys here! I just can’t wait for tomorrow,” she yapped on.

“What’s happening tomorrow?” I boringly asked.

“A new day at campus, duh,” she irritatingly squeaked and at that point I felt like taking my wand and turning her into a quiet little rabbit.

“Anyway, I’m going out to store to pick up some snacks. Should I get you anything?” she asked.

“Hmm, no, thank you. “I responded.

“Ok, then see you in a few.”

Nicole slammed the door behind her on her way out, which turned into a big sigh of relief for me. Some peace and tranquility which I was truly going to miss from living with Grandpapa. I missed him already.

image Chapter 2

Have you ever woken up in a new place and felt like, “Wow, how did I get here?”

I felt a huge gap in my mind waking up in my new room for the first time. Nicole, on the other hand, was wide awake and all dressed up in her shiny baby blue above the knee length doll dress, which exposed enough cleavage. Her well-tanned face was lightly powdered and her lips were glowing with pink lip gloss. She looked almost like a heavyweight, which is a better word than “fat” Barbie doll.

“Good morning, sleepy head!” Nicole mumbled with a chocolate Twinkie stuffed in her mouth, excited as if she leaped out of a gift box ready to rumble.

I rubbed my eyes and lazily responded with my rusty morning voice, “Morning.”

I looked at my phone to check the time because if Nicole was already up and ready then I was late for class and I had never been late for anything before. It was only 6 a.m. and already my over energetic roommate was blabbering. This time around I tried my best to avoid her and went into our miniature cream tiled bathroom, which was on her side of the room, and closed the door on her chattering. I told myself I’d just blame it on not being a morning person when actually I really loved the mornings. It was my best time to meditate about my plans for the day.

After taking a long shower, I looked at my pale round face in the mirror and I couldn’t help but feel ugly even though my grandpapa always told me I looked like Snow White just with red hair and red lips which didn’t need any lip gloss. I opened the bathroom door and was relieved to find the room empty. Nicole had already left and I was in serenity.

Although I packed up two suitcases with almost all my clothes, I contested finding what to wear. Or maybe I was going through a new phase whereby I needed to invest in a new wardrobe of clothes. My navy blue jeans and red V-neck T-shirt were the only decent things I could find. All that was left now was tying my hair in a ponytail as usual and heading off to class. College is different from high school; there is no need to care about what people think or say because we’re all young adults trying to build our future. Well, that was what I presumed.

I was early for my class and chose a seat next to the window in the front row. I placed my backpack on the chair next to me to prevent other students from sitting there. I was already tolerating sharing a room so I really couldn’t have more disturbances to my circle of isolation.

The professor entered the class and immediately wrote his name on the green board.

“Good day students, really great to meet you all. My name is Professor Lee and I can’t wait to ––”

While the professor was introducing himself, a tall well-built boy with dark brown brushed back hair barbarously entered. He browsed the class with his wondering hazel brown eyes and pranced over to the seat next to mine and ever so rudely put my bag on the ground.

“How dare this impudent imbecile!” I thought to myself.

“Welcome sir and you are?” the professor questioned the late arrival.

“I am Troy, sir. Troy Billings,” the boy responded confidently with his buff voice. “I do apologize for my tardiness.”

“Not a problem, Troy. I hope all of you are ready to start your new journey in the world of epidemiology,” the professor went on to say. He was a short skinny man who had

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