» Fantasy » Once Upon a Midnight Moon, Trinity Bond [best e reader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Once Upon a Midnight Moon, Trinity Bond [best e reader for academics txt] 📗». Author Trinity Bond

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Authors note

Heyy I'm Trinity. I just wanted to tell you all the characters in this book are close friends of mine. Also this story is up on a lot of different sites because i love publishing my stories. If it's different from one site to another I will inform you that I love to change things up a bit so you dont feel like your reading the same story over and over. Also as a resault of this being up on several sites i really do hope you wont try and make it into your own story. 

The new pack member

Trinity's P.O.V."Is he here yet?" I ask my third in command, Ashley."For the hundredth time, NOOOO!" Ashley shouts at me, "Now if you don't mind I'm trying to spend some time with my boyfriend so go.""Ok fine." I say walking away. Just then I hear a knock on the door and I dart over to it. As I get to the door I see my second in command, Joy, answering the door."H-h-hey," she stutters out."Hello, is this the Midnight Moon packs hang out?" I hear a guy say, so I head over to the door."Yes it is," I say as I duck around Joy to get a better look at the guy asking and let me tell you he was hot. Like hotter than the sun in the summer. "Umm.. is your alpha around?" He asks. "Yeah," I say. "May I talk to him?" he asks. "Him? HIM?! An alpha can be a girl too, you little motherfucker," I say nearly biting his head off."I-I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. When I had called to see about joining I had talked to a guy who said he was alpha," the guy explains backing up a little."Umm uh, yeah that was my d-d-dad. He's not here," I stutter out getting the sad feeling I've had since my dad died. "Umm I could wait until he gets back..." He's cut off by my cries, "Hey what's wrong?""He wont be back... He'll never be back. I'm all alone," I cry out."Why do you say that I'm sure he'll be back," He says."No he won't. He's dead. He died about a week after he got into a fight to keep in charge. I'm alpha because no one else was willing to step into his shoes and take over," I say."Wh-what about your mother?" he asks. "She died when I was really young," I say, "but whatever they aren't coming back I have to stay strong for the pack at least. So you ready to meet the rest of the pack?""Huh? Oh yeah lets go," He says. So I wrap my arm around his and show him to the training room where the rest of the pack has already started warming up. Once we get into the training room I call everyone together and realize Ashley and Tristan still aren't in there."Will someone go get Ashley and Tristan before I go get them in the most unpleasant way I can think of?" I yell. One of the pack members that I couldn't remember his name walks out of the room and minutes later comes back with Ashley and Tristan."Alright everyone this is our new pack member that we've been dying to get," I say, then turn to look at him, "come stand in front of everyone and introduce yourself.""I'm Ryan Powers," he says."Okay everyone if you want to introduce yourselves to Ryan then stand in a single file line. Joy, Ashley and Tristan to the front you three have to introduce yourselves," I say. Not much to my surprise Joy rushes up to stand directly in front of him ."Hellooooooooo hottie, I'm Joy, Trinity's second in command, but if you'd like you can call me Sugar or baby... ooo ooo ooo how bout Cupcake because I'm nice and sweet ," Joy says. I quickly push her along so other people can say hi. "Hello I'm Ashley and this is my mate Tristan," Ashley walks up saying while Tristan extends his hand out for a hand shake. I didn't have to rush them along. They'd rather not have to talk to anyone but me and each other. After Ashley and Tristan walked off the rest of the pack introduced themselves quite quick. After the last pack member introduced herself I called everyone back to order."Okay so now that we've all formally introduced ourselves to Ryan, it's question time. Anyone have any questions for him?" I ask and of course the first hand to shot up into the air is Joy's."Okay well I guess since she was the first to raise her hand Joy will be the first to ask her question(s)," I say a little annoyed."Yay!! Okay well i have four questions for the sexy stud standing next to you," she says with a wink, " First, what color is your fur when you change into a wolf? Mines white. Second, what do you look for most in a girl? Third, if you could be mated with anyone who would it be? And Fourth, have you found your mate yet?""Well..." Ryan starts while blushing at those questions, "My fur color is Black and Gold. Second, I like a girl who is cute, both personality and appearance wise, caring, and fun to be around. Umm... I honestly don't know who I would mate with. And finally, I'm not entirely sure yet.." The minute Joy heard the last part her face dropped, but at the same time so did mine."O-oh okay," Joy kinda stutters out. After Joy finished with her questions I called on other people to start asking questions. Once everyone had asked their questions it was my turn."Okay well now that everyone who had questions has had a chance to ask them i have a couple questions I'd like for you to answer," I say."O-of course. Ask anything you would like to know," Ryan stammers out."First off what pack did you come from and why did you leave?" I ask."My father's pack, some of the wolves didn't like the way he was ruling so they planned a coup and overthrew him," He began. "They killed him. I was still a young pup at that time, so they exiled me before I could possibly claim alpha. Some of the loyal members helped me secretly until I was old enough to train myself to be stronger than the rest and overcome the struggles of living a solitary life. It became tiring so I came here in search of a pack I can call my own.""Awwh I'm soo sorry," I say feeling bad for him, " Umm I think we're going to call it good on questions. Everyone time for training pair up."Right as I say that Joy comes waltzing up to the front."Heyy Ryan," she say batting her eyes, " I was wondering if you would like to um I don't know be my partner for training.""Umm no he was supposed to be alpha so his skill sets are higher then yours Joy which means he will have to be my partner," I say."But... but... but," Joy says"That's enough I'm alpha what I say goes! He trains with me." I say shooing her away.Ryan smirks at me and looks at me as if he's sizing me up and then speaks, "Well this'll be fun. A son of an alpha against a daughter of one that is currently Alpha.""Bring it," I say with a wink knowing I could take him on, "You don't stand a chance against me, I'm a third generation Alpha. My granddad founded this pack so give it your best shot.""This is no fair," I hear Joy whine from across the room."Keep complaining and you'll be stuck on kitchen duty for the rest of the week," I say.Ryan smiles at me, "Well, ladies first" He taunted."Oh boy you don't know what your getting yourself into," I say."Hmm your right but I'm not backing down," he says and with that I flung myself at him tackling him to the ground."If your not going to back down you could at least give me a challenge," I say shooting a wink at him.Then all of a sudden he twists my body over with his legs wrapped around mine and pins me to the ground."You asked for it" He responds and brings his arm down and presses down on my neck and then gets up and grabs someone's sword and throws it at my feet. "Round 2?" He grabs another person's sword and sheathe and puts it on."Oh your on," I say, "this time you wont get so lucky." I lung putting more weight on my front foot and almost falls on my face."Keep that up and I'm going to win," he says wrapping his arms around my waist catching  me before I fell completely. Once I'm standing again I brush him off hopping no one else was watching. 'Gawd something is up today, I've been off today I'm never off like this,' I think not willing to say it out loud, "It's you," I say out loud not meaning to. "Whats who," Ryan asks. At this point I can't take it any longer, I had him off guard so i swung the sword he had given me. "You have me off my guard, your the reason I'm making a foul of myself during training. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" I say then I drop the sword and run from the room hoping no one will follow.

Chapter Two

Ryan's P.O.V.All of a sudden Trinity just bursted off, obviously upset, but right as I was about to follow a girl, Ashley I think it was, stopped me."Stop, let me go calm her down. You made her really upset just now so I think it wouldn't be wise for you to go talk to her. Besides you don't know where she'll be headed." She said. I thought about what she said and nodded. She ran off and I watched her and watched everyone practice their fighting. Then all of a sudden, Joy came up to me."Hey, what happened to Trinity?" She asked cautiously. I thought about it carefully."She had important business to take care of." I said, trying not to embarrass Trinity."Oh well, what are you doing tomorrow?" She asked. I looked at her, she looked really pretty in the glow of the torches."I don't know," I admitted, "Why do you wanna

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