» Fantasy » Dragons, Patrick Stephens [little readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dragons, Patrick Stephens [little readers .TXT] 📗». Author Patrick Stephens

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One Day in the land of Varun there were two young dragons that were best friends. They were unlike anything that the others in their clan had ever seen. Even the great dragon of their clan had never any dragon that were like these two. Everan had crystal-like scales while Alister had golden scales. Everyone was mystified about how their scales could have become those colors. It was a mystery that was taken to merlin himself. Even he did not have an answer to their mystery. So all they could was wait and see what these two were going to be like. Then 100 years later the two were now old enough to go out on their own but before they set out they were warned by their elders" beware of those that want to kill dragons didn't exist and beware of the dark dragons that believe that humans should be destroyed". They were best friends by now. They decided they should travel together. They traveled through the land of Varun many years and learned many things and had to do things they wish could have been avoided.

Chapter 1 The Arrival of Darkness

One day when they were crossing the barren desert a dark dragon appeared before Alister when Everan was out hunting for food. He managed to persuade Alister that if he went with him he could have unimaginable power. When she got back and saw that Alister was gone she at first thought he gone exploring for a bit, but when he did not return for an hour she knew something had happened. She used her magic and located a disturbance of evil where alister had been when she had left. She knew the feeling was that of a dark dragon. She used the magic she had learned and located the direction of the trail of darkness and managed to follow it. She traveled for weeks and passed through many lands before finally reaching the land of the forsaken which was the territory of the dark dragons. She hesitated for she did not know if she would ever leave their territory as she is now. She thought this because all who enter are attacked by spirits of evil that will try to take her to the power of evil. This will happen because of an ancient spell cast by the dark dragons of old. No one knows how they managed to cast such powerful and difficult spell, it is also a mystery to merlin himself as well. Then, she finally made up her mind and was about to take of into their territory she felt herself unable to move. She tried to move again and found she could still move her head. She then looked to her left and saw a dragon landing beside her. She said what do you want, why have you immobilized me? It is for your own good said the mysterious dragon. If you wish not to be corrupt by the darkness of this land I suggest you do not enter. But my friend is in there and I have to get him out before something bad happens to him. Please let me go I have to save him. I'm sorry to have to tell you this but he chose this himself. No he would never do something like that. This dark dragon must have put a spell on him theres no way he would choose something like this. He did because he was told by the dark dragon that he would gain immense powers if he became one of them. No, why would he want power when he told me himself he didn't need it. I'll tell you a story about his childhood ok. Now listen up so I can tell you his story.

Chapter 2 The Story

Over 100 years ago when your pal Alister was still in his egg his entire clan was destroyed because their power was feared by many. Their destroyer was Alasier, the last golden dragon, who after destroying his clan felt so saddened that the darkness overcame his heart and he became a dark dragon and he left his egg alone because he wanted your friend to kill him. Your friend knows all of this but he kept it from you because he didn't want to hurt you. Why would he keep something like that from me? We're close enough friends that he tells me everything. If this was true he would have told me. Well it seems he never told you this. Shut up you don't know anything about him, you don't understand him like I do. He must be scared. That is why I must go to him now. I have to rescue him from the darkness. I'm sorry but by now he is beyond saving. No! I do not believe that. Fine if that is what you believe come with me I will train you. You can come back and save him in a hundred years. But by then the darkness could have complete control over him. Yes but I can teach you magic that will reverse its effects on him. She was intrigued that anyone could ever teach a spell that can do that. So she agreed to go with him if he was really able to do that. So they set off on their journey to this mysterious dragons house"she still didn't know his name".

Chapter 3 The Journey to the Cavern

They traveled for many days before finally reaching the valley of malas, which had always been unexplored land, where the dragons cave was. When they arrived she was eager to start training immediately but they were both tired and he insisted on them getting rest before they started the training. The next morning when she got up she saw that the sun was high in the sky already and she immediately rushed to the main cavern of the mysterious dragons cave. When she got into the main chamber she didn't see anyone but she saw a table made of solid gold and there was food heaped on the table with a note that said "eat up". She didn't know what else to do so she ate her fill of the food on the table and she started to explore the cave and stumbled upon the entrance to the cave. She looked out over the ridge and saw the mysterious dragon flying towards her. She made room for him as he landed. She then remembered she didn't know his name and when she asked he said "oops how rude of me I forgot to introduce myself, well then my name is Lestron". Now that we know each other i'm sure you are eager to start training. Follow me and i'll take you to the area we are going to train at. He headed back into the cave and for a moment she hesitated for she recognized the name but couldn't place it, so she followed him back into the cave. As they went through the cave she saw many tunnels that had to have taken a while to make considering their size. She followed him to a cavern that was so huge that it must have been bigger than the mountain that they were in. She gasped as she saw the size and turned to look at lestron and he laughed and said "whenever your finished gawking we can start training". She closed her mouth immediately. She said "well then lets get started". First you have to yourself in tune with your body and soul as well as the nature around you. How will I do that she asked. Well first it will take a few years of meditation to get started. She began training that day and for over a hundred years she trained with him and after he taught her all that he could in preparation for the spell that could reverse the effects of the darkness that had taken complete control of alister he began to teach her how to use the spell. When she had finally mastered the spell to a point she told him that she was going to go after him now. He said "are you sure your ready yet". Yes! I am ready to bring him back from the darkness. Then at least let me give you protection so you can enter their lands safely. Oh and one more thing. What is it? It is a prophecy that I had around the beginning of your training. Why didn't you tell me then? Well, it would have gone against the prophecy. Well, you can tell me now. Yeah, this is the prophecy I had: a female dragon with crystal scales that has been betrayed by one who has taken on the power of darkness will travel with a human child whose eyes are the color of fog and has the fire of a dragon within him to the land of eternal darkness and find the four gems of Ja'rein to purge the land of the dark dragons of the great evil that is there. Is that all of it? Yes, and now you must find this boy and then the gems before you can save your friend and purge the evil from the land of the dark dragons. Well did the prophecy give a hint about where this child might be? It did say something about the land where rain falls very little. Well then thats obviously the desert. Then that will be where you start. Luckily for you there is only one town in the desert. Great where is it? It is near the end of the desert towards the forsaken mountains. If you go towards the desert from the third mountain you would reach the town in a few minutes from there. It should take a few days to reach the mountains if you leave now you will arrive at a town called Atden and you should go to the atwater tavern and ask for Darren, he'll give you a room to stay in.

Chapter 4 Search for the Gems

I'll be going now. Well i'll be back if I don't find him. Yes, you must return if you don't find him there that way I can see about some other places that have little rain. Great, that would be good. Then Everan went off in search for this child that would help her seek out these gems that would allow her to free her friend and get rid of the evil in the dark dragons territory. When she reached the town she was supposed to arrive the sun was setting. When she got to the tavern she asked for Darren and a man came out and led her to a room that was big enough for her to sleep in. He told her that she didn't need to pay for it had already been paid for. The next day she woke up and was about to take off when the man called Darren came out and said hold on. Why must I wait when I have to go now? There was something that was left here years ago for you when you came by I had forgotten it last night but I remembered this morning. What is it? It's some sort of a gem. When he unwrapped the package she saw a gem and immediately knew it was one of the gems she was looking for. She said thank you and had him put it in the makeshift saddle she had on. After he was a distance away she took off and headed for the forsaken mountains thinking if there was anything else he didn't

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