» Fantasy » Hiding In The Harem, Ann Poppet [classic books for 11 year olds TXT] 📗

Book online «Hiding In The Harem, Ann Poppet [classic books for 11 year olds TXT] 📗». Author Ann Poppet

The Plan Unravels

She stared out of the Harem at the very tall handsome man on the other side. Her heart quickened.

Jarren had changed a lot since when they were eight and thirteen.

She smiled inside. He glared down at her. "when did I add you to my harem?" he tilted her head up with a finger. "mhm...Chelsea...fix this one up and prepare her for me....then send her to me..." he walked away.

Leaving her shocked, scared, aroused, and angry...She turned to Chelsea who knew who she was. "what do i do?"

Chelsea sighed. "you must go to him...i'm sorry dear...But i also think he knows..."

Miaya sighed. "of course..." she dressed in pink lingerie and was led to a room that was a double door.
she knocked her knees knocking together.

a deep timbre voice called her into the room. Miaya entered and peered around to find Jarren in the center of his big oak bed.

The black sheets went well with his sun darkened skin. she gulped and stepped nearer. she had to tell him.

Jarren looked miaya over and sighed. His his harem...Now in his room in a very sinful outfit.
he felt red hot anger rise up. "miaya...why in budda's name would you sneak into my harem?!!!" Miaya gulped and stared at him shocked.

Jarren smirked. his anger ebbing. "thought i didnt know? you look just the same as you were at eight.."

Miaya sighed. and covered her breasts, which were of ample size.

Jarren smiled , lust flickered over his face. "okay...mmaybe not that much..." his gaze lingered over the pale domes of flesh.

Miaya glared. "dont ogle me!"

Jarren laughed. "your my bride..and! you are not dressed.." he rose his eye brow and smirked.

Miaya stamped her foot down and her face got red.

Jarren chuckled. "not much has changed about you miaya..."

Miaya now smirked. "neither have you...Jarren...still as bossy and heartless as before!"

Jarren smiled. "you still have quite a tongue...i think its time i tought you to use it properly..." he steppped closer.

Miaya started to panic inside as he stopped in front of her. and tilted her chin up.

Jarren leaned down and brushed his lips against her soft plump ones. "mhm...good"

Miaya blushed and tried to take a step back, away from him, but he put a hand on her lower back.

Jarren pulled her against him , till she was pressed against his erection. "what did you hope to accomplish from hiding in my Harem?"

The Quick Vows

Jarren smirked, she was still speechless from being pressed against him. he shook his head. "we can fix this right away before any outsiders find out you were hidden in my harem... Buddha knows what you could have seen and heard..."

Miaya looked down at the floor. too embarrassed to look him in the face. "I'm sorry...I wanted to know who you were now...and if you were someone I could marry" she shuffled her foot on the floor.

Jarren smiled. "come with me..." he gripped her elbow and led her out of his chambers and down the hallway and some stairs.

Miaya let him lead her along, wondering where he was taking her.

Jarren led her into a under ground chapel, and up to the priest.

Miaya frowned. "what?"

Jarren smiled. "Father...would you please marry me and my bride?"

Married Life is Not What She Expected


Publication Date: 05-29-2011

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