» Fantasy » Avalon, Princess of Earth, B. M. Board [digital e reader TXT] 📗

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Avalon, Princess of Earth

It was sunny morning in the earth province of my kingdom. But it was also the most dangerous. The reason I say that is because my sisters and I, the princesses of the fire, air and water provinces, would be meeting at noon to discuss some very important business. My combat instructor, Darius, was training me I the traditional way of an earth princess. I’m nothing like my sisters as you can guess because I actually like me outside and in the world. I only wear my shoes when I’m inside or have company and all of my dresses are still hanging in my closets, except for my favorite outdoor dress. It is a pair of sturdy bark colored pants covered underneath a mossy green skirt. My top is the same color brown but short sleeved and embroidered with the earthen crest. My bow and quiver of arrows were strapped to my back like they always are and my favorite dagger was strapped to my side. I was so busy worrying about my sisters that I got distracted and Darius shot an arrow that nearly caught my hair, but it sailed right over me to its target. “Darius, you do realize that you almost hit me?” I said to him with an annoyed look on my face. He just laughed, “I do realize what I almost did but the key word is “almost”.” He said with a triumphant look on his face. I readjusted the clover headband on my head and said, “you are positively primeval, Darius.” I said to him as I loaded another arrow into my bow. “What has you so distracted today?” he asked as he adjusted my arms to make a perfect position. “If you must know, I’m meeting my sisters today. All of them I may add.” I said as I let the arrow sail through the air to make a perfect bulls-eye. “You mean to tell me that you’re meeting with Imika, Asina, and Venus. Might I ask who’s realm this will be held in this time.” He asked with a nervous look on his face. I gave him a sympathetic look and said, “Mine, Darius.” I gave him an incredulous look and walked over to my target retrieve my arrows. “Well I believe, because this is a special occasion, we shall adjourn early this morning.” He said. I turned around so fast that my hair caught in a little nook in the targets wood. “Darius, I can’t believe you would make such a suggestion! We haven’t even gone over the proper way to handle a bow and arrow on horseback and you want to end early?!” I said as I untangled my hair. He gave me a sympathetic look and helped my release my hair. “I believe it would be better if we stopped early so you could get ready for your sisters arrival. I mean there are so many things to do for them. Imika always has to have the room with a view of her kingdom, Asina has to have a room overlooking the ocean, and Venus has to have the room in the tower so she can be close to her element. No offense your highness, but your sisters are very high-strung.” He said as we finally untangled my hair. “No offense taken, Darius. I understand what you mean now so I believe we are done here. I will see you at dinner. Wear something formal please. You know how Venus is about proper manners at a dinner table.” I smiled at him and he bowed. “As you wish, your highness.” He said as he kissed my hand and walked towards his horse, Racer.
(To be continued)


Text: I found all of these pictures on google. I own none of them.
Publication Date: 11-29-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my Ye yo for always believing in me.

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