» Fantasy » Silver Night 2, Lauren Behrens [primary phonics txt] 📗

Book online «Silver Night 2, Lauren Behrens [primary phonics txt] 📗». Author Lauren Behrens

Chapter 2: Training

It suddenly clicked with all of us that she had one of her “feelings.” Whenever she got one everyone knew something was would happen. She once got four “good feelings” and we met our four friends.
“What do you mean by bad?” Kris asked I finished her question with
“Bad like tsunami bad or break a nail bad?” A look of sheer terror crossed her features and I knew there would be a third option.
“Bad like end of the world bad.” She said on the verge of tears. We all looked at each other warily,
“How soon?” was all Morgan said.
“I have absolutely no idea.” Came the equally sulky reply. Just then Leslie and James came back to the table. They sensed the stress and asked in unison,
“What happened?”
After we explained they were sitting and clutching to each other like they would die tomorrow. Which come to think of it might just happen. Just then the bell rang for last period.
“Meet me on the bleachers after school we will talk about this later.” My tone went from sulky to confident and in charge, So they all knew I meant business and nodded then left for their last periods since James and I had last period together I always wait for him to say bye to Leslie then I walk with him. We walked in silence for a few seconds till he said
“Az do you know what it feels like to lose the one you love?” I gave him an incredulous look and said with a tone that was a little meaner then necessary
“Yea I do James.”
Oh nothing just that I loved you and lost you didn’t I?
“Nothing I’m just stressed about this whole end of the world thing.” This wasn’t a complete lie.
“Oh… How do you know what losing the one you love feels like?” I stopped dead in my tracks; he walked a few steps before realizing I stopped. I was staring at him, astonished.
“You seriously don’t know?” I asked getting really mad now. It took him a minute then he finally got it.
“Oh God Az I’m so sorry. I- I can’t believe I was being so stupid.” I shook my head.
“Whatever it’s fine. You’re like my brother now anyway. I don’t care.” With that I turned and almost ran into the classroom he entered shortly after me with his face scrunched up apparently thinking very hard. When he passed my desk I said smiling
“Hey don’t pop a blood vessel buddy.” He looked relieved that I wasn’t really mad. After an hour and a half of History James and I headed to the bleachers just too find Morgan and Taran had beat us there. Shortly after we arrived Kris and Leslie joined us. So I took place at the front by the railing and stared with,
“So what we know right now is that something bad is going to happen and I mean something really bad, so I think we should start training again.” They all smiled at this, Training and fighting were all part of being immortal and our training was like marine training but ten times worse. I’m the trainer, the best fighter and I’ve been that way for 200 years.
Morgan really liked training.
“Yes, yes, and yes!” she said jumping up and down excitement all over her face. Morgan Paler was very pretty with dark almost black hair that curled naturally and from a distance it looked like she had dread locks, she had equally dark but knowing eyes, she had a short but muscular build. We all Laughed at her exclamation.
“You are always so excited about training. May I ask why?” I said still laughing.
“Because I get to show of my super guns!”
This started a brand new round of laughter.
“Ok, ok, so in all seriousness. When do we start?” This came Leslie the nerd of the group. Leslie Walker was about eight inches taller then Morgan with wavy, long, dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes with natural rosy cheeks.
“That’s for Taran to decide. When do you think the best time to start would be?” I asked Taran
“As soon as possible this weekend it’s only two days away.” Taran Davidson my best friend almost sister and second in command, she was tall and athletically built with very curly golden brown hair and sharp, hawk-like golden eyes.
“So we bring the same crap that we always bring to these training sessions?” this from Kris she was least enthusiastic about training then anyone else. I sighed
“Yes Kris the usual crap.”
“Cool.” Kris Williamson had wavy black hair with midnight blue highlights and violet eyes she was slightly shorter then Taran.
“I don’t know about you girls but I am so not wearing a shirt.” James said being stupid as usual but he found himself very funny.
“Leslie will you punch him for me?” she did but it wasn’t as hard as I would have punched him.
“Ow Az that really hurt.” he said sarcastically. James Mattixson was almost six feet tall and had dark brown short hair that spiked up naturally with eyes that looked like a storm cloud and he was super buff.
“Ok you guys this weekend meet at mine and Tarans house.” After they all agreed and headed of for home I took Taran to the bathroom too talk to her since she seemed pretty upset about this whole thing. As soon as we were in the bathroom I heard a heartbeat and knew I couldn’t talk until the human was out of there. Taran sat down on the bench in the bathroom and I went to wash my hands, I looked into the mirror and I stared back at myself I had hair to my shoulders with layers, it was dirty blonde and I had two huge cat like emerald green eyes with a silver ring around each pupil, the mark of a vampire. I had freckles that didn’t go away during the change, They reminded me of the days I ran around bare-footed in 1809, I also had two full ruby red lips. I was tall and athletically built with curves and C-cups. I smirked at myself. Finally the human came out of the bathroom washed her hands and left. I turned to Taran and said
“How are you? You’re acting like you saw someone die.”
“I as well should have Az this is the worst feeling I’ve ever had… I had nausea a pounding headache, My muscles were as sore as if I just sprinted up 100 flights of stairs and then I saw…” She cupped her face in her hands and started sobbing, I let her. When she started to calm down I asked patiently “What did you see Taytay?” my nickname for her since we met. She took a deep breath looked me in the eyes and said
“A river of blood.”


Publication Date: 05-27-2010

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