» Fantasy » If You Don't Know Me Don't Judge Me, Dusting . [best way to read ebooks txt] 📗

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Don't Judge Me If You Don't Know Me
The man gave a final grunt, pulled himself out of me, and sat up. The disgusting folds of fat flopped as he pushed himself all the way up. He pulled $150 out of his wallet and threw it on my stomach as I pulled my discarded dress back towards me. “Thanks, Love, but next time, move around a little more, it will make it better.” The British man said, and I nodded, without really listening. As long as I made my money, the money I needed to live, I really didn't care how many men(or women) I took to my bed.
Oh, who am I kidding. Of course it bothered me, but there was not much I could do about it. I was Red Mary, one of the most well frequented prostitutes in the Upper North in America. My handler told me if I stopped prostituting, he would track me down, and “Pull you back by your hair, you make me rich!” On a good week, I got 6 or 7 Johns. Good only by Jimmie's standards. Jimmy was my handler.
I have been a prostitute for three years. Even now, despite my frequent clientele, I simply could not take pleasure in the sex. For other people, it was called love-making. With me, it was “Fucking,” or just plain “Sex,”. If I can't truly please my clients, you may be wondering why so many people come to me. Because of my looks. According to Jimmie, I am the kind of girl that every guy would kill to have, and to keep. I have big boobs, a fiery red hair that fell to my firm ass in silky ripples, and my face was perfect enough that I never even needed make-up. I stated being a Lady of Pleasure when I was 14, and I was 17 now.
I finished putting on my dress. I picked up the 3 fifty dollar bills, and stuck them in the hidden safe under the floor boards. Cheap bastard. There was a knock on the door, and thinking it was either Jimmie, or the fat man coming back for more, I sighed resignedly, and called come in as I settled myself in the swivel chair. I used the chair for the people who like eating my pussy. Everybody had their kinks. The door opened, and I forgot myself enough to stare in shock.
A pale man in a fancy suit stepped into the room. His red eyes were evidence and proof enough of what he was. “Sorry, I don't do vampires.” I said, wondering how he got past Jimmie. I probably should just take the fuck, I was running behind on my quota for the week anyway. Ever since vampires came out of the coffin, as they called it, I had been hearing of the tales of bloody fucks, and even deaths at the hands of the vampire Johns.
“Sorry, but I really need this. Will 4 million dollars be enough to compensate?” I stared at him, speechless. “How did you get past Jimmie?” I blurted out.
“Jimmie? The man in the front?” he said. I nodded. “He's asleep.” And why is he alseep?” I asked him warily.
He laughed, and for some reason, it made me feel warm inside. “I put him to sleep,” he admitted. The corner of my mouth twitched upward into a smile before I could control it. At least he was honest. “And why do you 'really need this',” I asked him curiously.
He shook his head. “I can't explain. Will you take it or not?” he said. I told him, “One last question. Why don't you go to the Bloody Ladies?” The Bloody Ladies were women who specialized in pleasing vampires. His red eyes went flat. “I can't.”
I nodded. “I just got done with someone, if you would wait one moment, I can shower and freshen myself up for you.” He nodded. I stood and went to the only other door in the medium sized room. Opening the door, I went in and closed it. Shrugging off the sheer red material of the dress, I stepped into a shower that most women would envy, and quickly began soaping the sponge. Rubbing it over my sweaty body quickly, I washed off most traces of the fat man. Lathering up my hair with a floral shampoo, I let it sit while I washed my body again, this time with a spiced body wash, to prepare myself for the vampire. Rinsing myself off, I stepped out of the shower, and dried myself briskly with a towel. Walking naked to my walk in closet, I picked out a deep blue dress, with thin shoulder straps. I put it on, and started putting up my hair. Walking over to the wall stereo, I put on some provocative music. I opened the door, and walked out slowly, to arouse the vampire. He looked like he was in exactly the same position he had been in before I took my shower, but I wasn't fooled. I knew he had been around my room. What I wasn't prepared was for the emotions I began to feel as I saw him again, a loosening of muscles I hadn't known I was clenching, and it brought emotions I had never felt before, and didn't know what they were. His eyes ranged down my thin form, his eyes widening slightly. His fangs, which I hadn't seen at first, extended partway, before going back in. He walked over slowly, his tall form bending slightly as he lightly kissed my lips. It caused a deep burn in places I had never felt before, not like this. His lips trailed down my face and neck, pausing on my neck, grazing the skin with his fangs, but not penetrating. His lips trailed further down the deep neckline of the dress, down to my breasts, where he kissed, then he started moving back up, his hands coming up to massage and knead my breasts. He slipped one of the shoulder straps off, then the other, and the dress slipped off my body. He pushed my slowly towards the chair, where I sat down, and he spread my legs gently. His mouth came into contact with my pussy, and it felt good, and I had never felt like this either. He stripped his clothes off quickly, and picked my up, carrying me over to the bed, where he laid me down. He showed me his penis, all the trembling hardness of it, and it was big. He hovered over my body, looking into my eyes, and as he did so, I felt a connection with him I had never felt towards any man before. As his fingers trailed down my body, I felt a fire seem to burn where his fingers and skin touched, though he was exceptionally cool, being dead and all. I saw my surprise mirrored in his own eyes. His penis pushed into me, and I felt a growing weight, while I moved in a fast rythmn with him. I had never felt such pleasure, and most rational thought was fleeing before the feeling of rightness that I felt with him. As we made love, and it was a big difference between what I was doing with this nameless vampire and what I did with regular men, it seemed that a light was growing, that seemed to radiate from our bodies, and I felt a burning sensation around my neck and extending between my breasts, and astonisment shone in the vampires eyes, and was in every line of his body, although he didn't stop the motion of his body. The light grew stronger and stronger, while I heard Jimmie pounding on the door, demanding to know what the light was, what was going on, but I ignored him. The weight began to spill over, and I cried out at the pleasure that radiated from between my legs, and the vampire cried out above me as he spasmed, spurting inside me, and abruptly, the light died, and he fell against me, panting in exhausted asonishment.

What The F&*%

Jimmie was no longer pounding on the door, but I was pretty sure he was still out there. The vampire seemed to be dozing on me, but he wasn't heavy, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He stirred, and pushed himself up to his elbows, and looked down at me with his eyes strangely soft, yet still astonished. He looked down at the slope of my boobs, and at my neck. His breath caught in his throat. “Do you know what this means?” He asked me.
“What what means?” I asked him. He gestured almost frantically at the slope of my breasts. I looked down to see what looked like a branded tattoo of a incredibly detailed necklace, with a gem like fire in the middle, if it had been a real necklace, I would have said it was beautiful.
“It means we are mated. If you die, I die!” He said in a disbelieving voice.


Text: Markus Haberling
Publication Date: 02-14-2013

All Rights Reserved

to everyone who likes vampires

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