» Fantasy » Fated Lovers, Alexandria Fe Jarvis [young adult books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Fated Lovers, Alexandria Fe Jarvis [young adult books to read TXT] 📗». Author Alexandria Fe Jarvis


My name is Debora and I'm 17 years old. I have a sister and her name is Avril. My interest are reading fantasy books, watch fantasy movies, playing badminton and table tennis and go swimming in the beach with my best friend. I hate eating vegetables but I still eat them to maintain healthy body. I have zero love experience because of my sister. That's all for now.

Chapter 1- Destiny

Its sunday, a snowy day. I'm at the front gate of the school which i'm going to attend starting tommorow. I wish it will be different this year. I hope i will have a boyfriend that my sister wouldn't take. I also hope to have a nice highschool years but i guess that won't happen if my sister is going the same school as me. My sister's name is Avril. She is always the first in eveything. She even stole the boys who wants to date me. Its going to be the same this year in highschool again. "Well, there is no use thinking about it", i told myself. I'll just go to my secret and beautiful garden. That's the only place that i ever feel at peace.

I found the garden by accident when I was 13 years old. I was in a fight with my sister and I run off towards the forest. I saw this cute rabbit and tried to come close to it but it run. I tried to follow the rabbit and come across this beautiful garden. From that day on, this garden became my secret place.

The place is really magical. I still can't believe I found it. "My own beautiful garden.", I claimingly said to myself.

"Pfft", somebody laugh.

I turned myself and there's no one there. I swear I heard someone laughing. Must be my imagination running wild.

"Hahaha", I laugh nervously. My mother must be waiting for me I must go now. Supposedly, me and my mother will be going down to the market to buy food for tonight's dinner. I must hurry or she'll be angry at me and I don't want that. She's scary when she is angry. I got up and said "Bye bye, Garden!".

I run as fast as I can to the house. I open the door and saw her there at the hall tapping her foot angrily.

"Hi Mom." I said to her.

She looked me in the eye and said "Do you know how long I was waiting for you?".

I glanced at my watch and gasp. Its already 5 pm and we were suppose to meet at 4 pm. I really took my time.

I said to her "Sorry, mom. I just didn't notice the time. I was visiting my friend who is sick and we were talking so long. I just didn't realise its already late so I'm sorry." Nice lie Debora. Do you think your mother will listen to your pathetic excuse.

"Is that so. Is your friend okay now?" mom said to me sincerely.

I can't believe she actually trust my words. Sorry mom. "Well, she still a little bit sick but she said to me in one week time, she'll be well enough to go outside. That's what the doctor told her."

I really hate lying to my mom but If I tell her the truth that I went to the forest to go to my magical garden. She will be really angry at me.

Me and my sister are forbidden to go to the forest because of the news last week. In the news, It said that someone got injured in the forest. The police tried to ask the person how did he got his injuries. The injured person only said "Beautiful face..beautiful face...".

My parents are so over protective so they banned us to not go anywhere near the forest. My sister doesn't have a problem with that but I do. I think the man is just crazy. Maybe he tripped and hit his head somewhere. Well, I didn't really keep my promise. The garden is the only place I can be happy.

"I hope she'll be better soon. Your school is starting tomorrow and its a pity that she'll miss it", my mom said.

"Yeah", I said.

"Well, we can't do anything about that. Let's hurry now before the shops close or else we won't have dinner tonight", my mom said hurrily.

I got out from the door and she followed. She walks towards the car and get in. I followed from behind.

After buying the groceries, we went home straight away. I helped my mom get the groceries from the car and I heard someone opening the door.

"That's a lot of shopping." my dad said walking towards us.

"Yeah, I know. I purposely bought a lot because no one is going to help me next time I go buy shopping. Deby and Avy are going to school starting tomorrow and you're going to be at work all the time. Its good to buy a lot of groceries while Deby can help me.", my mom said while smiling at dad.

The name Deby and Avy is supposed to be me, Debora and my sister Avril. She likes calling people in short names. But Deby and Avy are for small kids and I'm not a child anymore.


Publication Date: 09-24-2011

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