» Fantasy » why me., louise stephenson...x [story read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «why me., louise stephenson...x [story read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author louise stephenson...x

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1. moving.

my name is krissy boldwin and my mums name is karen boldwin.
we are moving to england because mums just got a job offer over there.becoming a sales person for
'quade buisness'. apparently its a major company over there and the pay is better so were moving for the job.i think mabye this will be a good thing a chance to meet new people and start a new life.

although i'v never been good at meeting new people.always been a background kinda person and its suites me.i like it. and im not gonna change just cause were moving.not gonna change for nothing.or no one.

i have long blonde hair not a fat girl or a stick girl. im average height. and have blue glossy very pale.
the background is always my colour never the foreground.

my mum is gorgus.she is tall,tanned,middle aged, and a complete babe magnet.
but always picks the wrong guy,when she tells them she has a daughter,(me), they run for the hills.
thats another reason we are moving.bad pick of guys in america.

im packing all my rain clothes and dry but not hot clothes cause apparantly not the best weather there.
still bring some bikinis for the occasional hot days.

mum and i are just getting in the car now, im gonna miss this hot weather.
all the windows are rolled down but its still baking hot in the car.
mums screaming at some lunatic driver for almost crashing into our mini cooper.
we dont need a big car its only the two of us ofcourse.i like it that way.but would love to have a father figuire in my life.

im drifting of into a deep sleep mum will probably wake me when we get there,im a very heavy sleeper,its a long drive to our new Alderly Edge in Cheshire.

2. new home.

were here and im getting out of the car.i was right to pack bad weather clothes cause its raining.
me and mum run in and get the door open.
the appartments lovely and cosy.2 bedrooms,1 bathroom ,livingroom,and kitchen.bigger than our old appartment.

i go strait to my bedroom and get all my things out to make it officialy mine.
after i finished getting aquainted with the house and making it more homey.
i went to bed.before falling into another deep sleep ,cause its round 2:00 am at the moment,i had a shock from mum.

she shouted through from the kitchen "you have school tommorow,your uniform is on the side here,so i'll wake you up as early as i can sweety so you have time to do every thing ok."

i didnt answer her.i was in to much,forgot all about that.damn.
i got no sleep that night because i was thinking about the school i have to go to tommorow.scary.
kinghorn prep.posh snoby school,yeah great cliques.hangouts. hay never no mabye i'll make some friends.
oh who am i kidding im goin to be all alone throughout my life. :(

3. first day of school.

i got up got washed-dried,uniform on,hair done,shoes on,bag ready...

and before leaving i rememberd i didnt know were i was i asked my mum for a lift.

she said "yeah just this once so you know your way to school tommorow."

i thanked her,then we were on our way.

she dropped me of and told me to go into the reception.

so i said by and walked to the reception.there was a woman there,i told her i was new here and needed a
class schedule she gave me one and told me where the directions to my first lesson was.
i told her"thankyou" then went in a hurry out the door i tripped up a few times,im very clumsy like that.
when i got there,i peered in the window i wouldnt be the first person in.there were a group huddled at the
back chatting.

i walked up to the teachers desk and told him."hi im new here and this is my first period where should
i sit?"in my ears i sounded very grumpy.

he answered."hello my names mr.kanter you can sit where ever you want to. ok."he said it quite enthusiasticly.i could tell he was gonna get on my nerves.

i nodded,then walked to the back of the classroom sat at the back table in the corner mabye i would
blend in a bit.

i took out my ipod,put my earphones in and started humming to the tune-lady gaga-telephone-.

when i felt a tap on my back. i turnt around. and four people where waiting for me to take the earphones out.

when i did a small dark haired girl spoke.
"hi im ally," she pointed to a good looking guy with a mohawk-"this is rex-" now she pointed to a boy with
short brown hair that flicks like greabos have.good looking to and a girl who had long wavy hair and was short. -"this is deano and alisha.whats your name?"

i told her."hi my names krissy,nice to meet yous"


by the end of the day we were all like best friends,we were in all the same classes,sat at the same tables...
and ate lunch together.we had all aranged to go up town on the weekend then go see a movie.this was great i had made a bunch of friends on the first day.yay.

there were three groups through out the whole year group(year10). the populars,the normals,and the backgrounds. (we were the backgrounds as you can tell).

at the end of the day,we all gave hugs,said by, and i walked on the way home with ally,turns out she lives round the corner from me which is brilliant.

ally was still by myside when i knocked on the appartment door. mum came to the door,frankly looking quite shocked.
"hi sweety whos your friend.?"
i answered with a question."mum this is ally,(they shook hands) can she come over for tea tommorow?"
"sure sweety,course she can." ally said by to me,then before walking away said shed knock for
me in the morning so we could walk together.i said fine and bye.


3 months later....

my life is great got the best mates mums been dating some guy,mike...something.
havent met him yet but sounds good so far.

apparently she has already told him that she has a daughter,
she showed him a picture of me and told him about me.
he also as a child.
apparently his sons my age and goes to my school so its not that bad. mabye hese one of the normals?.who knows.

but im probably gonna find out tonight.its a saturday and me and my mum are going over for dinner to there house.
apparently there loaded.she didnt say that but sounds like it from
the jist of things she has been telling me. like he took her to
some expensive atalian restraunt,he has a big house that she said
i would love because it has a cinema room in it.and id have my own
suite if we moved in with them,but i want him to be good anough for
my mum first and i will be the judge of that tonight.

mum said we have to dress up all fancy like for the big night
and apparently they have some big news for me and his son tonight.
wonder what it is. ?

so basicaly...
my life fu**ing rocks at the moment.dont ever want it to change.
its great .


me and mum were ready to go apparently a cool black limo will be picking us up in ten minutes.

im wearing a silver dress that goes up to my ankles that i bought yesterday.
just for this a little bit of make-up on.tear drop earings,and glass cinderella tehe.

my mums wearing a dress like mine but in gold.dangley earings.
pink heels and a pink pearl necklace.the usual dose of make up.alot.
she looks amazing.even more than usual.she doesnt need all the make up

we're both looking in the mirror.check us out.i look ok i think.
which is weird cause i normaly look hideous.oh well i dont care
what people think of me so it doesnt bother me if i look like shit.
but mum wants me to dress up so i have.and i do look good,i admit it.

mum walked up to the door opened it and shouted up to me.
"the limos hear get down hear now,we dont want to be late!"

i shouted back "fine.i look ok.dont i ?"
she was startled when i walked down the stairs ...
"oh my god babe , you look little angel."
we walked outside and a man pulled the door open for us like you see in the could it be anymore cheesy. oh well lets get this over with.


"we are he madam's." someone called from the front of the limo.
we had stopped.i was so nervous.also weird.i dont get nervous. aw well first time for every thing.

2 men opened each side of the the same time mum and i got and mum stepped up to the door and a handsome gentleman opened it up before we nocked. he gave my mum a kiss on the cheek. so imm guessing this is mike.mike spoke.
"hello my dear you must be kristena" oh my god he used my full name?!!

i spoke back."krissy.nice to meet you.mike?"

"yes,thats me.nice to finaly meet you krissy.please come in the tables
full take what you want and dig in."

he lead us in to this mahusive dining hall.with 4 fancy plates laid out. oh yeah forgot he has a son.
he saw me looking at the forth plate and interupted my thoughts.
"my son will be down very soon,he wants his hair to be perfect.for he is going out later and will only be joining us for the main corse meal and pudding."

the starter was delicious , prawn cocktails.

when the main meal came out a man came down the stairs when he was half way he stopped blew a horn.and shouted for every one to hear.
"anounceing sir five minutes he would like the dinner to be lade when he comes down!"

and he ran back up the stairs.

five minutes later(im digging in to roast beef)...

interupting my about to eat a pea mike spoke.
"this is my son tyler ... tyler this is karen.and krissy."

a sexy voice appeared in the chair across from me.
"hello there.i wont be joining for long just the main corse."

we were all eating.
tyler kicked me under the table.when i looked up.
he winked at me.yuck.a popular.disgusting.
i kicked him back then carried on eating.
hese one of those stuck up bitches.damn hese fine tho.
no i cant go down that road, hese a popular im a backround its not happening.


when everyone finished pudding i decided to take the plates out and wash the dishes. when i heard footsteps follow me out.grrr.

me and tylers conversation in the kitchen....

tyler-hello there.krissy is it.
he pulled my waist from the back.

me-eww...get of freak.
i pushed him away.and carrried on with he dishes.

he stopped.
tyler-why were you flirting at the table then?

me-that wasnt

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