» Fantasy » The Story Of Jane And Alec, Ameris Coralie [free ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗

Book online «The Story Of Jane And Alec, Ameris Coralie [free ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗». Author Ameris Coralie

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Chapter 1: Being Chased and Eccused

I ran threw the forest back to the village wondering why that guy was chasing me. I heard heavy foot steps behind me running at the same pace as I did. "Stop witch," he screamed at me from behind. I kept running, but then I saw the silver glint of his dagger as he pulled it from his belt. He jumped through the air and landed on top of me, we both fell to the ground, I screamed. He pulled the dagger up high and aimed right for my heart "For God this witch dies tonight on the earth that is a great soul!" he screamed as he plugged the dagger toward me. I rolled out of the way but not enough the dagger cut my arm and I cried out in pain. I kicked the man of of me and ran for the village. I burst threw the door and went upstairs to find my brother sitting on the window staring at the ground. "Alec we have to leave! A guy chased me with a dagger and accused me of being a wtich," Alec turned his head towards me, he had a shocked expression "Jane, a pale man was staring at me. And he whispered something in a language I didn't quite get," Alec's expression turned from shock to fear. There was a banging on the door and a lot of yelling. Alec and I looked out the window to see all of the villagers with tourches and pitch forks "They are witches," one of the counsil men screamed when they saw us. "We shall burn them in the Crists name!" Screamed another woman. Then the was another bang on the door as they tried to knock it down. I screamed and fell into my brothers arms. "The witch twins will burn to the ground!" they all screamed again and again. Then I heard a crash and then the screaming was in the house, I burst into tears as my brother pulled me to the corner of the room. He put my back against the wall and crouched in front of me ready to protect if it came to that. I heard stomping on the stairs and then the bedroom door was knocked down, and all of the men came into the room and took hold of my brother who was thrashing trying to kick the men that were holding me by my hair and feet. Once they pulled us out of the house they set it to fire and watched it burn. The sun started to set and they tied us to crosses still screaming "For Jesus and all that is good!" There were rope bounding us to the cross by our hands and feet, they even tied out heads to the cross. They slit our ankles and wrists with a silver dagger with golden words inscribed on the bottem "Jesus," it said.

Chapter 2: Unexpected Surprise

Alec was staring with horror struck eyes as they set fire to the bottem of my cross "Don't kill her she is nothing of a witch she just a girl. I am the witch, kill me the girl has been cursed to live her life with me!" I was horror struck that he tried to save me risking his own life. "Alec stop it, we are nothing of a witch, we have done nothing! Why should you believe we are witch stricken?" it was our church leader who spoke, "Young Jane and Alec your birth killed your mother, and after that many of our villagers disappeared, how shall we think different?" I started to sob. "Jane look!" Alec screamed as a glint of white, black, and tan took one of the people out and to the ground. The sound of her neck cracking made me scream. Everyone started to fall with the same sound, while I could feel the fire reach my feet, I screamed a high pitched scream and then the fire was put out. A man with black night hair and the most white skin I have ever seen was standing in front of me. "Jane," he acknowledged me, he smiled, it was natural, but he scared me. His eyes were a bright red, but it was milky, like there was milk in his eyes. He moved fast and untied me, I winced as he untied my chared feet. The skin on them was scared black and in some places the skin threatened to burst. He picked me up and set me on the ground as he untied Alec. Alec rushed over to me and looked at my feet, he rubbed my arm trying to sooth my pained tears and screams. Once I could control my sobs he turned to the guy with the midnight hair "Who are you?" my brother asked more like a demand then a question. The man with pale white skin laughed "Alec, I can ensure you that no harm shall come over your sister or yourself," the man laughed again "But I must ask you some thing children," Alec nodded looking scared again "Do you children want to have a better life?" Alec looked at me, I nodded and then so did he. The man smiled "Can I see something?" he was looking at me with excited eyes, I nodded causiously "Perfect, hold out your hand dearest Jane," I did as he told me to, he took my hand in his and consentrated, closing his eyes. Alec was eyeing our hands ready to rip my hand out if anything went wrong. His hands were very cold. "Interesting," said the man "You have an interesting mind Jane, my name is Aro by the way." I nodded wondering what he meant when he said I had an interesting mind. "So shall we be on our way to your new life?" Alec nodded and tried to pick me up, Aro laughed "Please young boy let me," Alec's eyebrow rose as Aro picked me up with one hand and put me on his back "Alec, do you know where I can find a horse and carraige?" Alec shrugged "Maybe the church house?" he said looking unsure. Aro nodded and put his hand out "Could you lead us my boy?" Alec nodded and walked towards the church house. Aro found a carraige but with no horse, Aro put me in the back and Alec slid in beside me. Out the front I could see Aro grinning, he darted into the forest and came back carrying a very frightened horse. Aro hooked the horse up and climbed onto the front bench and whipped the reigns. The horse started to gallop, a few hours into the ride it thundered and started to rain. I put my feet out in the rain because it stopped the burning a little. A little bit after that I fell asleep, Alec was rubbing my hair, still staring intensly at Aro. It past day after day, and I was starting to get worried that we wouldn't see another town in a few mounths, but then I saw a big wall and a gate opening up. I started to get a weird feeling in my stomache, like something was coming and it would change my life. We arrived at a castle and we went it to a big entrance room and continued to a thrown room with three throwns in the room. Aro let Alec carry me in while he went a head of us and greeted everyone in the room. There were two others sitting on the two of the throwns, one looked particularly bored while the other looked discusted as Alec and I walking it to the room. "Marcus, Caius this is Alec and Jane the children I was telling you about," Aro said rather excited. Caius was sraing at us looking discusted and rather unhappy about our arrival, "Aro why are they here?" Caius asked, he had blonde white hair and his face was like an upside down triangle, his eyes the same as Aro's milky red. Aro sighed "Caius, these children are a great gem above all," The other ,Marcus, got up from his thrown and touched Aro's hand "Very stange, I wonder if that will disappear after the transformation." Marcus had the same shade of midnight black hair as Aro did. Marcus shook his head meaning he didn't know and he touched Aro's hand again. "No, Marcus I did not yet, I think we should get this done and over with," Aro sighed "I may not be able to stop though," Marcus put a hand on Aro's shoulder "Aro, if you want to keep them be careful." Aro nodded "Felix, please bring them," A big man stepped out with a huge grin on his face and picked me up out of Alec's hands and slung me over his shoulder, me feet hit his stomache and they burned, I cried out in pain, while he also slung Alec over his other shoulder. Alec was thrashing like he did before but this time Felix's arms did not struggle to reist it. Alec reached over to touch my head to let me know everything was going to work out fine. Felix carried us into a room where four others waited by two stone tables. My eyes were horror struck what were they going to do? Felix dropped Alec onto one of the tables and two of the people were holding his arms and legs down. Then Felix dropped me on the the other table and the other two held my arms and legs down, too. Aro came into the room and waved Felix off, Felix went out the door with a huge grin on his face. Aro went towards Alec and I screamed "Please don't hurt him!" I started to cry "Please!" Aro turned to look at me sypathy written in his features "Jane I promised no harm would come to you or your brother, I meant it," then he turned back to Alec and bit his neck pushing his teeth deep into my brothers flesh, Alec started to scream, cries of pain. And then Aro came up with blood on his lips, and turned toward me "It's burning me!" Alec screamed and then another cry of pain. Aro waved the two that were holding my brother off and they left, Aro bent down and bite into my neck, it felt like the fire that got my feet was now in my neck, I screamed and I heard Alec scream, too. I still had anough will power to look at Aro and scream "Why did you do this to me! I didn't do anything!" and I started to cry and scream, before I closed my eyes a saw a man with golden eyes staring at me with pity and sympathy in his eyes. I felt the hands that were holding me release me and Aro walked up to the man with golden eyes and put his arm around his shoulder and lead him out, followed by the two other that were holding me. "Aro, you don't have to be some curel," said a voice from out in the hall, "Carlisle, it will be over soon for them don't worry," and then I heard foot steps fade away. My whole body was engulfed in fire, like fire was corsing threw my veins instead of blood. I could still hear Alec scream and I still screamed, too. I was trapped in side my body fighting against the fire to keep alive, I didn't know how long the fire kept burning, but it finally started to retreat from my feet and hands but my chest started to burn hotter and that made me scream.

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