» Fantasy » Rags to Riches, LaCont'e [ebook offline txt] 📗

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Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Stacey and Georgia were busy playing dress up with the trunk of clothing that they found down in the basement. They were twelve years old, and out of school for spring break. Since all of their chores were done, they needed something to do for fun and they found it.

All of the clothes in that trunk were Victorian style clothes and boy were they in for a good time. There were dresses, skirts, blouses and even some vests. Most of them were too big for them, but they loved playing dress up.

They were two of the youngest children living in the house. There were a total of ten of them in all. The big farm house seemed scary at times, because it was a boarding house, and very big. The house was run by Ms. Gray Mar and her assistant Mae. She took in foster children, and they were there until they turned eighteen.

The children never had designer clothes or shoes, but they were dressed and fed daily. They were not spoiled at all, and quickly learned how to be appreciative for what they did have. Most of them could not wait to turn eighteen, and get out on their own.

Mae did notice the girls wearing some of the clothes from the trunk, but decided to let them go ahead and use them, as long as they wanted. She did not mention this to Ms. Gray Mar because she knew that the children wanted and needed some new clothing.

The house was a farm house, and the children took care of the animals as long as they lived there. There were chickens, goats, cows and two horses. There were also two chows and a cat living there. They did not mind the animals because this was a source of fun for them, and they were always busy enough so that they did not get into any trouble.

On every child’s sixteenth birthday they did receive a cake and some ice cream. The children never really complained, and were just grateful to have a permanent place to live for a while. Some place, that they could actually call home. Not often, but every now and then she would have to send one back into the system because of behavioral problems. She did care for the children in her own way. She fed and clothed them and they did get their recommended yearly physical check ups.

Stacey and Georgia met here at the house when they were ten years old, and made a pact that they would be sisters, and always look out for each other. They were inquisitive and always investigated everything. For instance, the found an ant bed, and found some sticks to move the dirt around trying to see what they were doing in there.

They loved going to the library and every Saturday after chores they would ask Mae to drive them there.

Charlie, who was seventeen, and the oldest child living there now, would help to keep an eye on the younger children. He also helped them with their chores, whenever he felt like they were too young for that particular assignment that they were given. The girls had finished their chores, and were now out searching the grounds of the farm house looking for something exciting to play with.

They had already found some interesting looking stones, and old coins, which they had hidden inside of a hollow hole in a tree. Georgia reached her hand into the hole but could not feel the bag, so Stacey stuck her hand in and pulled it out.

They were examining their treasure when they looked up, and there was Charlie. When he saw what they had, he laughed and turned away, walking back up to the house. They thought about throwing everything away after he laughed, but then reconsidered, and put everything back into the bag, and stashed it back inside the tree.

They decided not to play in the clothes anymore, but to save them for school. They had received a few compliments on their clothes, as well as some stares, and some laughter. They loved these old clothes mixed in with their more modern clothing, and they felt special, and dressed up for school.

While they were in the library one Saturday afternoon, Georgia was looking up rare coins, and thought she saw one of theirs in the book. She kept quiet until they were alone and showed the book to Stacey.

They went searching through their bag and wow, there it was. They did not know what to do now so they made a promise not to say anything to anybody about it.

Mr. Cannery, with child protective services, would come by every three months to do a check up on the children and their surroundings. They would each get an opportunity to visit with him one on one whenever he visited.

Stacey asked him if he knew anything about coins and he said “no, why?” she said “I am just curios”. Georgia’s turn came, and she brought up the subject, and he said “there must be something to this. What is going on?” and she gave the same answer as Stacey. After he left they discussed it, and decided to just keep quiet.

By the time they turned sixteen, of course, they each had their cake and ice cream for their birthdays, and that was special because that was the only birthday that they celebrated at the house.

Charlie had been gone for a few years now, but one day he came back to check on every body, and to visit with them. They felt like they could trust him and told him about the coin. His advice to them was to hang on to it and keep quiet until they actually moved out of the house. They were relieved to finally tell somebody about it and trusted his advice.

Now they were eighteen and had graduated from high school. Their counselor had talked them into doing some modeling work for a friend of hers while they were in the twelfth grade. Now they could do it full time if they wanted to.

Ms. Gray Mar had given them three extra months at the house after their eighteenth birthday, because she was fond of the girls and would miss them. They had been saving their money while in school but now they could work more hours and really save.

They found an apartment, and it was right on time. They were happy and modeling every day seemed like. They loved dressing up or down, did not matter to them. They just loved clothes.

They had completely forgotten about the coins.

Norena, who grew up with them, was eighteen now, and was out, with nowhere to go. Because she did not get a scholarship to college, she would have to work, to pay for what the grant did not cover, and she did not have a job yet. She stayed with them for a while, and worked in the fast food restaurant. They did not ask her to help out financially because they wanted her to save her money for school.

Stacey thought about the coins, and brought the subject up to Georgia. They decided to take them to a collector to inquire about them. Mr. Carne, the collector, asked if he could hold on to them to do some further research. One week had gone by and they called him but there was no answer on his phone.

After eight days, they went over to the shop. There he was about to enter the building. They called out his name in unison, and he was smiling, as he turned to face them, and told them to come on in.

“I have great news” he said. The ladies asked “what is it?” He told them to have a seat, and then said “I will tell you ladies that you should have a seat. I will give you a check right now for $5,000,000.00”. They had to catch each other. They were absolutely beside themselves with joy over that news. They both hugged and kissed Mr. Carne as he handed the check over to them and thanked them for their patience.

They happily paid for Norena’s college education, and gave her some extra money to live on so that she would not have to work, but only concentrate on school. They made sure that she was set financially set, because she was their sister and they loved her.

They felt like they owed Ms. Gray Mar and Mae something so they gave them each $100,000.00. The subject of where the coins were found never came up and they did not feel the need to tell her that they found them on her property. She and Mae were very grateful and invited the ladies to stay for lunch. They stayed and met the new set of children. Luckily, Charlie came by today for a visit and joined them for lunch. He asked if they had ever cashed those old coins in that they had found when they were small children. Stacey and Georgia were in shock and nobody said a word. On the following Thursday they received a paper to appear in court because they were being sued for old coins stolen from Ms. Gray Mars’ property. Everything worked out in their favor because she could not prove that they got the coins from her property and they denied the allegation so the case was dismissed and that was the end of that.

After that event they decided to take a real vacation and flew to Miami Beach, Florida. While having a great time on the beach they met twin brothers Richard and Ragin. They too were vacationing and the four of them hooked up and just had a wonderful week. Come to find out the twins lived only an hour’s drive away from where they lived and that was super. They always went out as a group but the guys wanted some alone time. Ragin and Georgia were the first to speak out about being alone and everything worked out fine for the four of them.

Richard and Stacey were not moving as fast as Ragin and Georgia but they did like each other. Stacey informed Richard that she wanted to remain a virgin until she got married. She asked if he could handle that and he told her that was unfamiliar territory to him but he would try because he really liked being with her. She understood how he felt, but was hoping for the best. She and Georgia were talking about their relationships one day and she asked Georgia if she was having sex with Ragin and Georgia said “are you kidding, as fine as he is you had better believe I am”. Stacey was surprised because she thought that they

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