» Fantasy » Moon, Matthew R. Davis [websites to read books for free TXT] 📗

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Moon Book One

This book is for my family and loved ones that support me in every way possible. Thanks guys! I wouldn’t be able to do what i do with out you all.


Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors

Chapter 2: Elva

Chapter 3: Magic, Apples, and Thought Talk

Chapter 4: The Day Dream Dragon

Chapter 5: A Dragon’s Desperate Move

Chapter 6: The Moon

Chapter 7: Lethian Training

Chapter 8: Soul Eater

Chapter 9: Teiram’s Guardian

Chapter 10: The Belaroughe

Chapter 11: Granite

Chapter 12: Battle Over Green Valley

Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors

Pen reached for the familiar blade at his side. With a swift motion he pulled it from it’s holster, it’s leather handle smooth against his skin. He was looking straight into the eyes of Mathias, the evil emperor that had taken control of Feistier and forced the inhabitants into poverty. Pen hated Mathias with every inch of his being. It pleased him that he would have the chance to kill him. Tightening his grip on the hilt of the sword, Pen lunged forward. He twisted around and parried a strike from Mathias’s dark blade.
The force of the impact shot hot sparks flying from where the two blades met. They struggled to disarm one another, pressing against each other with brute force. It quickly became clear to Pen that he would not win by strength alone. He would have to out match Mathias in wit and skill. In that, he doubted his own abilities. Mathias’s face hardened and he yelled out in a language Pen didn’t understand. He felt his body shift slightly and without warning, fly backwards. He hit the ground hard, knocking the air from his lungs and splitting a bone in his side. Pain shot through him as the sweet taste of blood filled his mouth.
He coughed, which worsened the pain. Pulling himself up from the dirt, he managed to look at Mathias one final time before the dark edge of his scimitar pierced his stomach. Pen yelled out as pain exploded throughout his body. He went limp, strength seemed to be leaking from his body. Was this the end? The cold grip of fear closed around him as he realized his helplessness. How was he going to escape from this nightmare? Again Mathias shoved his sword deep into Pen’s body.
He was getting cold. His arms and legs were unresponsive. He was cold. So cold. “You should not have challenged me boy. You should have know that this would have only ended badly for you.” Again the cold steel split it way into Pen’s body. He shuddered as the sword slid free of his flesh. His eyelids where getting heavy. He was beginning to loose consciousness. And he was


Pen sat upright in bed. He was breathing heavy and his shirt was drenched in sweat. He closed his eyes and breathed deep. He held the air in his lungs for a few seconds before releasing it. The dream he had the night before seemed so real. He was sure it had happened. Whipping the sleep form his eyes, he spun around and placed his feet on the cold hard wood floor of his room. He stood and walked over to the bowl of water on the small dresser in the far corner of his room. He cupped his hands and dipped them into the icy water , then splashed his face and washed off any dirt that might be on it. It also served the purpose of waking him further as well.
While drying his face on the edge of his shirt, Pen walked over to his bed and felt around underneath. He smiled when he found what he was looking for. It was a small wooden box, no longer or wider than six inches. Inside he hid his ring and his working gloves. The ring was given to him by his grandfather the day before he left. Pen rolled the ring between his fingers and admired its craftsmanship. It was made from fine silver and in the center was a small sapphire. Around the edges of the ring small details of a rose were imprinted into the silver. The gem seemed to radiate with a soft glow in the center.
For a long while Pen couldn’t seem to break his gaze into the gem. After managing to look away from it, Pen twisted the ring around one more time, this time he noticed an engravement on the backside. “Blodgaram?” He suddenly felt a small twinge of weakness sweep through his body. Then he was suddenly aware of the people outside the house. He knew who they were. His heart sunk. Why would the kings black hands come here? They where looking for something. Then his mind switched places. “How did I know they were here?” ignoring his own question, he slipped the ring on and then the gloves. Pen quietly stood and walked to the door of his room and placed his ear against it. He heard a voice emanating from behind it. He strained to hear what they were saying. He recognized one of the voices as his mothers, the last relative he had living with him. The next voice he could tell was a man, but he didn’t know who it was. It was the third voice that he lingered on.
He had heard that same smooth voice in his dreams many times before. The voice sounded emotionless and cold. It was the voice of someone with great evil living in their heart. Then, he knew. It was the king himself. The dark lord of Feistier. The twisted and demented man who slaughtered thousands and took control of their peaceful city. For years he had been in control of Feistier. But it was just recently that he had begun going to houses himself, either to kill the family within, or to take the most able man in the house to force them into his army. Being recruited was a death sentence. Everyone knew that their loved ones, that were recruited, were dead. They would never be seen again. Disobeying Mathias’s rule was impossible. He instantly knew if a rebellion was breaking out in his army. He used magic to do this.
Mathias was one of the few people in Feistier that could use magic. Most of the people that could, were killed when Mathias took Feistier over.
“There is no one else in my house.” He heard his mother say to them. “I live alone.”
For a minute, no noise came from the living room. Then “Go check the rest of the rooms.”
Pen felt the hair on his neck stand. He quickly looked around for a place to hide. He thought about the bed, but decided that would be to obvious. Then he looked at the window. It was small and he wasn’t sure if he could make it out of it. But he had to try. The ran to the window and pulled the pane of glass out and sat it underneath the bed. Then he Stuck his head out and used his feet to push himself onto the window seal. He grabbed the edge of the roof and pulled himself out the window and onto the top of the house. He sturdied himself and sat as still as possible.
He heard the door to his room swing open and strike the wall. Footsteps echoed through the room as the person inside searched for signs of another person. For a few minutes, the person walked around the room, then he left. Pen sighed, relieved that he had not been discovered. He crept over to the other side of the house. Careful not to make any noise. He was in luck, the living room window was open. It comforted him that he could still here the conversation inside. His comfort was short lived however.
“Why is there two rooms in this house?” He heard Mathias ask his mother.
There was a slight pause and then she said “Its my sons room. He was taken from me when our house was raided a year ago tomorrow. I haven't been in there since.”
She was lying of course, but there was no way to tell. They had practiced deceiving the king incase something like this happened. Pen was thankful they did. Mathias said something in the same strange language he heard in his dream. Then it was over. The front door opened and the two men exited the house.
A sigh of relief escaped him after they were to far away to see. He slipped his way back into his roof and grabbed a shirt from the dresser. After placing it on he opened his door and walked into the living room. Horror struck him as he beheld the room. Blood dripped for the roof and puddled on the floor. The room smelled like metal, due to the immense amounts of blood. The floor was covered in the same crimson liquid as the roof, as were the walls. All the furniture was pressed tightly up against the walls and in the center of the room, were the remains of his mother. Pen’s stomach turned and knotted. His face got hot as vomit rushed up his throat and splashed on the floor, mixing with the blood.
Tears streamed his face as he made his way across the room to his mother. A hard lump formed in his throat as he knelt next to her. “How could anyone do this?” he asked himself. He wasn’t sure what to do. But ultimately decided to burn the house and leave. “There is no reason for me to stay here. I need to get out of this city.” He knocked over a barrel of blasting jelly, spilling its contents onto the floor then he used a rope coated in blasting jelly to make a wick. he unwound it and walked over to the door. “I love you mom.” Using a lantern that had already been lit, he set fire to the wick. He ran from the building as fast as he could. He knew that once the blasting jelly on the floor wall ignited, it would explode . He was no more than one hundred feet away when the house burst in flame. Heat rushed over him from behind and an invisible force pushed him forward. The size of the explosion was bigger than he had predicted.
He rolled over and looked back at the house. Massive flames shot up from it. There was nothing left of the northern corner. He laid there on the ground, sobbing to himself as he watched his childhood burn into nothingness.


Chapter 2: Elva

Elva bent over searching for signs of the thief she had been tracking for the past two days. He was crafty and clever. She had not been challenged like this in a long time. She stood, disappointed that she hadn’t found any clues. He was careful not to walk in soft soil, not to break sticks, not to be seen in towns, not to leave any shred of evidence, and she hated him for it. She pressed he lips together and breathed deeply, enjoying the sweet sent of pine trees. She sat on a stump and sheathed her falchion sword. She folded her hands in her lap and looked up at the sky. Its was a soft blue color, different than she had seen before. She found herself caught in its beauty. No clouds

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