» Fantasy » The Crush Of A Wolf, amy c. [children's books read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Crush Of A Wolf, amy c. [children's books read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author amy c.

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The start

My name is Amu and I'm a wolf. I was only six when my parnets took me too live at a humans house. They left me there and prist the boorbell. The people picked me up and adpoted me ,but at first I didn't know until I was older. They told me that I had to be 18 before I know the truth. So soon I started had nightmares from my past that I was adopted.

The new start

I'm at school now. "Hey mia wait up for me."I said. Mia stoped she said " hey anything new happen today." I looked at her like she new I run into this sexy guy today. I said " yes, I bumped into this hot guy today he was so cold ,but so cute. I'll tell you when we get home, hey where's coreben." He said that he was sick and had to stay home." Mia said. So we headed to gym. As I was thinking I got hit with the ball. The teacher told me to go and get a ice pack form the nurse office. When I got back the bell rung and I was going home! I cuaght up with Mia and we stared talking. "Hey Mia you want to come to my house today like stay over." ''yes, and when we get to your house we are goung to talk on the bed not on your hut ful seats.'' Okay. mia." We walked to my house. We when up to my bed room and sat on my bed. "Ok spill it.'' Saiid Mia. ''Okay I was in the hall and I got my stuff and turned. We bumped and fall ,and end up kissing. When I look in his eye they where a preety red. He had brown hair and was about 5'6'.'' '' he sounds amazing.'' Said Mia. I'm going to watch tv are coming with me ,and brother cooking yummy food!" I said. '' yummy I'm coming too.'' Said Mia. Brother allways cooks the best meals. He made my favorite meal mash paotoes ,steak ,and rolls.


Than after we eat bother said ''go to my room for throwing mash paotoes at his face.'' You should have seen his face. I think he likes my best friend becuase his face always goes pink around her. Its like he hasn't even breath for a mintue or two. Well I went up stairs ,but I didn't go to my room and I sat there seeing wha was going to happen. You wouldn't gess what I heard next.    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY BOTHER MIND-------------------------------------------------------------------

Maybe I should tell her. I said "Hey Mia I..." Mia said "What." I said, " Mia I like you." Mia said " I'm not surprised becuase I like you to and you always turn pink around me,you are still pink." Maybe I should kiss her. _________________________________________----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          

I seen him leen over and kiss her. She kiss him back. Than I went to my room befor they seen me. Mia walked up the stairs into my room. I said "any  thing new?" Mia turned pink and smiled. " Don't say I told you so, he kissed me ,and he likes me." Mia said. " I know I seen." I said. " You seen, he is so cute." Mia said. " I don't want to hear this, he's my brother, I will admiit it was a good hit with mash paotoes." Mia said," Hey I know hes your brother but I think hes something esle, hes nothing like you." I said," Well that may be ture ,but he is my brother even if he might not be blood related." Mia said," Well if you bump into that guy agian, tell him to watch where he's going." I said," Welll he's hot and he'll porbly be like its your falt, I think it might have been mine." Mia said," Thats not ture it his falt, its all ways the guys falt if you didn't see what happenned exactly." I said," Well if your staying the night than you better go and get them be back at  10 at least." Mia siad, " okay geuss I'm going."

The Night Walk

Well I been waiting on Mia, shes late as uaual. Its about 9:30 pm. I'm so bored. I waited on her for another 30 mintues thinking something might be wroung. I decide to walk the way to her house. I grab my bag and fill it with 2xbottle of water, make up, change of clothes, a snack or two, and my phone. I rush down stairs to tell brother I was going to her house. I look arouong for him. " Brother!" I shouted. I got nothing back. I wrote a note.




Brother. I'm going to Mia's house. If you see her come over here call me. :)


I went out and down the stairs. I was walk Brown st. Her house wasn't that far from mine. I was 3 miles. I took out my phone and put in my ear phones. I played my song ( Evanescence My Immortal). I started to jog. I was panting. I went past a turn or two. I was in pitch dark ,but I knew this street. I was half way there. I stopped at the end of Amy ST. I pulled out a bottle of water and started to chugg down on it. I looked up as it started to rain. I slide the bottle back into the bag. I took out my ear phones and put them in my pocket where my phone was. I went around the turn. I was in front of the park. I sat down on the nearest bench, to take a breather. I loved the way the rain comes down on me. I like how the drops feel so cold and wet. I got a cold chill down my spines as I heard foot steps. "Hey Amu, what are you doing out in the rain." Mia said.  " You scared me." I said. "come on where going to your house." Mia said.  We started to walk back. I still felt someone watching me. I looked back and seen a mysious guy watching me. I turn around like it was nothing and walked home with Mia.

Sleep Over

We were in my room unpacking our bags. I opened the blinds so where we could look outside if we wanted. In the front of the room was a desk, two beds side by side against the wall, and in the middle was the closet. I sat my bottle of water on the desk. I throw my bag and cloths in the closet and let Mia get finish. When she was done I drug her down stairs to the living room. I grab my labtop and charger and we went back up stairs when brother came up behind up and yell " Boo!'' Mia jumped and yelled. I looked at him like I was going to kill him. " Okay jeass, can I hang out with you guys?" " No, you can not." I said with out Mia being able to say anything. We walked up to my room. I slamed myself down on the bed farest from the windoew. So  the bed I sleep on is the closest to the door. Mia sleeps on the one closest to the windoew. Mia sat beside me as I was on my tubebook. I had one friends reqest. I clicked on it. A name and thier profile poped up. His name is Evan Young. His picture had a guy with red sandy hair. He had a emo shag hair style. He was 6'5ft tall. Well that what it looks like. He has blue or red eyes. I don't know if thats his eye color but thats what it looks like. He has abs and hes muscler  than any guy you'll ever see. Well in my life. I hit aceppt and shut it off and than all of a sudden theres a pillow in my face. " Bring it, its on." I said. I smacked her back with a pillow. The feathers went every where just like the ones you see in the movies.  We battle down 3 steps. When I fall down 5 more. Well laugh our ass off. (Sorry for the luange) I got back up and she hit with the pillow agian and feathers went in my mouth. I backed up to our bar in the kitchen. I duncked and now she was stuck. I smacked her a few times. " I give up, I give up." Mia said. " Okay." I said. " Thats doesn't mean I can't do this." as soon as she said it she smacked me in the face with the pillow. She run by to the room. I removed the feathers out of my mouth and went after her. I jumped on her and holded her down. " You like this don't you?" She said. " No I don't, you pevert." I said. I got off of her. ''That was fun." I said. " It so tireding." She said. " Than lets go to bed." I said. I closed my eyes. I didn't feel her get off. I was gettng ready to tell her to go to her bed. I lookd and she was already asleep. I went to sleep not long after her. Befor that I got a marker and put a mushtace on her.

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