» Fantasy » The Walkers, Demetria Jackson [the red fox clan txt] 📗

Book online «The Walkers, Demetria Jackson [the red fox clan txt] 📗». Author Demetria Jackson

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Chapter 1
“Hurry Sam, we’re going to be late!” Ethan yelled through the door as I hurried down the stairs.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” I panted while rushing to get my shoes on. I could not be late for school today, not the first day!
My name is Samantha, although everyone calls me Sam. I am fifteen and have long jet black hair, my eyes are a light brown but sometimes turn red in the sunlight, I have a slim figure and am one of the tallest girls in my grade. I live with my older brother Ethan and my mom in a small town called Windom, Minnesota.
We moved here over the summer and although I have been here for about two months I haven’t even attempted to make any new friends. I wasn’t very happy about moving away from my friends. We had to move because mom was transferred here; Ethan doesn’t really mind the move but that’s because he is graduating this year and doesn’t have to live here that long. I envy Ethan for that. I shove my shoes on my feet and hurry out towards the car.

I walk into the school after Ethan drops me off. The first thing I have to do is head to the office to get my new schedule. As I’m walking in I keep my head down. My arms are wrapped tight around my books as I push past moving bodies trying to look up every five seconds to find the office.
When I finally reach the office the first bell rings, which means I will be late for my first class. I head to the secretaries desk and see a nice looking lady with golden brownish looking hair and soft hazel colored eyes.
“You must be Ms. Winters.” The woman says as more of an answer than a question.
“Yes, I am here to get my schedule.” I speak softly with my head still bent towards the ground.
“Just one moment while I get it.” She says as she flips through a folder filled with paper. “There you go dear; your first class will be biology.”
“Thank you.” I whisper as I attempt to turn and leave. Suddenly I run into someone behind me. I fall to the ground with my books falling beside me.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to run into you. Are you alright?” I hear someone say as I scramble back up with my books. When I look up there’s a tall boy with dark brown hair with white highlights and ocean blue eyes staring down at me
“Yea, I’m alright.” I barely managed to say as I attempt once more to leave through the door.
“Oh Samantha, wait one moment please. This is Rowan; he is heading in the same direction as you. Rowan would you mind showing Ms. Winters to her class?” the woman behind the desk asks the boy, Rowan, as I turn towards them.
Rowan looks at me, smiles and says, “Sure no problem.”
As we walk out of the office Rowan asks what class I’m going to, “Biology,” I whisper as I watch my feet trying to keep up with Rowan’s long strides. I don’t say anything after that. Suddenly Rowan stops walking and looks at me.
“What is it?” I ask, wondering why he has just stopped in the middle of the hall.
“Here’s your class.” He points to a door to my left as he begins to smile. He has a very beautiful smile.
“Thank you for showing me my way.” I say as I begin to turn away. Just as I am turning Rowan says, “You are very pretty.” I stare at him for what seems like the longest time. I wanted to say, “Are you insane? I am far from what is pretty. I am one of the most ordinary girls on earth.” Instead of that I say, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He says, and with that he just walks away.
As I enter the biology room I notice everyone staring at me and drop my head to the ground. I hand a note the teacher and after she reads it she says, “Everyone, this is Samantha. She has just moved here over the summer with her mother and brother.” Everyone says hi and my teacher tells me to sit in an empty chair at the back of the classroom.
As I walk towards my seat I trip over something and fall to the ground. When I look up I see a girl with dark blonde hair staring at me. She has a smirk on her face and also a look of hate. I look down at my foot and notice that she was the one that tripped me. As I get up I see her whispering something to one of her friends and they both start giggling. I move swiftly to my seat and begin taking notes as the teacher talks.
After biology I have chorus, which is my favorite class. I have sung since I was little and so it is very natural for me to sing. I learned to read music when I was just five years old. My teachers name for that class was Mrs. Featherly. She is very outgoing and is also very pretty. She asked me to sing a song at the beginning of class. I don’t mind singing in front of people so I sang the song, ‘I Will Follow You into the Dark,” by Death Cab for Cutie. When I finished singing everyone began clapping and I took my seat beside a slim looking kid.
“Hi, I’m Jacob. I really like your singing.” He says to me as I listen to the teacher.
“Thanks.” I say as I turn towards him. Jacob begins talking to me, telling me about himself. Apparently Jacob likes to run track and is very good at English. He has two sisters and one baby brother, and he likes to sing but he also plays the guitar and drums.
The day went by quickly after chorus. . It turns out that the boy I met this morning, Rowan, was in my English class. When I entered the room I noticed that he was staring at him. I waved and turned towards to teacher. She told me to sit in the front of the class next to Rowan.
Class began after I was seated and it turned out we had to do a project. The teacher let us choose our partners for the project, and since everyone else had partnered up my partner was Rowan. We were told to do the project out of school which meant that Rowan and I had to get together after school to begin. I told him I would meet him at the outside doors after the bell rang. Soon class was over and I was heading to lunch.
Lunch was alright; I sat with Jacob. He mostly did the talking but I didn’t mind. I don’t like to talk much so I was fine with it. He had his next class with me so we walked there together. Before I knew it school was over and I was walking out of the school doors.
It met rowan at the doors and we began walking back to my house. As we walked I noticed that he was dragging his feet a bit. That’s when I turned and asked him what was wrong.
“No, nothing’s wrong.” He said. So I just turned around and kept walking. When I saw that he was still dragging his feet I said, “Are you sure you sure you’re alright?”

At first Rowan just stood there and then he took my hand and pulled me towards the woods. He drug me towards a large boulder and sat me on it, with wide eyes I watched him carefully. I was wondering what he was going to do to me, why would he just take someone he just met into the woods without a word?
Suddenly he spoke up, “Look I know I just met you and you don’t know anything about me at all but I have something important to tell you.” When I just sat there he continued, “I know this is going to sound weird but I am going to come out and say it, I am a Walker.”
I sat there confused; of course he’s a walker, everyone is, we all walk. When I still said nothing he finally explained, “I am one of many that walk the earth but have special powers that allow us to do things normal people can’t.”
I suddenly burst out laughing, what he was telling me was ridiculous! What, does everyone around here just try to convince the new kid they have magical powers or something? When I stopped laughing I looked back up at Rowan.
“You’re not serious are you?” I asked curiously as I eyed him warily. “Yes I am serious I have the power to teleport anywhere I want to.” I don’t believe you, I said as I began to stand up. He then grabbed me and in an instant we were in my bedroom. Before I could scream Rowan teleported us back into the woods. When he let me going I sunk to the ground. “Believe me now?” he asked as I began trembling. Rowan then came and sat beside me.
“Why are you telling me this?” I wondered after a few seconds.
“I am telling you this because you are also a Walker. You just haven’t gotten your powers yet. I think you should be getting them in a few days.”
All I could do was stare up at him. How could it be that this random boy could come to me and tell me that I was going to get some type of magical powers? This was insane!
I told Rowan that I didn’t believe him and I wanted to go home. That night I dreamt that I was back in the woods with Rowan; only this time my hands began glowing a bright red. When I looked up at him Rowan told me that it was my power kicking in.
I woke from my dream with sweat dripping down my face. When I looked at the clock it was 6:30 A.M. I got out of bed and began getting dressed. That is when I say it: my hands had turned a strange red color. Terrified I turned on the water and stuck my hands under it. After a while my skin color was back to normal. That’s when I knew, I had to see Rowan today at school and talk to him about what was happening to me.

Chapter 2

It was already lunch and I still haven’t seen Rowan anywhere! When I asked Jacob where he was, he told me that Rowan hadn’t come to school today. I got Rowans address from Jacob and

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