» Fantasy » Taken, Anaya phoenix [top 10 novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Taken, Anaya phoenix [top 10 novels .txt] 📗». Author Anaya phoenix

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I hate mopping the house, but if I don’t do it he sure as hell won’t. I can only do it at night, he at least let’s me spend my days in the pond in the back of our house. I haven’t heard from zahfar but I do hope he’s doing well. Michael has changed drastically; he controls me and does that stupid charm thing if I refuse something. I hate him even more now that I carry his child. He is proud to bear a child with me, an earth sprite. I am the ultimate prize to have for a wolf. Sprites and fairies have great magical qualities and I don’t know why anyone would choose me as a mate. I can’t leave though, I’ve tried but I just end up getting caught and under that stupid charm. Every time I see his face a swoon comes over me but one word is constantly there in my mind: forbidden. My back hurts so I sit down on the plush white couch. The couch I have to clean my DAMN SELF! I look around the den; I think I’ve done all the rooms I should get dinner ready. Or else that damn dog will put me under that spell again. I just reach the kitchen when the keys jingle in the door and I plaster on the face of someone madly in love, when secretly I’m a wilting flower.
John held an emergency meeting regarding territory issues, truthfully I wasn’t listening. I only thought about what she was doing and what we were gonna having for dinner. I know I shouldn’t put too much pressure on her because she’s pregnant but stuff has to get done. I would do that myself, if I wanted to of course, but it’s so much better when she does it. I rushed to the little cottage with the pond in the backyard that she practically begged me for. It was comfortable enough so I complied. It’s after sundown so she should be human again, and dinner should be done hopefully. I climb the stairs to the wraparound porch and sniff, I smell her heavenly scent and hear pots so dinner? I find her in the kitchen wearing a brown knit shirt and dark jeans; I got her to wear actual clothes. But she refused to wear shoes ‘I need to feel something besides clothe under my feet’ she told me.
“Hey baby” she says in coo-ing it while going into the fridge for peppers. “How was the meeting” she still doesn’t turn around but does season a steak.
“It was ok, I wasn’t really paying attention” she turned around and her eyes were grey
“Now why was that,” shimmied her top half “too busy thinking about all this”. I smirk her day must’ve went well, “actually yes I was”. Her eyes turn to brown and turns back to the steak. “Dinner will be ready in an hour” well I guess I’ve been dismissed so I leave.
He tried I’ll give him that. It’s not his fault we try to go about being a normal couple, doing normal couple thing. We go on a movie date weekly but when it comes to the physical aspect of our relationship it’s so strained. Sometimes he’s sweet and I give him little pecks, the one time we were intimate I get knocked up! Now it’s even more awkward, I decide to make pepper steak since he likes steak. I want to ask him for a favor, I want to ask if I could see zahfar just one time, I need to tell him everything is fine. The last time we saw each other I yelled in his face for trying to come between me and Michael but that were his charm fault. Subconsciously I didn’t want to say those mean hurtful things. This is my only chance to ask when his wolf is calm and only Michael is present.
“Michael dinner is done” I don’t have to scream it he can hear me and smell everything done. I manage to get the plates on the mahogany table in the dining room by the time he comes down. He kisses my cheek “thanks” he pats my butt and I know instantly that his wolf is here. Without having to smell him because only the wolf would do something that garish. This will never work if he’s here I have to persuade him to let Michael come back. I sit at the other end of the table and he stares at me “what are you doing?” his head cocked to the side
“I’m sitting down to eat”
“Why are you all the way over there?”
“Because I wish to sit next to Michael not you” stupid, stupid, stupid. Why would you say that, to this overprotective over reacting over EVERYTHING dog?! I see his jaw working as he clenches his teeth and his green eyes seem to glow.
“You will sit next to me” he grits out; well at least he didn’t call me a fairy like he does every time. I sit next to me and he furrows his eyebrows closer
“What is it now?” I ask making sure my voice drips with annoyance. “Why did you leave your food over there?”
“I lost my appetite” I scoff and he pushes his plate to me aggressively
“Eat” again with the clenched teeth!
“No” I enunciate the two letters and stare at him. His eyes glow and his nostrils flare I don’t care if he’s upset he’s being too pushy. He grabs my arm and holds it up “eat” he enunciates too, “no! Get off of me”. His grip only tightens, “eat now fairy” still clenched teeth “no dog” I clench my teeth too. I don’t expect what happens next, his hand burn my cheek and I am knocked out of my chair. My hand flies to my cheek and I look through my hair at him. Michael stares back at me his hand over his mouth and his eyes wide with horror, “your gonna wish you never did that” I growl at him.
Her eyes pitch black as she stood, why the hell did I let him out. Why the HELL DID HE COMES OUT ANYWYA?! I knew it was gonna be bad when he slapped her butt, but to slap her? Was he trying to kill me? She walked towards me slowly “wait I am so sorry I didn’t mean for him-“
“I am so done right now,” her nostrils flared” do you understand me?” I nod not sure if she really wanted me to speak. “Call him out here right now”
“You do know if you hit him you hit me-“
“Now Michael” she cut me off, so I called out the wolf. He was cautious but came out eventually. “You wanted me”
“What in the hell possessed you to hit me?” she snarled at him, her eyes red.
“You wouldn’t obey me” this is gonna be bad.
DID HE REALLY JUST SAY I WOULDN’T OBEY HIM!? SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE TO ABEY ANYONE BUT MY SELF? I saw Michael trying to bring himself back but I’m not done talking
“Michael stay away” I see the wolf swallow, now is as good a time as any. I focus on only the wolf part of Michael and breathe on him. This is no normal breath this breath is green and sparkles. It’s an old charm that will cause harm to whomever I want it too. As soon as he breathed it in he flinched in pain. I grab his hair and push him to the wall holding my other hand to his throat. “Take this as a warning wolf, if you ever speak out of turn to me or lay one finger on me I will be sure to do this every time you come out and decide to play”. He nods and I let him go, when he looks at me again Michael is there. He grabs my waist and kisses me; instead of this one being forced and strained this is a passionate kiss. I groaned wrap my arms around his neck, he leaned closer and swoops me in his arms. I don’t mind as long as his lips remain on mine I’m fine, we go upstairs and to our bedroom. He lays me on the grey bedding and lies next to me. We both stare at each other. We don’t need anything else and the favor I wanted to ask melts away from my mind as I go to sleep in his arms. But before I’m officially sleep one word is whispered in my mind: forbidden.
She saved me again, he’s gone for now and I have her to thank. She only hurt him and I didn’t feel it though I saw it. She slept in my arms and we didn’t wake until noon, well I didn’t wake until noon. My arms were wrapped around her waist and her head tucked under my chin. I feel her heart beat ryhtmatically and I breathe in the scent of her green and black striped hair. I touch her stomach and it flutters beneath my hand, I wonder what it would come out as. Was it going to be a sprite and werewolf mix or just one or the other? I couldn’t wait to find out, I absentmindedly rubbed her stomach and she stirred in my arms. “That feels wonderful” she says sleepily, she puts her hand over mine and stops it on a certain spot. A little thing bumps my hand and I inhale sharply, “yup that’s what it’s been feeling like for a week now. Active little bugger right?” she turned to look at me with grey eyes
“Morning gorgeous”
“Morning handsome,” she leaned up to kiss me but stopped “ooh morning breath” then she put a hand over her mouth and it turned grey outside. “Ooh morning sickness” she managed to squeal out and jump out of bed. She slammed the bathroom door and I heard her retching, I always hated the taste of throw up. It burned my throat and left a terrible taste that I definitely couldn’t get out of my mouth no matter how many times I tried. After the retching quieted I heard the water running and the toilet flush. She padded out only in her brown knit top and boxer shorts “I hate you” she said and walked downstairs. This is the beginning of the end.
Is this what I have to look forward to? Throw up and mood swings and getting fat, I do NOT like getting fat. This morning was a surprise but it felt right, natural. Without his wolf Michael could be the perfect mate, and maybe I could accept him. Ok now breakfast, tricky tricky, what can I eat that won’t make me throw up? Eggs, no, bacon, ewe, pancakes, yes. Chocolate chip pancakes should be good, I get started. I’m mixing the batter when strong arms wrap around my middle, “need help with that?” I turn to face him and he smiles.
“If I begged you for something would you let me have it?” I bite my lip, I hadn’t forgotten about my favor I just needed the right time. “Absolutely”
“Can I see zahfar?” I ask cautiously. He grimaces and his eyes narrow
“No” he grits out
“Come on please I feel horrible about what I said to him, please babe I just,” I feel my eyes start to water and I sniffle. I DON’T WANT TO CRY!! “I feel so terrible and I need to see him one more time,” I put my hand on his arm that still lies across my middle. “Please let e

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