» Fantasy » The King's Quest, J.M. Burlock [the little red hen ebook TXT] 📗

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The Kings Quest


In the year 2075, the world had finally gone back to the way God intended the earth to be. People were happy and living peacefully in all parts of the earth. Except in one lone area where things hadn't seemed to change. It was like a curse had been brought to this land.

In the quiet village of Angeline, the King ruled with a kind heart. The people loved their King, and the land they lived on. Angeline was a small village in the Dragonia province. Even though the dragons had seemed to die out long ago, the Kings never bothered to change the name.

New people never bothered coming into Valley of Dragonia, for fear of the great beasts that used to ravage the countryside. Even though the last of the known dragons had been slain years ago. There had been tales that when the new moon rose, a dragon would appear. But the people were to busy with their lives to heed the tales foretold by the elders.

Only a few of the older men knew what the dragons looked like. Yet they passed on to each generation about the fierceness of these great beasts. And it was tradition that each King would be trained in preparation for a battle against the dragons, despite none had being seen.

In the third month of Kuzra, the 21st day was the celebration of the new Spring. When the plants began to show there vibrant colors, everything was new, and brought a sense of hope for a good year. A time when children played outside, and mothers furiously tended to their households. A time when fathers were out hunting for food to eat. But some sensed an uneasiness in the air. Yet nobody could put their finger on what it was.

Some of the elders gathered in the center of town to talk, low and quiet were their murmurs of impending doom. They didn't want to scare anyone, until they were sure of what they thought. And Aragos saw no need to spread panic unnecessarily. He was the oldest of the wise men, an ancient from the long forgotten times. The days when many dragons roamed the land. In fact, Aragos was the only one who had actually seen a dragon up close. He swore to everyone that these huge beasts were real and very fierce creatures. Aragos would tell the tales to anyone who would listen, that one day a dragon would again re-appear. And the great King of Angeline would be the one to slay the last known dragon.

Only the children seemed impressed by the stories Aragos spoke about. They would sit wide-eyed in front of the old man as he told about the time when he was almost killed by a fierce dragon. Many thought that he was just an crazy old man, but since he never hurt anyone they let him sit in the village square and tell his tales.

Soon word got out to the King about Aragos, and the tales he told. King Rudolf wanted to learn more about these fierce creatures. He thought that he could capture one and tame it, and teach it to work for him. So he finally summoned Aragos to his chambers so he could speak with him.

A servant stepped into the room and said, “ Aragos is here, my good King.”

King Rudolf turned and nodded his head, then with his hand dismissed the servant. Turning his attention to Aragos he said, “ Come in...... sit with me, Aragos.”

Aragos bowed, and went to sit down where the King pointed. The King paced back and forth a few times, then approached Aragos and sat across from him. The King asked him to tell his tales to him.

“ Please tell me your wild tales of this dragon you saw. I have been taught much about fighting in preparation to battle the fierce beasts. But I want to know more- in essence I want to learn what they are truly like. Are they as fierce as I have been taught?'” King Rudolf asked.

Aragos began speaking with excitement, “ Oh yes, your highness. They are the fiercest beasts to ever roam the land. But they have not been around for years. The dragons are great tall creatures, green and with scales upon their skin. They have great big claws on there legs, sharp teeth and breath fire from their mouths. A most terrifying creature that I have ever seen, and that has roamed the land, your majesty!”

The King then asked “ And is it so that you have seen one with your very own eyes?”

“Yes your majesty, I have indeed seen one of these great beasts. I was almost killed by the last great dragon, when your ancestor King Gustov reigned. He battled against the fierce monster, and saved me from the perils of the dragon. I was but a small child at the time, and did not know the dangers that the dragon could do” Aragos said.

The King jumped up, and asked, “ So that was the last known dragon to roam the lands?

“Yes” Aragos began then said, “ but.......”

The King turned around quickly and said, “ But what? Tell me.... hold nothing back Aragos. If you know something, as your King I should know!”

Aragos bowed his head, and began to tell the King “ Your majesty it was a prophecy that was never written down. It was spoken of a year seeming to be a good one........ but would end in tragedy. That the fiercest of all dragons would wake from his slumber and ravage the land. One of the dragons had mated and laid an egg, before she was destroyed.”

The King stood pondering on all that Aragos told him. Then turned, walked to the window and while looking out he asked “ When do you presume this to happen? Cannot these beasts be tamed and put to good use, Aragos?”

“The time is not certain my good King, that is why you have been taught from an early age to fight. But a change is coming..... I can feel it. And tame them sir, I think not. It would take some great and powerful strength to chain the fierce beast. It is best to kill the last remaining dragon and bring peace to Angeline for all time!” Aragos said with determination in his voice.

“I have some thinking to do, you may go for now...... but Aragos I want you to keep me informed of any more changes” King Rudolf said while summoning the servant to escort Aragos away.

Aragos bowed, as the King stood by the window. He turned while walking out and told the King, “ Think wise, my King!”

Months went by and Angeline seemed peaceful. Summer came and went as the King continued to prepare in battle for the dragon that was prophesied to appear. One day he summoned the old man Aragos to see if he remembered anything more about the time when the great dragon would wake from his slumber.

As Aragos walked in he bowed his head, and said “ You summoned me your majesty?”

The King spoke with great worry in his voice, saying “ Yes, I have Aragos. I want to be sure that you have held nothing back from me about this great dragon. And if you know when the time of his appearance will be?”

“Well my good King, It has been spoke of when day turns into night and the moon turns black that the dragon will awaken. But I cannot be sure of this. It is something that was told to me by my great-grandfather before he passed on in death.” Aragos said.

“And this is what he told to you? Are you certain that this is what is to happen?” King Rudolf asked sternly.

“ Yes your royal highness” Aragos said.

King Rudolf then asked “But how can we be sure, is this not just mere speculation? I mean isn't this something that you think might happen?”

“Well your majesty we cannot be certain of anything. Tell me.... are you certain you will rise in the morning? Are you certain you will get a hearty meal to eat each day? So how can we be certain that if and when the great beast will come and ravage Angeline? You must keep yourself very prepared to battle the dragon and slay it!” Aragos said with assurance.

“ Yes, I will......... I am prepared. I train everyday for 5 hours, and if you say these great beasts cannot be tamed then I shall slay the last living dragon “ King Rudolf said.

Aragos' eyes grew wide as he said “You have chosen the wisest course, my good King. It will truly bring peace to Angeline.”

“ Yes Aragos, I have indeed heeded your wise words. I am also going to make a decree to change the name of this valley too. I would like you to help me in deciding what the best name would be” King Rudolf said with stern determination.

And with joy that the name would be changed, Aragos spoke “Your word is my command, your majesty!”

“ I would like it to be something that will draw people to this land. To make it a valley people will be happy and feel safe living in” King Rudolf explained.

“ I am sure you will think of a suitable name for this land, your Majesty” Aragos said.

“Go now...... I must think hard about this, my wise man” the King said.

Aragos left the King in deep thought.

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