» Fantasy » Fire Wing, Drakent Arrow [rooftoppers .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Wing, Drakent Arrow [rooftoppers .TXT] 📗». Author Drakent Arrow

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Prologue Fire Wing - Ahriel


The queen Marla, of only seventeen, is the sovereign of a nation resplendent. Ahriel afemale angel at his side since he was born, with a mission to guide her and protect her, andkeep the balance in the human kingdoms. But when he discovers a conspiracy to starta bloody war, Ahriel is betrayed and imprisoned, with wings unused, in the dreadfulGorlian prison, a primitive world, wild and brutal, where no one has managed to escapeever. Ahriel must learn not only to survive in Gorlian, but also to see things fromthe human point of view ... at ground level.

Chapter I

Marla Queen was leaning on the spacious balcony of the throne room, watching fight his angel, when he receivednews of the assassination of Count Aren. The messenger whispered in his ear, so that no one else could hear,but her lips slightly pursed. That was his only reaction.It said the matter with anyone else.When the messenger retired, Queen Marla continued in the same position, leaning over the balcony, as if thenews had been entirely inconsequential.Marla Queen was seventeen, and it was the sovereign of a nation resplendent, but surrounded by kingsambitious wishing to expand their territory.Marla had learned as a child not to show her feelings, because they know I had spies in thecourt. Everyone knew he did not trust anyone. Except, perhaps, in his angel.Down in the courtyard, two figures were fighting in a swordfight. One of them was a fierce barbarian who hadcome from the eastern plains to try to achieve fame as a fighter in Karishia Games, thecapital of the kingdom. In the three months I had been fighting had not lost a single battle. When jumpingto sand, all shouting his name, enraged.

But when I walked through the streets of the city, exhibitingits powerful muscles, people turned away in its path, intimidated.He had made his fortune in the Games and was admired and respected. One night at a party, had said thatwould be able to defeat the Queen Angel Marla. He was drunk when he said it, but, anyway, the newsthe challenge had run across Karishia, and he had no choice but to get to the palace a challengeshape.Everyone knew that the angel did not like fighting in fights trivial. But the barbarian was famous, and the challenge wasaroused much excitement. Marla herself had asked combated.And there she was. He covered her body with golden armor, shining like the sun itself. Her black hair,collected in a complicated braids hairstyle, he spilled his shoulders, straight and proud.

There extended their great white wings, and his shadow seemed to cover everything. It was almost as high as the huge barbarian,but infinitely more beautiful. His name was Ahriel.The mercenary growled, lifted the sword and lunged at her. Ahriel waited, serious and serene, with muscles intension. He moved swiftly at the last moment and turned away from the path of the barbarian, who almost lost thebalance.There had been a very graceful movement on their part. The audience laughed, and the barbarian growled. But Ahrielnot smile.- Why do not you use your wings, bow tie? The mercenary spat.

Why not fly? No one had ever dared to speak that way to Marla Queen Angel, but the barbarian was furious,and had been wounded in his pride this man.-We would not be equal Ahriel said softly, his voice was clear and deep as theringing of a bell.The barbarian grunted again and lunged at her with a wild cry.

On this occasion, Ahriel not pull away. Theswords clashed. Sparks flew.The slashes were powerful fighter, no doubt, but the angel moved his gun with elegance andalmost superhuman security, as if fully convinced of doing the right thing in eachtimes.


And so it must be, since, moments later, the barbarian's sword went flying through the air and landedon the tiled patio with a loud clang. There was silence in disbelief.The barbarian, stunned, fell to his knees before the angel.There were some timid applause. Ahriel was always very reserved. Everyone admired and feared, but she did notI had friends. Except maybe the queen Marla.-Obi-whispered the Barbarian.Ahriel wings retreated but did not respond. He had nothing to say.The fighter did not dare look around. He was defeated in a humiliating manner. Although the angel notwas wroth with him, his absolute imperturbability, that it showed the violent fury of the barbarian, hadturned defeat into something much more embarrassing for him. No screaming, no fuss, no noise, the woman withwhite feathered wings he had made a fool in front of everyone. Soon all Karishia known until theevery detail of that fight.His career was over.The barbarian looked up to watch the Angel. She was not smiling. There was no expression on his face. The Wrestlerwarned the absolute perfection of her features and thought that people could seem beautiful. No more than amarble statue, he told the Barbarian. Pure and perfect, but cold and lifeless.-Kill me-Ahriel asked.She shook her head. He sheathed his sword again, spread his wings, and with a mighty impulse, rose inthe air. All saw fly, resplendent with sunlight reflecting on his golden armor. It was amagnificent spectacle.Ahriel, however, did not linger in flourishes. He opened his wings a little more and stayed airborne,Marla before the Queen, who was still leaning on the balcony.-Regards, Ahriel She smiled. Well fought.'Lady,' the angel bowed to the sovereign Karish.-Now you must rest, but I guess you will not have problem to pass me later. AlwaysI enjoy your company.-If you wish.Ahriel goodbye to the queen Marla and rose to the highest in the palace domes. Soon the lost ofview. The queen withdrew from the balcony, followed by his entourage. Viewers were dispersed patio.Moments later, there was only barbaric, sunken and dejected on the broad stone tiles.Ahriel had changed his golden armor for a simple white robe. His sword was, however,pinned to his side.Now she sat before the queen Marla, in his private chambers. Very few people had permission toenter there. Ahriel was required to do, whenever necessary.Marla Queen looked at her, pensive, toying with the medallion around his neck and alwayswearing, because it was a gift from Ahriel.The two women were very different. Ahriel was imposing, tall, calm, confident and glowing like agoddess. Marla was small, redhead, impatient. Over the years, he had learned to control his nervousness, as itit was life.Ahriel had taught him. Ahriel had been next to his crib when he was born.Very few, human land, knew where were the angels. Some claimed they descendedclouds. Most believed they were just creatures of legend.For this reason, among many, there was such a stir in court the day when Marla was born and nothing less than aangel introduced at the palace, requesting old King Briand audience. They talked in private, and none of thetwo did anyone partaker of what was discussed at that meeting unusual. But thereafter, AhrielMarla accompanied, to protect and serve faithfully throughout his life as a princess, first, and asKarish sovereign after the death of his father.Marla had grown up under the shadow of the great wings of Ahriel. The angel had hardly changed in thoseseventeen, but long since the queen had left childhood behind.Ahriel had noticed it. I appreciate, once again, in the eyes of the Queen when she said, her voicelow but dispassionate:-Ahriel, there is a reason why I wanted to talk to you: have slain the Earl Aren, Ambassador of the KingdomSaria.Ahriel frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Just wait, because I knew there was Marlafinished speaking.'It was when he returned to the king Saria to offer my proposed alliance. The sarianos have found theirbody. Someone had plunged a dagger into the heart-Marla paused, then added slowly. AKarishia forged knife. A dagger expensive, belonging, no doubt, someone from the nobility.'I understand,' said Ahriel.Marla looked at his angel a look of concern.-Someone is trying to blame us for the murder of Count. Even if the king of Sariaaccept my version, do not know if that would avoid that we declare war, Ahriel. Aren was Countwanted. In Saria strange rumors circulating. They say ambition Karish expand to neighboring kingdoms.Gods know we've spent centuries defending the ambitions of the neighboring kingdoms!-I know, ma'am Ahriel reassured.The queen could not sit around any longer. He got up and began pacing up and down, nervous,thinking intensely.-Those stupid rumors ... he finally said. Sarianos merchants Attacks on our land ... and themurder of Count Aren, who worked for peace between all realms. Someone is trying to provoke thewar, but ... who?-Could be radical sarianos, ma'am. Or the imperialist core Ura. Or players from other realms.Marla frowned.'Anyway, Ahriel, the departure of the count was done in the utmost secrecy, and the path to follow.-That means you have a traitor closer to you than it would be desirable-Ahriel spoke gravely,but also with dispassion. And, if you work for someone looking for a war between kingdoms, you mayyou to be their next target.Marla said nothing. He was standing by the window and watched as dusk fell over the city ofKarishia.Do not be afraid, madam, 'said the angel softly. I'll find him. And eventually the rest of his days in Gorlian,because it deserves a better fate.Marla said nothing, just sighed almost imperceptibly. Ahriel briefly bowed his head and left theroom.Ahriel found Kab, the captain of the guard, into the stables. Kab was a strong and robust, butparticularly astute, who had fought a thousand battles Karish. He had begun working as a mercenaryto the late King Briand, Maria's father, when he was very young. His loyalty to Karish andrulers was indisputable.

-Ahriel Kab said when the angel came into the barn. What a surprise!She seemed to glow with its own light in that dark and dirty place, appreciated Kab when he fixed his eyespenetrating it. Blinked, saying it would be a trick of the light. Although most people still thoughtthat angels were spirits, not flesh and bone, the inhabitants of the palace who had the chance toclosely contemplate Ahriel had found that she was corporeal, material. At first glance seemedoverwhelming, almost a divine creature. Over time, Kab had learned that angels were not so differentof humans, after all. From their point of view, angels differed from them only in the wings, thebeauty and pride.Ahriel moved without hesitation among the piles of manure. His face showed no trace of emotion.-Kab, I need to talk to you. Queen Affairs.The captain looked at the angel a moment and sighed. He patted the back of his favorite mare, who looked exhausted aftera good run, and followed Ahriel to the outside.-There is a conspiracy to bring the kingdom to a war against the angel Saria-reported when both, far fromprying ears, strolled through the courtyard. Perhaps these plans pass for threatening the life of the queen.Kab nodded.'I've heard the rumors.-They are more than rumors.

Aren Count has been killed on the way to Saria.Kab stared.-Then it's more serious than I expected.-There is a spy in the palace ...-There are many spies in the palace.-This is good, and is next to the queen.Kab stroked his chin thoughtfully.'I suppose you're right. I did not even know that the earl was gone. And believe me,

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