» Fantasy » finally free, Lili lopez [best sales books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «finally free, Lili lopez [best sales books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Lili lopez

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Chapter 1


My name is Star and I'm your average lowly ranked omega, which means I'm the packs punching bag. I get abused so many times that I lost count. My alpha and pack mates think that I'm a waste of life but what they don't know is that I can change my appearance at will and they also don't know, my natural appearance. I promised my now dead parents to never show my true form to anyone until I found my mate.


I've been doing well until one day I had enough, one of my pack mates tried to choke me to death. Now I can take all the hits like punching and kicking and occasional slapping but choking is where I draw the line.  My wolf wanted to rip my attacker head off but I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold back my pure white wolf, so keeping the promise in my mind. I tired calmed down and ran into the forest away from any pack territories.


This is where I made the mistake that changed my life, I let my true wolf out and ran. My true wolf is pure white with a black star on its forehead. Her fur made her stated her power but her eyes made her truely unique, one eye the brightest blue you'd ever see, and the other was pitch black like the night sky with no stars. She stood about 6’4 taller then any wolf I’ve ever seen. When I was running I failed to notice that I was on another packs territory, until I was hit by a small brown wolf.


I snarled as I felt the pain in my right shoulder. I turned on the little wolf and bit into its back leg, the wolf howled in pain. I tried biting into its neck but I hit from behind by another wolf. I was now surrounded by at least ten wolfs. I cursed at myself for being stupid, I can’t believe I'm letting all these unknown wolf see me in my true form. I was super pissed now, I growled. The other wolf were going to attack but the stopped mid-way, as a pitch black wolf approach us.


As soon as I met his eyes I knew, he was my mate. Why did I have to run into him now! Great, he’s also alpha of a rival pack! I thought as he looked at me. He was almost as tall as was but I had a good couple of inches. “who are you?” I heard his alpha voice in my head, just like my alpha, his voice had no effect on me. I was about to answer him, but before I could I heard a howl rip through the air. The howl belongs to none other then my ‘alpha’ calling a pack meeting.


I looked at the wolf in front of me and said “we’ll meet again.” Then I ran, they tried to catch me but I didn’t leave any scent behind so once they lost sight of me, they couldn’t track me. As I ran I changed into my fake wolf, she was about 4’3 and was an ugly brownish color. When I reached my pack I noticed that I was late. Great, I'm going to get the worst beat! I thought. “Star! Why are you late?!” my alpha asked in his alpha voice. I pretended to be affected by his voice as I kneeled down and let out a whimper. “change into your human form!” he order me. I did as I was told, well not entirely but to his knowledge I did. My fake form looked kind of my wolf. She stood about 4’2 with the same hair color as her wolf. I wore baggy close that weren’t in fashion, I do all of this just to keep my promise that I now broke. “Star!” my alpha called me back into reality, “why are you late?” I didn’t meet his eyes as I answered, “sorry alpha I was hunting and didn’t realize that I was as far as I was.”


My alpha didn’t seem to like my answer, so he changed into his wolf and attacked me. He broke both of my arms in his fit. I wasn't in a lot of pain but that I was in agony, They seemed to like it when I cried so I did just that, I cried and begged forgiveness. When he was satisfied with my show he released me from his jaws. The pack watched and laughed at my punishment but didn’t join.


I hated my pack more than anything but I couldn’t leave, well I could but I didn’t have any other place to go.

Mate, my true wolf thought.

No, he needs to past the test to make sure he was our mate! I thought back.

 My wolf wined but she knew I was right; he needed to recognize me in my fake form to be my mate.


After my beating the alpha went on with the meeting. “There’s a new pack moving into the area,” the alpha said. All the wolves started to protest saying stuff like “our territory!” and “danger!” “Silence!” the alpha order. The pack grew quite with the order. “the war between the packs is getting worse and we need all the help we can get. So the other alpha and I agreed to work together. We will still be two packs but with the same territory.” He said, then let a howl rip through the air.


The black wolf that I had met in the forest came into view along with his pack. I saw the two wolves I had injured limping in the back. “you said that there were no pack other than yours in this area!” the black wolf growled. My alpha looked puzzled, “there isn’t any around here,” he answered. “you lie! My two betas were attacked by an unknown white wolf.” That when my alpha took offence. “what nonsense are speaking? There hasn’t been a white wolf born in a hundredths of years!?” yeah, there has! I objected in my mind. The other alpha seemed to just realize that. “there hasn’t” he confirmed. Yeah, there has and she’s your mate for goodness sakes! I thought at him, and to my surprise he answered my thought. Who are you? You are not part of my pack!? He thought back.  Now that just weird, I thought to myself. “my name is star.” I thought to him then put up a mind block. He looked puzzled but didn’t seem to say anything to his pack. My alpha growled calling back his attention. “my apologizes,” he said as he bow his head. “its alright now introduce your pack.” My alpha replied.


recognize me!!

“Hello, I'm alpha of the star light pack, my name is knight” knight introduced himself and his pack. “I have yet to meet my mate.” The females in my pack seemed to be have to enjoyed that statement to my displeasure. “liar, liar” I thought to him but he ignored me, and introduced his two now healed betas, the small brown one was named lily and other one named Danny.


The meeting ended at midnight and by then my arm healed. The alpha said that we were going to school together from now on. “star, show them to their new pack house.” The alpha ordered me. Knight seemed to jump at my name. mates!! My wolf thought but I ignored her as I nodded to my alpha.


Knight seem to be staring at me, as I showed them to the pack house. “Star.” He said before I could leave. “yes? Do you have any questions?” I asked. He didn’t answer me he just stared at me in confusion. “its you isn’t it” he asked. I was shocked, how did he notice me so fast. Mates! Mates! My wolf thought with excitement that I couldn’t hold her back so I ran, as fast as I could. I couldn’t let my pack see me shift into her.


When I thought I was far enough I shifted into her. She ran around in circles happy that we finally found our mate. We were like that until we heard a branch snap. We look to see the cause of the sound and there he was our mate, knight. He was in his human form just as handsome as his wolf, smooth shinny black hair with bright purple eyes, which made you know he was an alpha. I decided since he recognizes me in my fake form he was my true mate, so changed into my true human form. I was still taller than him but not by much, my skin was fair and my hair has pure white as snow and my eyes a bright blue. I smiled and started to dance around unlike the myth of us always ripping our clothes when we shift, we shift with our clothes. I was happy that I was set free finally its been way to long since I’ve been me. Knight clear his throat to call back my attention, “you never answered my question.” he said. “I’m star, I'm a lone wolf to be exact.” I answered still dance in joy. He looked puzzled and confused. I sighed and knew I had to tell him my story.


“I’m from an old pack that was destroyed, before the war was started. I don't still don't know how or why, but I do know that my parents made me promise to seal my true power away along with my true wolf, until I found my mate, it worked for a few year but it soon faded away but by then I could control how I look both human and wolf.” I said with a big huff at the end. I knew I shocked knight even though he hid it well I could feel his emotion as if they were my own.


It was a while before he asked his first question, “how long have you waited?” I looked down as I tried to hide my sadness from my eyes, even if he didn’t see it in my face, he’d feel it through are bond. “a very long time.” He put his arm around me and asked me another question, “why, are you with this pack if you’re a lone wolf. I know the power of that weak alpha doesn’t affect you.” I looked up at him and made eye contact as I said, “a wolf can only be alone for so long before they go mad.” He eyes filled with pain as he pulled me into his chest. I rested my head on his muscular chest, and drifted into sleep.

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