» Fantasy » True love, Annie Derwin, Hannah Derwin [best summer books txt] 📗

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The begging

Annie P.O.V:

Hey I’m Annie and I’m a werewolf I am the alpha of Midnight Moon. I have not found my mate i hope i find him soon.I have one best friend and her name is Adrian her real name is Adrianna. My only other best friend is Hannah we like to call her sissy.

Hannah P.O.V:

Hey I’m Hannah and i’m a werewolf i am the beta of Midnight Moon we have 5 members including myself.I love my alpha she is sweet along with her bff Adrian than my bff Violet than the omega Kayla. We all get all along great except for Kayla.It is fun but hard so lets hope it gets better we just recently moved to Rosewood and we are going to Rosewood high. So after signing up we had to go shopping our moms loved it while we hated it while we were dragged from store to store i could hear people talking about us and my dad and the rest of the pack laugh at us. When we got home Annie smelled something and so did i.We told the girls and our moms and dads to get their heads down. Than we found the note that said to meet the Knight Pack at the Aphrodite fountain in the central park 2 miles from here take a left than go straight and we will be able to smell them and to be there at midnight. So we got ready we grabbed our new clothes threw them in our rooms and changed into our perspective clothes than grabbed our weapons and got into Annie’s Black Mustang and my white ford F-150.When we got there we found them quickly and hid we love to have the advantage and here it is.We heard two guys talking saying that it was 12 and we were late “No, we aren’t y'all just can’t pay attention to your surroundings” shouted Annie. “So now why do you want us here and don’t make a move or your dead” I shouted.Which was greeted with a couple of growls than i smelled hunters and hit the pavement i had gotten them out of the way only to be hit in the side with a silver arrow.I went flying in the other direction but i felt a strong pair of arms pull me down and hold me down than i felt the arrow pull out and  I let out a scream but it was muffled than I blacked out.

Annie P.O.V:

When we were talking me and Hannah smelt something and of course her instincts kicked in and she jumped down and pushed the boys out of the way than got hit with a silver arrow it should have blown her away but one of the  guys grabbed her and pulled her to his chest another pulled out the arrow and she screamed that is when me and my pack lost it we jumped ripping off the weapons we had and started after the hunters we shifted quickly and chased them down and killed them than we ran back and remembered we had no extra clothes the guys asked us to shift back and the guy holding Hannah told the guys to give us their shirts and they did when we came out they were just like we left them except a couple of others showed up and were looking at Hannah and couldn’t figure out why she was still asleep. I walked  up and sat by her side the girls followed my example than we said as one “Hannah beta of  Midnight Moon it is time to wake” than she woke with a start.

The Begging


Jason P.O.V:

My Senior year of high school was supposed to be normal but well i’m a werewolf so that doesn’t happen a lot of time so yeah.Well my pack is called the knight pack as in knight in shinning armor. You have me the alpha, Alex the beta, Samuel the omega, Josh, Daniel, and Keith. We get along okay i guess its rough but we get along. Well my senior year my pack figured out someone moved into our territory. So, we found where they lived and left them a note with explicit details on where to be what time to be there and how to get here. Me and Alex was talking it was 12 and we were worried we had to warn them we said they were late.“No, we aren’t y'all just can’t pay attention to your surroundings” shouted one girl. “So now why do you want us here and don’t make a move or your dead” shouted another.Which my pack greeted with a couple of growls. Than something weird  happened the most prettiest girl that i have ever seen hit the pavement and ran towards us. She hit us dead on in mid air than i saw the arrow hit her.I pulled her down with me and you can tell she was in pain she didn’t move i didn’t want her to. I told my parents to start heading this way but not to fast.Than Alex came over before i could stop him he pulled the arrow out of her side. She screamed in my chest i was pissed than i could tell she blacked out. That is when we saw 4 girls jump out of the trees ripping off weapons and shifting tearing their clothes to shreds. They chased after the hunters and i could tell they killed them and than they were back in a flash they obviously had no clothes to change into. Than Alex asked for them to shift back. “Give them your shirts” I said. Than they disappeared and my family showed up they were  inspecting the girl i was holding when they came out. I guess it was the alpha but she walked up towards me in a non aggressive manner the rest followed. They all sat down around me i guess it was because of the girl i was holding. All of the girls said “Hannah beta of  Midnight Moon it is time to wake” than she woke with a start. Man i fell in love immediately her gorgeous silver eyes i just noticed her golden hair that ran down to her waist. She blinked and looked around i wondered what she was looking for. Than i guess all of their packs family showed up i heard a man say her name than she ran to him and hugged him and wouldn’t let go. She looked up at him and he sighed he looked at the girl that was still sitting he called her name “Annie she has gone blind again please tell me what happened so i can know how to deal with it.” She told them her side and than our side i was shocked no one else was. Than Hannah spoke “Alpha why can’t i see anymore i can’t see the fountain or the flowers that were there and i can’t see you”. I saw one of the woman burry their heads into a mans chest she looked like she was sobbing but you couldn’t hear it. “Momma why are you crying?” Hannah asked. She walked to the man and woman and hugged them. “May I ask what is going on and why can’t she see she could see perfectly before she blacked out?” “The reason why is because i blacked out without the arrow row in my side I was cursed when i was little if i was shot with silver i would black out and if someone took it out before i blacked out than i would go blind but we have to cut my hand with silver so i can see again.”I was shocked this beautiful girl was blind because of a curse it pisses me off so much.Than my dad and her Alpha saw each other walked up and started to talk probably catching up. I wondered why they talked so long than i was wondering what was going on than my dad frowned looked at Hannah than her mom. “Your the mate of two werewolves how” “I don’t know” “The Alpha’s Alpha wow when did she get cursed and why” “She was 4 and she was running into the woods i followed her she ran into an old lady and made her drop her stuff she helped pick it up but we didn’t know that she was a old hunter one who could cast curses she smiled at the old lady apologized than left. Then Savannah an old member of our pack bumped into her but didn’t help i guess she had her in mind when she did the curse so we tried to find her but she went missing” All of a sudden i heard a soft voice singing Hannah was walking around and bumped into the woman who was passing by she dropped her stuff and Hannah kept apologizing while she was picking up the woman’s stuff. She was having trouble so i went and helped her. “Thank you so much my name is Eden and i believe my dear child you have meet my mother and she casted the curse on the wrong person i will fix it and the one who didn’t help where did she go” “Arizona” “Nevada” “Yes” “Now child hold still you will fall asleep and sleep for 24 hours than wake being able to see and you will never go blind again” Than Hannah fell i caught her than the woman disappeared. Everyone came to me asking questions but i wasn’t paying attention. Than my wolf Xander screamed mate in my head and my eyes went wide. The girl i was looking for all my life is now asleep in my arms man can this day get better. ‘Son’ ‘Yes father’ ‘Is she your mate’ ‘Who all can hear me now’ ‘Only me and the other Alpha’ ‘Annie you know its rude to listen in on other peoples conversation at least say your here because i can’t make you go away’‘Yes Daddy i’m sorry i’m just worried about Hannah we are like best friends’‘It’s fine and dad she is’ ‘Now we see what happens’‘She’s waking up’ ‘what how’‘Dad i wouldn’t lie just look at her’Hannah was looking up smiling at me and giggled. Than was gone but with the girls that was supposed to meet us on her tail.“Well that was interesting to figure out”“I bet it was son i bet it was”

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