» Fantasy » Taken away, hima [chrysanthemum read aloud TXT] 📗

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“They called of the search for Elizabeth Swan this evening…” the blonde reporter was reporting further details about the mysterious disappearance of the teenage girl, the camera man was shooting home where the girl lived to high light it as a background for the news coverage.

People who gathered around the house began to back away as the Police cars skidded to a halt in front of the house, the reporter walked up to the chief to ask if he had any news, the police men gravely waved her off and headed into the house.

He went into the house where a man was lying on the floor gazing at his lost daughters photo frame. The police bent down on his knees beside him. “I’m afraid that he had killed her…” he said.

The ruffled looking man stared at the chief as silent tears dropped down his cheeks. “I killed her…”Was all he could say. The chief didn’t know how he could comfort his friend. The old man lost his wife only a month ago and now he had to face the disappearance of his only daughter.

The reporter eavesdropped over the entire conversation and reported it. The people who stood there were shocked when they heard what she was saying…The reporter talked to some of the local members.

“She was a nice girl always keeping to herself…I can’t believe it happened to her…”one of the neighbor said. “I think the girl ran away, she couldn’t take her mother’s death and her father was never there for her, he was never sober since his wife death…”Another one said.

A boy in nineteen ran past the police guards into the house, He ran to the chief and fell on his knees gasping for air. “Please…don’t call of the search. I know Lis would be alive somewhere…please…”he begged as tears ran down his face.

“I’m sorry…son…”The chief patted the boys shoulders and walked away. “Mr. Swan…please tell him that Liz is alive…” he begged. “Max…I’m afraid we lost her…” the old man said.

“Don’t you get it, she is alive….”He shrieked at the top of his voice. “Fine…if you don’t find her…I will…”he said and raced off into the forest.
“It seems her stalker had finished off what he had come for…” The news reporter ended.

I walked away from my mother’s memorial, I couldn’t listen to them talk about my mother in past tense. They all missed their good friend, neighbor, teacher and guide but for me she was everything…She was my mother. Why her? If there is anyone that god wanted to punish it should be me, I was the one who did that accident not her. In fact she insisted that she would drive but I…. I could never forgive myself for what I did to her.

I never imagined that a day would come when I would stand alone…Whom would I run to? When I had a problem? Who would I guide me in the right way? Who would be my crying shoulder? I threw stones at the sky hoping at least one would get that traitor who broke apart my family.

I sat in the grave yard crying out my life, mom always said that it’s good to cry out and ease off the burden on heart, no matter how much time I lay there crying, I always found that the burden hasn’t eased off, the welling up tears never dried off. I sat there well past into the night crying and made my way back home, my heart it felt unusually heavy and I wanted to just disappear just as my mother did but that wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t dead and I had to live through this but I don’t know if I could just do it. My mom wasn’t with me to pull it through these tough times… I saw my home dull and dark which was a happy home just two days before.
I pushed the door open to meet the darkness; there wasn’t even a candle light. Dad wasn’t here? Where is he? My heart began to panic maybe it’s because of this day, I imagined the worst. I ran to his room, he wasn’t there…Where would he be at this time…? Was he at some friend’s house looking for a crying shoulder…? No…That’s not possible he wouldn’t leave me all alone here and dad never went to friends. In fact he didn’t have one, he is such an introvert.

I heard a small thud from the living room, I walked over to there and groped for the switches and turned them on…My dad was lying on the floor unconscious…I rushed to him and he smelled strongly of alcohol. I found an empty bottle and a half empty bottle on the table. I flinched at the pungent odor. I helped him up into the couch and spread a blanket over him and left to my own room.

Is this the way he chose to forget mom…I know that he loves her a lot but he is tainting her memories with drinking. Mom would have gone berserk if she had seen him out on the floor but that wasn’t happening, mom would never come to us again. She left us to fend on our own.

Mom would be disappointed in me, if she watched over us. She taught me to be a strong girl and I’m going to be one…I decided.

Morning rays filtered in through the window, I stretched myself, I glanced at the clock on my bed side table, It showed 8:00, Why didn’t mom wake me up? I would be late today; I freshened up quickly as I shouted for mom to prepare my breakfast…I ran through the entire steps and hurried into the kitchen and grabbed some juice. The kitchen didn’t smell like it usually did and my mom wasn’t there with her gentle face smiling and setting us breakfast. Mom…? I slumped on to the kitchen table remembering that I would never see her warm smile greeting me every day. I sat there for a few minutes getting used to the fact.

I went upstairs and slumped on to the bed…I didn’t want to go to school and behave like nothing changed in my life when everything turned upside down. Tears welled up in my eyes…I promised to be a big girl but… I hid my face in the pillows and cried. I cried into sleep… I woke up as my stomach hurt me very much. I ignored it until I couldn’t stand it any longer; I clutched it and made it downstairs… I found some bread and ate it… Dad wasn’t there in the living room. Did he leave to office…? I checked in his room and found him drinking. I didn’t dare go inside… I wanted to give him some space until he got back to his normal life...

“I can do this…”I whispered for the hundredth time as people came to me to say sorry for my loss. I thought that school would be a best place to occupy my mind on other things but I was very wrong. I couldn’t stand it anymore; I just ran away into the forest and sat alone crying…

“Hey…”one of the boys from our class said tentatively. I ignored him and started to walk away. “I just thought that …”he mumbled. “You just thought what…?” I scowled. He stared at me. “Leave me alone…”I cried and ran away from him.

As the day passed on…I felt better when I went into my home all my left over spirit crashed down as I saw my dad drinking… He just needed sometime… I assured myself.

“Look…I’m sorry for screaming at you yesterday…I just…” I trailed off as I apologized to Mike. “I know you just need sometime…”he said.

I opened my locker to get the books for my next period and was surprised to see a red rose and a letter. It said never feel alone…I’m always with you… M. What does ‘M’ stand for? I scanned the entire corridor to see who it was, it’s empty. I nodded my head in disbelief and left for the class room. I couldn’t pay attention in any of the class, not because of the letter; I was worried about my father…If he goes on drinking he would be sick… What should I do? Maybe a talk with him…?

I found another red rose and letter in the afternoon at my desk…The letter said… Always keep your mind busy to keep your mind away from things…Take a walk over the bridge…you’ll find it settling your emotions.. I crumpled the paper; a walk wasn’t going to change things…He didn’t know what I’m going through… I thought.

Another note was left on my windshield and a red rose… the note said…”Don’t you ever think that you are the only one having trouble with life…Everyone does but it takes a brave heart to get through those troubles…”

Mom always said this to me and I thought I was brave enough to face anything at that time but now I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself for what I did to mom… Dad was watching TV by the time I was home. I thought he was doing well…I left to my room and freshened up myself, prepared dinner for us.

“Dad…” I called him…he didn’t respond…he didn’t even turn back to see why I called him. I called one more time… What’s with him…? Why won’t he respond..? I walked up to him and saw him staring at the TV. “Dad…I have been calling you…” I shouted still he didn’t respond. I jerked him…his gaze slowly shifted from the TV screen towards me…he blinked and stood up staggering… I caught him before he fell. Without another word…he walked away into his room and closed the door. I was furious… Why was he acting this way…? I pounded on the door…no response… I waited for hours pounding his door still he wouldn’t respond. I grabbed the jacket and ran into the streets wanted to be away from everything… I lost mom and now dad wouldn’t talk to me…maybe he believes that I was her murderer that’s why he wouldn’t talk to me…

I ran into the dark streets not knowing where my legs are leading me too… I saw the silhouette of the bridge and ran towards it. Why would I come here…? My ears picked up the splashing sounds of water against the rocks… I slowly walked over and saw the stream flowing… the full moon is reflected in its waters… it was a beautiful sight to see the moon’s image flickering. My eyes darted over to the sky to see the full moon shining bright and beautiful in the sky… I was frustrated when a black cloud passed over it and I couldn’t see it anymore.

“Enjoying the sight…huh?” Mike smiled. I frowned. “I thought you would come…” he said. I realized that he was the one that wrote me letters but why would he…? I mean he was the high school jock and a player as if reading my thoughts… “I know that you need someone to be by your side at this time…” he said. “I don’t need anyone…” I said facing away from him.

He stood by my side not talking just watching my every move… I didn’t know what came over me when

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