» Fantasy » Just Blood, authorof fantasy [reading fiction .txt] 📗

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The Awakening

“Her name is Ashes, you must know of the head vampire woman, Ashes!”

I shook my head as my friend Laurin just huffed and walked slightly faster than normal, showing she was mad at me for not wanting anything to do with the vampires even though my father was vampire himself. But that was the exact reason; he had found my mother one night and raped her under the starless sky. Then as he walked away once it was all over, he swore to her that if she bore a child to name me Blood, for that was all I would ever see. Endless and dark blood.

“But, Blood, your ancestors are part vampire! Hell you could even get into the night club, Starv me, if you wanted to!”

“Laurin, my ancestors were part vampire, not me. And besides I wouldn’t want to go into that creep place anyhow.”

“I would! Such hot guys that want to suck your blood.”

“Nice Dracula expression, try being a quiet person. Huh?”

“Haha very funny, Blood, but one day you’re going to want to know what it’s like to see that other half in you. And I’ll be long gone and won’t be able to help you out.”

“Ok then.”

“OH COME ON! Please let’s just go for a quick minute or two and we’ll leave! Come on, just one minute.”

“You mean now?!”

“Please, Blood, they won’t ask questions. You’ll be fine, please!”

Laurin turned to me with her puppy face and as I stared down the street we were walking from high school, noticing each and every building and what it was like inside, but not knowing anything about the dark building down at the end with the sign “Starv Me” dangling overhead.

“For a minute, Laurin, then we’re out!”

“Oh thank you, thank you, and thank you!”

My heart skipped a beat as I looked around the streets of Los Angeles and finally, after seeing no one was near that knows either of us eighteen year old girls, I went with Laurin into the front entrance of the club. The man who was apparently there for to keep humans out instantly smelled that Laurin was human and didn’t look like he was going to let her in at all but then I stepped beside her and he opened the door eyeing me suspiciously. The first sound of the music appalled me as it blasted our ears and nearly tore my ear drums out. But as we became used to it with each new step I found that I could block it out within my mind as I eyed each and every face there, dancing to the shrieking of the songs, smiling menacingly as if there was nothing in this world that could stop them.
“Laurin, I’m not so sure about this anymore.”

“Look, Blood, no one is hurting us! We’re perfectly fine and fit in for once. I mean it’s our senior year in high school and we still haven’t been able to experience anything. Let’s just enjoy it right now and have fun. Picture it like a regular club you’ve wanted to go to so badly every day and finally you’ve been let in! This is your moment!”

My moment! It’s your moment, Laurin, I hate these things! I shook my head with a frown. "Can you keep it down?"

“No. Well unless you let us stay for a few hours.”

She had tricked me right into her plot. Laurin was good at making someone head over to her side but I wasn’t having it.


“Ok then I’ll just tell every vampire in this club that you hate being one.”


“Please, I promise it will only be for a few hours.”

“We have to leave before sunrise. If my mother catches me out at this club she would die.”

“Fine miss perfect.”

“I’m not perfect, I’m only half.”

“Which half are you suggesting?”


She nodded knowing I wouldn’t speak anything more about the subject. I found that if I would try to go through the crowd, heading for the bathroom or a drink, the other vampires around would stop dancing and just stare. Apparently we weren’t supposed to be here but Laurin was having such a great time that she didn’t notice those pairs of eyes. Laurin didn’t even notice I had left; it was almost she was in a trance, like she never wanted to leave and a small knot in my stomach formed.

“What shall it be, sweet thing?”

The bartender was a frost color haired guy with blue-white eyes, his pale skin and white teeth made it seem he had no color. My interpretation of him was that he needed a long night’s rest.

“Sprite please.”

“Aww, no blood?”

“My name gives me enough.”

“Your name is Blood?”


“That’s odd, never heard a vampire named Blood, but then again your half.” Naturally, he would comment about how I both smelled and appeared less vampire than the rest of them here.


He handed over the glass of sprite and I gave him a tip as I walked back out into the crowd to find Laurin. She wasn’t far off really, seeming to like the men around her as she danced, but I knew it wouldn’t be a great decision to let her go on for these were vampires and she doesn’t know much. Besides I couldn’t let my best friend get hurt, therefore as I came around I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. She fell to the floor from my pull and I helped her up as she started to blush and I could tell by her eyes that she was pissed.

“Laurin, don’t get mad at me, I am just watching out for you.”

“You are not my mother, Blood.”

“I know. Your mother died. But considering you live with my mother and me I want make sure you’re alright.”

“That’s a little harsh.”

“Makes sense, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, suppose so.”

With all of the vampires it was almost funny how they didn’t hear and so I pulled Laurin closer and told her that we were only going to stay for an hour. She was about to argue when I told her of all the eyes that had been watching us, only us, and Laurin nodded. We would stay another hour, maybe see if we know anyone from the streets, hope to God nothing would go down and have fun. But then, as if my vampire side took over my body and all senses went insane, I could feel five vampires about to enter the club. Everyone else in the room fell silent and even Laurin, although human, was waiting for the unimaginable to happen. Then as if all matters in the world were hushed, they stepped in. First the four men stepped inside and as they each turned to create almost a pathway, I saw it. More like her, she walked with confidence and authority, her dark black outfit showing her defined shape. As she turned the corner and raised her hand, everyone in the room fell to their knees and bowed their head, Laurin and I were the last but after seeing no one else standing we decided it was best just to blend in right now.

“Blood, Blood can you hear me?”

“Yeah, Laurin, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know Blood, but that woman…that’s Ashes. That’s the head vamp right there! And she’s here, Blood, and I think it’s because of us.”

“Please, don’t say that…why would you say that?”

“Because…I heard some people while dancing that were talking about us. They know we aren’t supposed to be here and I think they called them. Blood, I’m scared.”

“Fear is a sign of weakness, don’t show it, or else they’ll start to think something suspicious is going on.”

“Blood, are you scared though?”

“Yes, Laurin, I’m terrified.”

Laurin nodded and frowned as Ashes started to walk down the groups of people on the dance floor, bent to show respect, then came to a halt as she spotted a long time friend who immediately pointed to us. I almost faltered in my balance but continued to bow my head and for once in my entire life I was utterly blank. Nothing in my head was going on and all I could do was pay attention to my senses that were going crazy and try to shut them up. As Ashes drew nearer, each and every step made Laurin whimper, and I could see we weren’t ready for this. That I should’ve told Laurin right from the start I wouldn’t step one foot in this place because it was unnatural.

“You there, stand.”

Ashes pointed to us as she said it and dropped her pale arm to the side of her body as she smiled, knowing we were scared out of our minds but trying so hard to hide it. As we stood up Ashes smelt the air for a second then her smile returned, placed on her luscious red lips that every women wanted but knew they would never have.

“You, human, what be your name?”

Laurin stuttered as she spoke her name, aware of every set of eyes were in her direction, but I felt a strange respect for her. It would be hard to be human and surrounded by hostile vampires, if they even are hostile.

“Laurin, you say? That’s a pretty name indeed and such a pretty neck you got there.”

“T-t-thank y-you.”

“You, half breed, what’s your name?”

My name was a whisper and everyone strained their ears but none could hear and that’s why Ashes asked once again. Now as I held my head high and straightened my spine, I spoke in my true voice.


“Blood? Mm such a lovely name. My name is Ashes. I’ll be your leader today.”

Funny joke, haha, I’ll be your leader instead of your waiter. I almost gagged as she had tried to make a joke but then as I eyed her facial expressions I could tell she was serious. Ashes wanted us to join her…she wants us to be under her control. No way.

“I’m sorry but we’ve got a mother, that’s a better leader than all.”

“Ah maybe I should have a…chat…with this leader then.”

“Sorry, she only speaks to people who aren’t vampire.”

“She doesn’t speak to you?”

“I’m not vampire, am I now?”

Ashes began to laugh as her black waves, and locks, came down around her shoulders. It was as if she had the black haired version and I had the golden blond. Then Laurin over to my side had short, straight brown hair. Unfortunately we all had the same blue misted eyes; Laurin’s was about three shades darker than Ashes and mine because we had vampire blood in us.

“No…I suppose you aren’t. I mean half breeds are always more able to fight but then again most aren’t lucky enough to live. I’m surprised to see one living in Los Angeles, under my main turf, but I have no clue as to who you are. Oh well, that doesn’t matter now, I suppose since you are going to join us.”

“Who says?”

“You’re so called friend, Laurin.”


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