» Fantasy » All Alone, Glazor K [reading in the dark .TXT] 📗

Book online «All Alone, Glazor K [reading in the dark .TXT] 📗». Author Glazor K

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A Student I think?

This is me Alexia I'm 16 and well this is my story.

I was in my room studying when the door opened it was my step mum. i studied all holidays. I was on 2 week break off school and It was one day before school would start and why am I studying well you’ll find out.  “Alexia this isn’t a good report card I want to see all A's!” She was waving the report card in the air and i noticed there was one B out of the whole report card. “Get up now!”I quickly stood up infront my step mum. she could be abusive when i didn't reach her standards. Okay so you may have realised my life isnt that easy well all my life I believed my parents hated me because they left me at just when i was born at the hospital or that was what i was told to believe. Although i had inherited abilities from my parents. I could read peoples thoughts and i could flame up at any time but sometimes i couldn't control this and that was when my emotions got the better of me. I guess it was a bonus but i never told my step mum. When i turned 14 i learned i had these abilities. Okay so ill explain what i look like. I'm a redhead and i have brown eyes, at the moment im just wearing some simple pants and longsleeved shirt (my step mum never really bought me any clothes)  and a pair of nerdy glasses. Okay well enough about me so um where was I oh yeah I was standing right infront of my step mum. She looked at me as if i was a pathetic human being and began beating me with her bare hands. My pale face soon had blood rushing down it. I tried holding in the tears for both emotional and physical pain i was going through. I kept my feelings in and didn't share them to the world i tried being a brave person but underneath i was a very hurt girl. Once she had finished abusing me she left the my bedroom. So thats why i study  my guts out either way i still get abused by my step mum because shes always drunk half the time. Everyone at school thinks im this nerd because i study so hard. I don't even wanna be known as a nerd i hate it so much!!! sometimes i question what would be the point of being on this planet because is so damn hard for me, sometimes i think im meant to suffer because its happen all my life. I ended up just going to bed and crawling up in a ball and hoping the pain would just stop. -------Next day------- I woke up and pulled my covers off, got up and looked at myself in the mirror. wow i looked horrible i had blood stains from the beatings i was given. I entered my shower and cleaned my face. Once that was done i hoped out of the shower, dried off and pulled some clothes out of my drawer. I didn't have many clothes considering my step mum never really bought me anything. Today i was wearing a longsleeved tshirt, jeans and some sneakers. I looked at the clock Crap! i was gonna be late for school and pulled out my ipod and put on my favorite music. my music put me at easy and made me feel like all my problems had left me. I rode to school on my skateboard and found my best friend waiting for me. She was my only friend but she was the best, she always been there for me when i needed her the most. 

The New Guy

 I saw my best friend and ran over to her and hugged her like crazy all holidays i wasn't allowed to see her only focus on my studies even though i had nothing to really study for. "Alexia did you enjoy your holidays?" I didn't hear her i was distracted by the new guy, he was so hot. He had brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, i swear i could stare at them forever.  he was wearing a black beanie wearing a black and gray striped tshirt with 4 buttons. Two of the buttons were undone which showed his 6 pac i was practically drooling over them. He wore also jeans and a pair of converse."Alexia" "What?" " i asked you how your holidays were" "oh they were great" She looked to see who i was staring at "ohhh someone have a crush on the new guy? :3" "pff no" "Sure you do" Jessica and Charlotte the populars walked over to the new guy. oh thats typical they hit on every guy in the school, there like the sluts of the school.

"typical" Jamie said  The bell rang and all the students ran in like there life depended on it. First up we had PC .PC didn't go for very long once it was over i went to my first lesson  which was art.  I went down the hallway which was full of student running late for classes . i then  finally found the art room and entered. several seconds later the teacher walked into the classroom with the  new Guy not far behind. "Hello class we have new student his name is Alex"

"Alex not many people so far maybe you tell what are interests and what you enjoy to do in your spare time" "Well i like art or else i woudnt be here and i love listening to music" "okay class lets get to work" the teacher kept talking about something but i was distracted by Alex he was just that  cute i coudnt help myself. i tried focusing on what the teacher saying but i was to distracted. After Art we had other boring subject such as maths, English and Science but of course i had work really hard. -----Lunch---- i walked out the classroom and walked over to my locker and put my stuff in there. I would be meeting up with Jamie for lunch.i walked though the Caferteria line and got some lunch and headed over to the table where Jamie and I sit at. i sat down and began eating my lunch. Then Alex starts walking over to our table." Mind if i sit here?"i just looked at those chocolate brown for few seconds until Jamie gave me a little punch on my shoulder. "Su-ure" "good cause i would rather die than sit with those Girls" he pointed to Jessica and Charlotte. They saw Alex pointing at them and they just gave him a flirty way."They wouldnt stop bothering me, i suppose they didn't get the message that i was interested" i let out a little laugh. "So whats are your names?" "Im Alexia and this Jamie" "Well I'm Alex nice to meet you" After Lunch i walked to my last lessons, Alex seemed to be in all of them. he was throwing paper at the back of my head and calling me a nerd. it sort of hurt being called a nerd everyone in the school would do this. What's he playing at i mean he's nice at lunch and then he starts throwing papers at my head and calling me a nerd. After my last lesson i walked back to my locker and put my books away."Hey Alexia" i turned around to see Alex standing behind me. I just igonred him because of what he did in class. "Alexia?"  I just walked away from him but then he just pushed me against my locker. He  then pushed his body against mine. I was shocked he never acted this way in class or anywhere esle. i just looked shocked at him and then he slide his tongue in my mouth i had no control over this. My hair flamed up and i tried pushing him away from me. "Whats the matter with you!" He continued trying to kiss me. "mmm Alex...mmm stop...!" Okay i must admit i did like him kissing me but not like this. He stopped kissing me. "Okay nerd" "I'm not a nerd!!" "Says the girl that works like crazy" he had his history book in his hand and used it to hit my head. THUMP. "Ow!!! what was that for?!!" "For being a nerd" "I am not a nerd!" "are too!" "Am not!" "Yep!" "Then why you did you kiss a nerd?" "Because i can" "No you can't!" "Yes, yes i can" "Mmm" "Someone on their period?" i was shocked even said that okay i take it back he's a jerk. "NO IM NOT" "Sure, sure" i slammed my locker door and walked away. "hey noone walks away from me!" he ran up to me and stood in my way. "move now!" "No" "Damnit move" i heard my phone going off it was my step mum. CRAP! I anwsered it quickly. "hey?" "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" my step mum said "um still at school" "GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW!!" "Sorry mum will be home soon" i let out a tear roll down my check. "Hey you okay?" Alex said. in a small voice i just said. "Please just move out of the way" "You sure your okay?" i didn't say anything. He just looked me in the eye.  He hugged me and this shocked me. But i sort of was sick of his constant games but i accepted the hug. "why do you do that?" "Do what?" "The constant games from nice to mean" "Um I-I have to go" he stopped hugging me and ran off. I quickly rushed home hoping my step mum wouldn't kill me.

Wait What!?

So when i got home my step mum was furious Why? i seriously don't know why, I didn't do anything. "There you are!! You're are late!!" "Late for what?" "You know don't act stupid!!" I seriously don't know what she was talking about. "Nevermind then"  Well that was weird why was she acting to so sweet untill I realized We weren't the the only ones in the room. "Alexia this

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