» Fantasy » Wolf Moon, Victoria St.Denis [general ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Wolf Moon, Victoria St.Denis [general ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Victoria St.Denis

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Table Of Contents 6
chapter 1 7
chapter 10

The End?

People would always tell me that when your born your life is set out for you. You walk on a thin line between finishing your journey or finishing it right there and then. I think, you have to take chances, and sometimes when you act before thinking it will bring you farther. Don’t let fear control your life, walk off the line, you never know where it might take you.
Well this is my story……. my ending? As a young pup I was thrown off a cliff because I was different. Yet if I had known the journey I then had to fulfill I wouldn’t change a thing, because my life only began the day I was supposed to die……

Chapter one

The rain was coming down faster than a bullet being shot. I was soaking wet, how long had I been out? Trying to stand I fell back down. A sharp pain shot through my chest, how? I thought I fell on my back? Struggling to stand I got to my feet and was able to take shelter inside a nearby rock cave. It wasn’t too big but for now anything was better than staying out in the cold.
My eyes were just beginning to close when a warn hand grabbed me by the fur of my neck and dragged me back out into the rain. My eyes to blurry to see and my senses all messed up I couldn’t tell what was happening. I was wrapped by something soft and furry… was it the fur of my mother? No, it was softer and I was completely surrounded in it. Oh no! it had to be…..a human. My mother already made it perfectly clear when she warned me that I had to stay away from humans that they want nothing more than to kill our kind. And now I was being carried away by one. This human didn’t seem all bad I was warm and being held tightly up to the chest of the human. Now if only I could stay awake! I’m drifting off, I cant, if I fall asleep I risk the chance of dieing. I cant fall asleep I cant! All I am able to do is keep thinking to myself; where is this human taking me? Is this the end? But even thinking of nightmares like that didn’t help within two minutes I was out like a light. Even in my dream! All I could think of was who was holding me and what would now lie ahead. I don’t think it’s the end, It cant be, I wont die I just wont!
That’s what they wanted, then again I was never one to follow the rules….

I awoke with a warm hand on my head. I looked up, it was a young boy. He had brown hair and blue eyes, he looked only to be five summers old. I moved my attention away from the boy for only a moment to look at my surroundings. Strange items some of which I had never seen before covered the room. I tried to struggle to my feet and as I did the boy pulled back his hand and yelled out.
- Mom the puppy is awake!
He then directed his attention to me and continued.
- No little puppy don’t try to stand yet your leg is still hurt.
I looked up at him and saw something that stopped me in my tracks. His smile, gentile and sweet and his eyes calming and welcoming. My head then turned in a split second when I herd the door slam open and most probably the boys mother ran into the room. She bent down beside me and looking at me talked to the boy. Some of the words were a little hazy in my mind but I caught on to their language pretty fast.
Before I could completely understand what was happening his mother picked me up and brought me into another room. She put me down on a table and pulled out a… collar? She reached out to put it around my neck and I hesitated and pulled back. She then reached out once more and put it around my neck. I was scared out of my mind, my heart pounding in my chest I felt as though I would pass out any second. She smile at me with a face much like the boys but more feminine. Then she began
- hello, Kaniwe.
- H-how do you know my name, where am I!?
She just looked at me and laughed
- Calm down Kianiwe, I promise that in time I will explain everything. For the time being wear this collar it will help you fit in, for instance your eye color just turned to green. As well for the time being you can stay with us.
There was a long silence, just long enough for me to think about what was going on. I know her somehow I have seen that face before and her voice is echoing in my ears. The silence was broken when she let out a sigh.
- Kianiwe, I know your secret. Your Amelia’s daughter, you may not remember me according to the fact that I only saw you three times…. I know you can transform, so why don’t you change back into your human form and we will protect you here.
- … Sophia?
- Yes, Kianiwe?
- Your name is Sophia right? You’re my mothers human friend?
- Yes-yes it is, so you do remember
Sophia’s eyes widened with amazement as I changed into my human form.
- How cute Kianiwe, who made that outfit your wearing?
- My mother made it…
I said as I dropped my head and continued
- that is, when she still loved me.
Sophia chuckled and said
- down worry I just happen to know what happened to your mother when she lost her faith, and it had nothing to do with her not loving you
Tears fell down my cheeks as she continued
- and don’t you worry your mother is not here at the moment but I will take care of you weather human or wolf.

Chapter two

-Fetch girl
He yelled out. I have been living with Sophia and her son, Torak for quite some time now. Although I have never once forgot my mother or the love we shared.
Now it has become a routine that we go through every day. Of course, I love playing fetch with Torak it gives me a change to run and use up some energy before he has to leave. Its always kind of boring running back and forth to get a stick, though I’m fine with it as long as I get a chance to play with him before he has to go to school….
- Torak the bus is here!
I herd Sophia yell from the front yard
- ok mom coming! …… Kianiwe I got to go but as soon as I get home we can play together!
As of now I have been here for three months and I have built a very good relationship with this family…. At least in my opinion.
He already knows that I’m half human and half wolf, and I’m perfectly fine with being human in front of him. He is five summers old, that’s only one more than me. He has blond hair and the most welcoming green eyes. In the village I lived in with my mother before there was no one like him. No one would play with me or ever call me by my real name.
- Kianiwe come in or you will catch cold, its supposed to snow!
- Ok coming Sophia
I shouted as I ran inside. Every day when Torak goes to school there’s not much to do, normally I just go exploring. I have only been here for three months but I feel like this is home. As if this place brings back memories, but every time I try to remember I just cant. I start to remember about this place and then I cant continue to remember….. I’m scared. I always get this feeling when I’m trying to remember, as if it’s just one of the scars of my past.
- I’m home!
- Torak!
I yelled out as I ran to hug him. We went into the kitchen where Sophia was cooking supper.
- Hey mom
- hi Torak. Supper is not done yet so why don’t you take Kianiwe into the forest for a while? Maybe the scenery can help her remember her past a little.
- ok mom!
It seams as I can remember my past but for some reason I only know about the bad and painful times. I know that my life couldn’t be as bad as I remember it so I just know that if I try hard enough I can probably remember the times when I smiled.
- Torak remember to be home before sunset! You know that there are dangerous things that live in that forest!
- Don’t worry mom if anything tries to hurt us Kianiwe can just turn into a wolf and devour whatever it is!
Torak yelled back as we ran out the back door. We had only just began to walk down the path when I remembered something.
- Torak come I want to show you something!
I grabbed his hand and ran off the trail. I know this area its coming back to me.
- Kianiwe wait! We shouldn’t leave the trail! I know that you’re a wolf but there are things out here that are way stronger than you that can eat us and…..
- Stop talking and pay attention! Anyways look this is what I wanted to show you.
We both turned our attention to the sky.
- oh no! your right its already night time we better go!
- No that’s not what I meant! Look at the moon, its turning blue meaning that soon it will be the wolf moon.
- W-wolf moon? What’s that?
- Well, its when the power of the wolf of legend is distributed among the wolf clans making them stronger. Unless the wolf of legend is still alive but she died over one hundred years ago.
- Oh yea! I remember my mom told me four years ago, the wolves and humans were together as one but then a war broke out. Wasn’t it because a child was born?
- Yes, the clans thought that is was the new wolf of legend. But due to the fact that it was born an infant humans and wolves fought for who would get the power…… my father is out fighting that war right now, he is the alpha of out pack after all.
- My father is fighting in that war too…. He must be fighting against your father right now. How about we agree that if one of our fathers comes out victorious that we can still be friends?
- Ok, agreed.
- Oh no! we have been here for

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