» Fantasy » Rivals to Lovers, Patricia Galindez [classic books for 11 year olds .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rivals to Lovers, Patricia Galindez [classic books for 11 year olds .TXT] 📗». Author Patricia Galindez

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Witches and Sorcerers.

The magical beings.


Half human and half wolf.

Since the beginning of time, Witches and Sorcerers were the enemies of the Werewolves. And the Werewolves are theirs.

When a war began between their two races, many were injured, and many more were dead. The war ended many months later when both races decided they didn't want to risk anymore lives of their people. The lands are now separated by a river deep within the forest, away from any civilization. If any were to cross to the rivals land, it's instant death to them.

Hundreds of years later to now, the rivalry between the two still continue. But only a little Witch and a misunderstood Werewolf were willing to look pass that.

The Meeting


“Nova, honey, can you come here please?” called my mother as I was reading about this spell that causes people to have memory loss. That could come in handy someday, I thought as I closed the book.

As you can tell, I am a Witch. Though, I'm not that experienced, considering I'm only fourteen, still learning the basic spells and potions. My sister Annabelle, being eighteen, she is much more experienced, and she would assist me on anything she knows on the subject.

I walked to the kitchen where mother was cooking dinner.

“Yes, mother?” She turned to me.

“Dinner is almost done. Do you think you can fetch your sister for me? I suppose you would know where she is already, right?”

I nodded. “Sure do.” I walked outside towards my sister's boyfriend's house.

Annabelle's boyfriend's name is Gabriel. He's really nice and charming, but also very protective of my sister. I think they're really sweet together, and sometimes I imagine myself in a special relationship like Annabelle's.

His house wasn't very far, since we all live in a village deep in the forest. When I arrived at the door, I knocked. I waited a few minutes before Gabriel opened the door. He was only nineteen, but his soft features made him look younger than he really is. He has dirty blond hair slightly wavy. His milk brown eyes would captivate you with only one look. He was pale, but not as pale as Annabelle and I. He is also built for all those times he helped out cut out wood with his father, not to mention he works out a bit. He treats me like a little sister he never has just like he's a brother to me. Well, of course we will need to have that kind of relationship when Annabelle and Gabriel soon may wed in the future when they've been together since both have been my age.

Soon, Annabelle came behind Gabriel to see who was at the door.

“Hey, Nova. What brings you here?” he asked.

“Hi, Gabriel.” I stared at Annabelle behind him.

“Mother sent me to come get you. She says dinner's almost ready.”

“Oh, very well then. Bye, Gabriel,” she says as she gives him a kiss good-bye. He waves as we walked away.

“I suppose you weren't doing anything in particular with Gabriel, right?” I joked.

She blushed. “Course not; anyway you're too young to know about these things, Nova.”

I scoffed, “I'm fourteen, it’s not too young,” I argued.

“It is for people my age.”

I smiled. “What's it like to be in love?”

She sighed, “It's actually a beautiful thing, Nova. When you see him, it's like only you two existing in the world. When he smiles at you, you feel little butterflies in your stomach. When he looks at you with those eyes of his, you feel like you're melting inside. And the only thing going through your mind is him. His eyes, his smile, his personality, and the way he would always protect you. One day you'll find your other half, Nova. He'll come.”

I've been fascinating with love since I was a little girl. I've always wanted to know how it felt like to love someone deeply, and they return your love. Hopefully I won't have to wait for him any longer.

Annabelle and I walked through the front door of the house to find mother setting the table. We helped mother set the food, and ate. Mother's home cooked meal is always something to cherish. The roasted chicken so juicy and full of flavor. Mashed potatoes with gravy having the taste of heaven just filling your whole mouth. Salad and corn on a cob is healthy, though still very delightful. Anyone would pay for my mother's meals.

The table was right now silent, but it wasn't always like this. Father always made dinner enjoyable. But, the day he died when I was ten, it made everything depressing. He died when a werewolf crossed our territory, and he was there with the other skillful Sorcerers trying to capture it then kill. Though, the Werewolf was smart and found a way to attack father when he was casting a lethal spell on it. The Wolf killed him before he shot at it and escaped away out of our land. Mother was like the dead itself when father died. Her hair was unkempt, skin more sickly pale than usual, deadly skinny, and eyes looking so hollow and purple bags around them from lack of sleep. Annabelle and I were worried that mother might keep herself rotting away and soon leave us. But, eventually she came to her senses that she had us to care for, and we were the only things of father she had left. Even if she turned back to her normal self, in her eyes you could still see that half her soul died with father.

After dinner, we cleaned up, and I decided to take a walk through the forest and practice my spells, along with restocking some ingredients for my potions. I grabbed my basket and my black cloak.

“Mother, I'm going to step out for a while.”

“Okay, sweetie. But, please be careful,” she warned.

I walked out the door into the warm fresh air. Every time, mother would always tell me to be careful when I went out into the forest. She wants to make sure that I won't endanger myself in case a werewolf would attack and kill me like father. But, at least she still gives me freedom and not lock me up from the outside. For Annabelle, it's different, she's older and more experienced than me, so she can take care of herself.

Deep into the forest, I picked up some herbs for what I can make a healing potion with. Never know when you're going to need it. Collecting all the herbs I need in my basket, I decided I should catch up on some spell practice. Putting my basket beside a tree, I cleared my mind, focused on creating a powerful energy ball, and in minutes, I had my energy ball in my hands. Aiming at the tree, shot forward the energy ball, and as soon as it hit the tree, it left a burnt spot.

Apparently, I've been getting better at making those balls of energy. I remember I couldn't make one and got me frustrated.

I noticed a log next to a bush. I murmured an incantation to levitate objects, then the log levitated a foot off the ground. I murmured the spell a little louder, and it levitated two more feet off the ground. As I kept focusing on the levitating log, I sensed a presence before I heard a twig snap. Immediately, my spell broke from lose of concentration, and the log fell with a thud on the ground. I heard nothing else, but I still felt that same presence nearby.

“Whoever is out here, show yourself,” I demanded. No one showed, thought I knew they were still here. “I know you're out here, so you better come out right now.” Even if something might be out here maybe out to attack me, I felt no fear.

For a while they didn't show, but at the last minute, a black and white wolf came out. I sighed in relief, thinking a Werewolf was out here, but that can't be, they're not allowed here. Though, a regular wolf can; even if they're related to werewolves they're still normal animals. The one way we can tell a werewolf and a regular wolf is by their aura; they’re both different. And this wolf's aura is –

Wait a minute. Oh no, that's not a regular wolf. Oh my god I'm going to die any minute now; werewolves don't hesitate to attack a witch or sorcerer. I started to back away, when it walked towards me, I shrieked and began to run.

“Wait, don't go!” someone called out. I stopped in my tracks shaking. “Please, don't go,” it begged.

I turned my head slowly to see a boy standing in the wolf's place. He was no older than me, maybe fifteen. He has such green eyes like emeralds, though his wolf had silver eyes. Werewolves have a big built body, but he really doesn't have much, maybe because he's still young. He's also tall-ish, 5'9 at least, compared to my 5'3 height. His hair is as dark as a moonless night like mine is, and is almost covering those two green beauties he has as eyes.

As I was done observing him, I had the lack of knowledge to notice he was behind a bush naked. This alone made me blush.

It was silent for a minute, but then I dared to ask.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I'm Indy,” he answered. “What's your name?”

“Oh, um....I-I'm Nova.” I don't know why I told him my name to the enemy, or why I even talked to him in the first place, but he seemed friendly enough. Although, now I wondered what he was doing here if he should know that coming here he sentenced himself to death.

“What are you doing here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

“I was kind of following something, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was just running to follow something, and it lead me to you. But, I didn't mean to scare you.” He sounded so honest that I couldn't help but to believe even though I shouldn’t.

“Well, you have to leave now. My people in the village may find you out here and kill you.” I don't know why I should have bothered to save him and not try to warn everyone about the enemy intruder.

Before he answered, I heard my name called by someone in the forest.

“Nova! Nova, are you around

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