» Fantasy » new life., k.m.price [most life changing books .TXT] 📗

Book online «new life., k.m.price [most life changing books .TXT] 📗». Author k.m.price


"Rose. Rose where are you child"?
"I'm over here ma "shouted rose who swung down from her tree if you could call it that , she new it wasn't really a tree but an illusion to keep the 'food' happy which was rose and her family. Roses mother ran up to rose and engulfed her in her arms " how could you run of like that you know its not safe specially considering how our masters have been behaving" I shudder because I hated it when she referred those those MONSTERS as our masters when all they were was our jailers, one day one day I would go free away from here I had heard tales of the world above where humans ruled and the monsters feared them oh how much power they much POSSES ," rose are you listening to me you will be 16 in two days and you will taken away from me " roses mother quickly looked around to make sure our 'masters' was not listening " they will take you away to see weather you shall be a worker or a...a meal or even worse a breeder" she hissed the last word and shudder.

"Well they are going to have to catch me first and there not a chance in my lifetime that they are going to do that , I'll run away ma if I have to , far away from here , I have heard the other children talking about it ,about how there's a SKY and holes filed with water , don't you ever wish for a life like that ma where we are not treated as food or slaves ?" at the beginning of my speech my ma had looked thoughtful now she looked furious " how DARE you speak of things like that , where have you heard such nonsense there is NO life beyond the one we live in and its about time you grew up and realised that . Now COME and don't misbehave for you will get us all punished." and with that she grabbed my wrist and stormed forward only slowing down to curtsey to the guard who was keeping us all in line "your grace" my mother whispers and I followed in her lead for she was right if I misbehaved I would get my whole family punished. "filthy creatures stand up and return to your cages that you call home because the sight of you is enough to turn any demon insane , now be gone with you vermin" and with that my mother tightened her grip and hurried if exhaling as we went .


It had been two days since me and my mum had talked about my plans on escaping and I had tried on many occasions to raise the subject but she refuses to even listen to me saying that I will bring trouble to the family so I kept quite . Today was my birthday and I had ruined any plans i had on escaping because they the monsters demons keepers were coming for me and i a measly human could do nothing about that so i just hung my head and tried to enjoy what little a birthday i had .
"rose cheer up its not the end of the-" my brother shut up even though he was only 6 he still understood the ways of out living and he new i could die this very night so he sat besides me comforting me to what was about to happen .
"Rose dear i i am sorry but you must understand that you put us all at risk but you are such a hard worker that i shouldn't imagine they would use you as food or a breeder , they might even just leave you be today because it is your birthdate date" i just stared at her because she wasn't fooling any one my life was over, i just shook my head at my mum and cuddled into my little brother and i must have feel asleep because i woke up to a pounding on the piece of wood we called a door "OPEN UP" my mother looked she looked frightened as she looked at me then cast her eyes down i new what that ment she was just going to hand me over i didn't matter even though i was her daughter " its ok ma i will go now " and as i started to grab what little belongings i had my little brother max grabbed onto my hand and started to wail and that's when the door caved in and the monsters rushed inside i shoved max aside so that he wouldn't get hurt as they grabbed my hands and tied rope around them and on my hands to prevent me from trying to escape , as if i even could they weighed at least twice my weight and were at least 7 ft in height and i was tall for human standards but compared to them i might as well have been a midget.


Text: all mine accept photos so please DO NOT COPY, thankyou .
Images: not mine.
Editing: mine.
Translation: mine.
Publication Date: 12-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

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