» Fantasy » the last sorcerer, Forrest warren [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗

Book online «the last sorcerer, Forrest warren [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗». Author Forrest warren

The Last Sorcerer


Tristan awoke early Saturday morning something he has done quite often after discovering his heritage. He got dressed hurriedly in order to be on time after all if he was late for another lesson his uncle would blast him literally. He walked down and out the back of his home in Deer park condos and down the street to the old abandoned
value store. As he walked across the parking lot he felt the now familiar tingle on his palm were his hailstone family crest was burned into his arm to prove himself. As walked in his uncle immediately appeared at his side looking very upset and said “ The time is here ”

Chapter 1

It was 10:00 pm as Tristan walked home from the concert at Newport news park. He was feeling unusually uneasy as he walked the familiar stretch of road to his house he felt as if someone was watching him and even saw things out the corner of his eyes. He saw many unusual things such as a blue jay sure not so exciting until it disappeared in mid-flight and something big dropped down into the woods beside him. After that encounter he ran as fast as he could trying to find the nearest store to take shelter in. He heard a noise behind him and looked back to see what is was. Unsuccessful in his efforts he turned around and came face to face with his uncle Tim which was strange since uncle Tim disappeared when he was 21 he jumped a foot back ready for anything but he was determined to just go along with it so with a fake relieved sigh he said ; man Tim you almost game me a heart attack. Tim said nothing but his
eyes turned iridescent blue and before he could back away Tim grabbed Tristan's arm and placed his hand over his forearm and spoke this inclination “ thou is Hailstone therefore thou is pure ”. After he said this his hand turned as blue as his eyes and Tristan screamed ans passed out.
Tristan woke up feeling as though someone had knocked him out . His head hurt his arm was sore and he couldn't remember anything. He took a moment to look around his surrounding. It looked like he was in a old abandoned warehouse but it was set up with a gym and a place to sleep. He looked down at his arm and noticed a burn that took up his whole forearm and looked almost like a brand but colored in on it was a black ace of spades with blue bird wings coming out of it
and folding around his forearm. And then he remembered everything his dead uncle the eyes the horrible pain that filled him as he put his hand on him. Was this where the strange brand came from but how and why?

~chapter 2~

Later on in the day Tim came in and took a seat right in front of Tristan ans said I'm so sorry for everything that has happened and for not telling anyone I was alive. Tristan stared at him as he asked what's going on? I want answers and I want them now! I understand your feelings Tristan I've felt the same way but I can only tell you part of the story the rest you must learn along the way. Tristan puffed up and got red in the face as he yelled PART OF THE STORY! I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM OR WHY I AM HERE AND YOU ONLY WANT TO TELL ME PART OF THE STO... Tim waved his hands and Tristan's mouth snapped shut and his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth. Tim waved his hand again and he was forced to sit down. Tim then spoke calmly; now I will tell the story and you will stay where you are and be quite.
Tim snapped his fingers and Tristan could move again. Now do you remember your great grandfather Lars Hailstone? Tristan nodded feebly and Tim continued on. Well he took me away on my 21st birthday as I have done to you he did this in the same manner and in the privacy of this very same place he told me so quietly I could scarcely here him that he was a sorcerer and I was next in line.

~chapter 3~

What said Tristan? I know it's a lot to take in but it's the truth Tristan. But how asked Tristan all I really know is every time a generation known for sorcery dies out another family becomes the sorcery family answered Tim. But how does a family die out asked Tristan well there are only seven sorcerers per family each representing one of the seven elements and you are the last of are family. I thought there where four elements? Asked Tristan no there are seven earth,fire,water,air,spirit,mind and body answered Tim. Oh said Tristan so I represent one of those elements? Yes just as I represent body. Is that how you controlled me earlier? yes answers Tim. Well which do I represent? You represent mind and with some training you will be able to control anything you want answered Tim.
Wh-what about my family asked Tristan well you will never be able to see them again because the no longer exist they have done there job and helped raise you and are ancestors so now they await us in the land beyond ours. So its just me and you with the weird tattoos now huh asked Tristan. Ha-ha yes that would appear so now tomorrow we begin your training and your new life you can stay hear
until we get you a place to stay.
~the following morning~
Tristan wake up its time for breakfast. Tristan shot right up and asked what we having!? Oatmeal answered Tim. Oh OK said Tristan how are we going to train me to be able to control people and stuff. First try to get your spoon said Tim but as Tristan reached for the spoon he said NO! Not with your hands with your mind reach out with it and grasp the spoon and will it to your hand you can eat when it is done. Umm OK said Tristan he closed his eyes and felt out for the spoon and surprised by how easy it was he made it shoot to his hand but over projected it and it soared to Tim but with a flick of his wrist he reached up and grabbed it. And said keep practicing and no killing me while your at it.


Publication Date: 07-25-2010

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