» Fantasy » The Gifted, Paige Whitaker [ebook reader with highlighter .txt] 📗

Book online «The Gifted, Paige Whitaker [ebook reader with highlighter .txt] 📗». Author Paige Whitaker

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Hazel sat on a green bean bag chair reading a book for her class her friend, Joyce was over at the table studying for her test. Joyce always loved to study studying was like TV for her. Joyce usually sat quite still as a statue while she studied but All of a sudden Joyce jumped up yelling "We have to get out of here!" Hazel looked up from her book obviously irritated, "Why what's wrong I'm trying to read a book about wate-" hazel was cut off. " they are coming for us!" Joyce exclaimed. "Wait what! Who's coming for us? We have to warn the others!" Hazel said heading for the door. "No! They are already passed the gates we have to time!" Joyce said pulling Hazel back . "Ok lets go out the ba-" hazel got cut off again. "NO! They could be around back by now! Professor. Charles said if anything were to go wrong we need to go to the basement! Come on!" Joyce said running out the library doors. Hazel had never seen Joyce so grave so she followed. The hallways at Charles School For The Gifted were long and narrow they were rather scary ]probably trying to cover what it really is up. Hazel and Joyce ran down the narrow hallway bumping into walls every turn they made. As they reached the basement door the boys bathroom door opened, it was Tye. "Hey why are you guys running?" He asked closing the bathroom door behind him. "There is no time to explain Tye we have to go in the basement now" Joyce said opening the door. "What?" Tye asked. Joyce was already walking down the steps into the darkness. Hazel pulled Tye by the arm into the basement then closed the door.

"Professor. Charles said to follow the lights if we were ever in this situation." Joyce said. Tye started to say something but Hazel cut him off, "Well it is pitch black in here. Just perfect." Hazel said. They were all feeling around for a light switch when Hazel felt something like a lever "Hey guys I think I found something!" Hazel said Pulling the lever a door came open shinning a stream of lights into Hazels bright blue eyes she rubbed them. "This is probably what he was talking about" Tye said smirking at Hazel. Hazel rolled her eyes. "Come on." Joyce said walking down the newly found path lit with torches. Tye and Hazel both followed.
Tye began "Can you tell me what's going on now.. ?" turning to Joyce with a confused expression on his face. "I was studying for my test when I heard someone's thoughts. Bad thoughts." Joyce said scratching her short blonde hair. Joyce was a mind reader. "Who's thoughts?" Hazel asked. "I'm not sure the voice wasn't familiar but it was a man's voice and it was saying something about Doctor. Henjensen and money for taking freaks." Joyce said. Hazels face went as pale as a ghost. "Who is Docotor. Henjensen?" Tye asked looking at Hazel's face with concern. "He is a doctor that got caught experimenting on a guy that he claimed was a werewolf." Hazel said color coming back into her face not much since she was rather pale in the first place. "He was put in jail.." Hazel said. "Yeah he must of got out, and I think he sent men to come get us." said Joyce.
"What!? That can't be no one but the professors and the students here know! No one would tell!" Tye shouted. "I have no idea how." Joyce said still walking down the row of lit torches looking back to glare at Tye. Tye got very quite then said "All those people... our friends are still in there! They are going to get taken away and be experimented on?". "There was nothing we could do! Were lucky we got out, we couldn't yell for everyone to leave it is a huge school no one would hear us." Joyce said looking forward again. Tye scrunched up his face like he was trying to think of something to say, but he didn't. They all walked in silence for a while hearing banging and crashing above, The other students must have putting up a big fight .

After walking some more they saw steps leading to what looked like a door. "A door." Joyce said stopping. "Yeah let's get out of here" Tye said as he tried to walk for the door. Joyce stopped him. "We don't even know what's on the other side it could be men just waiting for us to come out so they can take us!" Joyce said with her hands on Tye keeping him from walking. Joyce had a happy look on her face like she liked touching Tye "Well its better than being in here." Tye pushed Joyce aside walking up to the closed door. Tye pushed the door open.
A lake. Outside the door was Lake Cabana were all the students at Charles School For The Gifted would swim in the summer. "No bad guys." Tye remarked. Joyce rolled her eyes at Tye and pushed in front of him. "This lake leads to a stream the stream leads into town, we can get the police there." Joyce said. "RIGHT! Like they're going to believe us when we tell them we have supernatural powers and there is a school full of them being taken away. And even if they did the town has to be at least 40 miles away" Hazel said while walking up to the edge of the lake. "The school isn't to far from here. We have to stop them before they get to do any experiments on any of them." Tye said looking into the distance. "Right how are we suppose to do that genius?" Joyce says putting her hands on her hips.

"We can follow them, not to close behind and find out where they're going for starters." Tye said still staring into the distance. "Alright then what? Take down grown men and an Evil EX-Doctor? When I can't even do any damage Hazel needs water to even do any damage you would be the only one able to do any major damage considering I don't think an evil ex-doctor would hide supernatural's by an ocean and just you isn't going to cut it! And he could already have some supernatural's and could use them against us!" Joyce said as she slapped Tye upside the head. Tye rubbed the back of his head and glared at Joyce.
Hazel turned towards Joyce and Tye who were glaring at each other. "First of all, I agree with Tye we can't just do nothing we can't go to the police and we can't let him hurt any of them. And second of all, I don't need water with me as long as I absorb enough I can do as much if not more damage than Tye!" Hazel said waving her hands around. Tye just looked at hazel. "Of course you agree with Tye! You are like in love with him!" Joyce said waving her hands back at hazel. Tye's face got red and got a rather happy look on it. "I AM NOT! You are such a liar and this is NO time at all to be bringing this up!" Hazel screamed her face red, but with anger "We have to get to the school they could have already left by now!" Hazel said. Joyce gave a hateful look then nodded. Hazel stormed passed Joyce who was still staring at hazel and Tye who had began to look at the ground.

After they had walked about a mile they hit the school. "Stop we don't want to get to close, do you see trucks or vans anything?" Joyce said. They all looked towards the school to see 5 big blue Vans parked in front of the school. "Oh my gosh.. " Hazel said her face in utter disbelief. "You were right Joyce.. they are taking them away." Tye said staring at the 5 parked vans. Joyce just stood for a minute and looked at the Vans like Hazel and Tye then said "What now?". Tye and Hazel both looked at Joyce. " I said what now? We just watch them take away our friends?" Joyce said with sadness in her voice. "I say we hide until there far enough away we can get in Tye's car and follow them. Then you try to read their minds to find out where there heading, town is miles away they are probably going somewhere outside of town." Hazel said looking down the hill at the town. Joyce rolled her eyes and started pulling dust and cobwebs from the basement out of her blond hair as she said

"Then what? Once we follow them? We attack?". Tye had sat down not saying a word. Hazel looked at Joyce and then down at Tye. "We will figure it out once we are there, there has to be some way to help. We could wait until Doctor. Henjensen is alone, question him kill him something! But not nothing." Hazel said fixing her eyes on Joyce who was still messing with her hair. "Got a better plan Joyce?" Hazel said. Joyce stopped messing with her hair and stared and hazel.

"No, I guess I don't." Joyce said sitting down. Hazel sat down between Tye and Joyce. They all just sat there looking over every other minute to see Big men in black suites putting more and more kids into the big blue vans, the kids looked like they were handcuffed but not with cuffs. More like glowing blue lazar cuffs. Hazel looked over to Tye.
Tye is not a very big guy, he is 16 with Black hair cut short, he is pretty muscular but not fat he is a Telekinetic which means he can control things with his mind. He has a bad boy image, but sitting next to him Hazel see's the sadness in his eyes and that image disappears. Hazel herself is not big at all and actually very slim, she is only 15 . she has bright blue eyes and medium length brown hair She is a WaterHolder, she can control water. Hazel looks over at Joyce staring the other way, Joyce has short blonde hair and she isn't very fat but she isn't very slim she is only 15 same as hazel. she has brown eyes that Hazel can see are looking towards the town.
Tye tugs on Hazels arm. "Guys! There leaving." Tye said leaping up. "About time." Joyce said standing up and brushing her pants off. "Okay wait until they get passed the hill then let's go get into Tye's car, do you have your keys on you?" Hazel said looking at Tye. "Of course wouldn't go anywhere without them." Tye said pulling a keys out of his pocket. They watched as the Vans pulled around the Fountain passed the gates and over the hill. "Ok hurry lets go." Tye said starting to run towards the school. The others followed.

They ran passed the gates and into the parking lot looking for Tye's car, they found it and started running towards it. Tye's car was a Lamborghini so of course, it had only 2 seats. Tye got in the car Hazel got to the passenger first she got in and scooted to the middle. Joyce got to the car and looked in at Hazel and Tye and rolled her eyes as she got in. Hazel just sighed. They started to

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