» Fantasy » Reappearance, Nicole Aria Jackson [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗

Book online «Reappearance, Nicole Aria Jackson [best novels of all time .TXT] 📗». Author Nicole Aria Jackson

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Chapter 1

Have you ever wondered if those stories your parents told were real? You know about witches, werewolves, vampires and other such magical creatures? Well I can soothe your curiosity. My name is Aurora Noire and I live in the world so many want to become apart of. Ever since I was born my place in this fantasy world was all ready decided.
"Hey Rory, where's the place of crime again?", asked my partner Lily Herveaux.
"Ugh. I should have drove. Make a right turn here."
"My driving isn't that bad is it? And in all fairness you weren't listening to Stan's lecture either."
If you're wondering what my job is's complicated. My cover is a homicide detective. I work for a supernatural version of the CIA or FBI. Which ever you're more fascinated with. We deal in cases that involve Lily and my kind. You're probably wonder what I am. I'm what you would call a dhampir. That's right kids I have a vampire for a dad. My mom wasn't all that normal either. She was a psychic like Carrie.You know the movie about a girl covered in pig blood? My mom was a detective just like me when she met my dad and the rest is history, as they say. My partner and also childhood friend is Lily. She's a analyst and a fairy. In the magical world we're known as The Coven Queens. There are five of us and we all, in some way, are the heirs of of kinds. My father was the most powerful and oldest vampire there was. You're probably wondering was he killed but he wasn't. There is a ritual known as slumber. Vampire who become a certain age(remarkable,huh?) are to "go to sleep" or pass away. I was eleven when he went into slumber. I knew what my father was and so did my mother. Nothing was hidden from me. After he went to slumber I knew I was to deal with what I am alone. At least that's what I thought. Lily and my other friends were there for me. Then after my father went into slumber I was approached by Stan Wellington. He's like the Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series of our world. He's not only my boss but my university's dean. Yes I said university. I'm 20 and a junior. I graduated school a year early due to my birthday being early and my grades. Lily is the same way but she's 18.
"We're here. Looks like Stan was right. Death spreads fast in the news world if it's a celebrity.", Lily said as we got out of the car.
Our recent case is the mysterious death of a young singer. Her name's Camille and boy could she sing or at least that's what Lily says. She was a folk singer and my taste in music is more towards heavy metal. Many people have told me I don't seem like a metal fan and it's true. I'm what you would call an all american girl. I'm a strawberry blonde haired, sea green eyed girl. As Lily and I got out and walked up to the crime scene we could feel eyes all on us. I could hear some of the thoughts such as are they friends of Camille and They're so hot. Are they models. After about five minutes of mind searching I was able to find the town's sheriff. How did I know it was him? Damn celebs. It's hard enough to do work without all these flashing lights. This was the only thought that was serious and his other one when he saw us was as serious as it was insulting. Don't tell me these are the detectives. Looks like the only thing they know is what new shoes were in style. I connected to Lily's mind so she could hear and she started smiling.
"Just wait until we go in the house", she said and then I smiled at what she said.
"Behave. That's my line."

Chapter 2

Soon we were standing face to face with the sheriff and we could tell he was a tad irritated.
"Are you the detectives we heard were coming?" By this time I closed the connection cause I want to save my energy for the scene.
"Yes. I'm Detective Noire and this is Detective Herveaux. We heard this case was within our jurisdiction. Can you tell us what's happened from the call in to now."
"Don't know why you came", said a voice behind Sheriff Bradley. "This is something we can handle."
This is the part I find tiring. Whenever we are called into a rural town the locals think they can handle stuff on their own and end up putting the whole town in danger. I was about to say this when the sheriff stepped in.
" Now that's enough boy. They have more experience with this type of situation than we do. I'm sorry ladies. This is Deputy Haner." He winced when he was called deputy. It looks like he has hero syndrome. Lily opened the connection between our minds and boy was she right. He looked like rich country music star. He had the cowboy hat that matched the tan leather cowboy boots he had on. In a weird way the checkered light blue shirt went well with dark blue coat and pants he wore. The look on his face told us he would us be bed buddies than partners to solve a crime.
"It's okay, sheriff. We're used to it", Lily said while flashing her sweet subtle but powerful smile. The sheriff blushed a bit while deputy boy's face showed he was more irritated than before. After clearing his throat the sheriff gave us the information he had.
"Got a call around six-thirty this morning. Her personal assistant came to tell her about a interview she had today at nine. The assistant, Lydia, has a key so she just went inside."
"Where is Lydia now?"
"Over in the kitchen."
" I Think I should talk her. Can you handle the scene for a few minutes?'' Before I could answer the deputy chimed in.
"She still pretty shook up and we can give you the details she told us."
Lily turned and even though she has a light and sweet voice you could hear irritation.
"I wasn't asking permission. See you in a while, Rory. It was nice meeting you sheriff."
I turned to look at the fire place in the living room hide my grinning face. She took my line again. Lily has more tolerance than I do so when hers is shown it's funny to me. I turned back and from what I saw I wasn't the only one holding back a smile. The sheriff was rubbing his face like he was thinking while deputy boy had a nasty scowl while watching Lily talk to Lydia. Finally getting my composure I decided to break the silence.
" Where did the assistant find the victim?"
" On the backyard deck," said the sheriff gaining his composure too. "Follow me I'll show you."
The sheriff put a hand on deputy boy when he was about to protest to stay and keep an eye on Lily. He grunted and was the one who lead the sheriff and I outside. I glanced at Lily who looked when she saw us heading towards the back. Smiles crept across our faces. This is gonna be fun. Lily opened the connection to catch what I said. Now, now behave.

My smile grew wider.

Chapter 3

"What is that smell?" I held my hand to nose to keep the nauseous smell out.
" Whoever attacked Ms. Camille was sick. She was found in some kind of ritual circle and was well.." He didn't have to continue. The smell of rotting flesh and bleach was fresh but this smell wasn't the one having an effect on me. The smell of a dark force was unusually strong. It was unusual for whatever was here left some time before Lydia arrived the smell would be weak. Damn it

. As I thought the words the sheriff and deputy spoke them. Some reporters were trying to get into the backyard. They went to stop them. The reporters couldn't have better timing. I got out my cell phone and dialed another good friend.
" I'm only a couple minutes away. Make sure the reporters are under control," said Sophia Grayson.
Her cover is coroner.She's a sophomore at the university and a succubus. If you think about coroner would be a good cover for if a person is either a succubus or incubus.
"I think whatever killed Camille is still around."
There was a silence for what seem like forever and then there was a groan.
" Are you okay, Sophia?"
"Yeah and you're right. The thing, whatever it is, is kicking off some major power. See if you can get close to the body to determine if she was normal.Ugh."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Won't know until I get to where you are. If what I'm feeling is weak at the crime scene we'll have to go for a jog. Got that Lily?"
Yeah. Rory I'm done with the assistant and heading outside with you now.

Succubi are known for entering dreams so entering minds is easy for Sofia.
" Got to go now the sheriff and deputy boy are coming back and Lily's heading towards the body now."
"See you when I see you."
At least that's what I think I heard. I was going after the deputy who was going after Lily.
"Hey blondie only the coroner can look at the body."
" Deputy, you're right but she has consent to go near the body."
" Our coroner didn't give that consent. Hey!"
He grab her arm. Bad decision. She turned and her eyes were as white as milk. The sheriff and deputy were taken aback. I see the surge in the air wasn't only sensed by me and it wasn't from a good entity.
"What are you girls?," the sheriff asked.
" I'll tell but first let go of her arm deputy."
He let go but was speechless for the first time.

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