» Fantasy » The Blacksmith's Daughter, Katie R. Jamison [best book series to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Blacksmith's Daughter, Katie R. Jamison [best book series to read TXT] 📗». Author Katie R. Jamison

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Chapter One

"Kerian!" a man's voice echoed across the stable yard. "Where are you girl, we have work to do!"

"Coming, Father. "Kerian called from the well. She brushed the loose strands of hair back from her face and picked up the bucket. She hurried back across the yard just as one of their neighbors came up the lane leading his plow horse.

"Kerian, is your father home?" Luscian asked. "Marin threw a shoe."

"Yes, he just went into the barn. He should have a fire going by now, Marin will have a new shoe in no time." She walked over and stroked the big grey cob’s head. "Father!" she called as she led them towards the barn, Luscian and Marin following her. "Luscian is here; Marwin needs a shoe."

"Bring them up." He called from inside. "It will be a few moments yet, but I can do it."

"I brought a few carrots that I had saved back for you, miss Kerian," Luscian said, pulling them out of a sack that was strapped to his back. "I figured you could use them. If I kept them they would just go to ruin, with just me there to eat them."

"Oh, thank you,” Kerian said. "I was planning on making a big stew tonight. Mr.Jarckin's son trapped a small rabbit last night. It doesn't have much meat on it, but with some potatoes and your carrots I can make us all a meal." "We are all grateful that you have a heart as big as you do Kerian." Luscian said. "Without you, we would have lost a lot of children this winter."

"I did what anyone should do," Kerian said. "I have grown up with most of the new parents, and I couldn't just stand by and watch their children starve to death."

"Not everyone has as big of a heart, or cares about their neighbors as much as you do, and for that we are all grateful."

"I am glad that so many people are willing to help me with this. With out all of you, this would not have worked as well as it has," Kerian said.She watched Luscian as they walked up the path to the barn.He was almost ten years older then her.His copper colored hair tied back behind his head with a leather strap.His shoulders broad from all of the hours spent out in the field.She knew that he liked her,and had overheard him speak to her father once about asking her to marry him.She was grateful that her father had told him that he didn't think she was ready for a husband.

They walked into the barn, Luscian leading Marin over and cross tying him. He stroked the big horses nose then went over and sat down on one of the stools they kept in the barn. "How has business been?" "It has been good," Marvis said. "Mostly from people from neighboring villages." "I have heard from traveling merchants that their are dark clouds covering most of the Northern lands," Lucian said. “They seem to believe that there is danger and great evil coming from there."

Marvis froze and looked over at Lucian. "Let us hope that they are wrong, my friend," he said. He looked up at the house where Kerian was just walking inside. "Let us hope that they are wrong."

Kerian pulled a knife from a shelf near one of the windows. She began cutting up the carrots and putting them in a bowl. Later, she would take them to the village and put them in the large pot she had set up there. She had a small rabbit that she managed to snare early that morning that she would add to it as well. After she had the carrots cut up she wiped her hands of on a rag and started walking back down to the barn. Her mare looked up as she walked down the path and whinnied at her.

"How is my sweet girl?" she asked as she smoothed the mare’s forelock." I brought you a small treat," she said pulling the ends of the carrots out of her pocket. She fed them to her and gave her one last pat before she continued on to the barn. Marvis had found the young horse injured in the woods a year ago and brought her to Kerian. She spent a month healing the mares wounds from where a large animal had attacked her. "Do you need anything dad?" she asked as she walked in. She walked over to Marin and stroked his big forehead. The big gelding lowered his head, settling it again on her chest.

"No, I am almost finished with him," Marvis said. He hammered the last nail in, and then let Marin's foot back down to the ground. "There you go," he said to Lucian.

"What do I owe you?" he asked.

"Nothing, since you brought carrots to help with Kerian's meal tonight," he said, wrapping his arm around Kerian's shoulder.

"For anyone that helps with that, I try and help out as well." Luscian gave Marin a pat on the neck as they turned down towards the road. "I will see you both tonight at the square. Marin and I better get those fields plowed before that rain moves in."

"Do you need anything before I go out and check my snares?" Kerian asked as she leaned against her father.

"No, I just need to sweep out the stalls and bring in fresh straw," Marvis said as he squeezed her shoulders. "You go along. You have enough to get done today."

Kerian walked back up to the house to gather her sack and bow. She slung both over her shoulder as she grabbed a small dagger and hooked it onto her belt. She was hit by a gust of wind as she opened the door. The rain clouds were moving in closer as the sun started to disappear behind the clouds. She shivered,pulling her cloak tighter against her. Walking along the path that lead to the river bed, she felt a a pringling in the nape of her neck, like something or someone was following her.



"Do you think she suspects something is going on?" Luscian asked, as he stood beside Marin,stroking the big horses nose. 

Marvis frowned, standing up from where he was bent over Marin's hoof. "I don't know, " He said. " I know she feels something,there is trouble brewing up somewhere and I know it will envolve her."

"Do you think the Rider's will come for her?" 

"They will come for her." He said, staring in the direction of Safrisis.The kingdom of the Rider's. "I can feel them,if they aren't here already they will be soon. They will need her,and if there is any chance for her to survive what ever is coming,she willl need their help."

"I am sorry my friend." Luscian said. "we both hoped this day would never come. That she would be safe here, and never learn of her past,never learn who she really is."

"That wouldn't be fair to her, she would deserve to know who she is,where she really came from." Marvis said. "As much as I love her, I could never keep her from the truth. From knowing who she really is." 



Kerian stepped lightly down the path leading towards the stream. The evening before she had taken two large baskets and placed them in a small pool of water. She placed a couple of pieces of the rabbit they had for supper inside to use as bait to catch some larger fish.

She stopped when the princkling at the back of her neck got worse.She scaaned the forest trying to locate the source.Finding nothing , she frowned. She pulled a small dagger from her belt, setting it into the edge of her boot for an easier access.

 She kept a watch in the trees around her out of the corner of her eye as she kneeled down at the waters edge.She pulled the rope that was attached to the first basket.She smiled as she pulled the basket up out of the water.Inside were two large fish.



Chapter Two

"You were following me in the woods earlier," Kerian said, as she stood facing Raul. He gave her an amussed look. "If I was following you, you wouldn't know it."


Kerian shot him a glare. "I know it was you,' She said,stepping closer to him as a group of children ran past, shouting and laughter followed them. "Just a few moments ago, I felt the same prickling at the back of my neck.The exact same feeling I had while I was in the woods. When I turned and seen you,I knew it was you that was following me."


Raul stood there, quietly stuyding her. She shifted her weight, feeling uncomfortable beneath his stare.

"Would you stop that!" She snapped at him. Turning on her heel she started down to where her father and Luscian was standing. They both looked up at her,their faces grim.


Kerian heard Raul fall into step behind her.She was suprised when she felt more relaxed knowing that he was right behind her. When she reached her father she was suprised when Luscian nodded at Raul then walked past toward the stables. She gave her father a questioning look when Luscian didn't even look at her as he paseed by.


Marvis gave her a small smile before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Kerian, can you come back up to the house with me," Marvis said, "There is something that I need to tell you."


"Of course father," She said, looping her arm around his. She gave Raul another look before letting her father lead her back towards their home. 


Her father stopped and looked back towards him. "Meet us at the house in an hour."He said.

Raul nodded and turned,walking towards the stables. Kerian watched him walk away,a frown settling over her face.


"What was that about?" She asked, as they started walking again.


"It will have to wait until we reach home Kerian." Her father said. 


Kerian opened her mouth to ask more questions, she stopped when she seen the look on his face. She had never seen it before. His eyes had a dark, determined look.His jaw was set in a stubborn lock. Kerian felt a shiver go through her, she knew something hadn't been right all day. Ever since the Rider's had shown up.




"What do you mean your not my real father?" Kerian ground out, stalking back and forth across the floor. "If you are not my father then who is?"


"Kerian,sit down please," Marvis asked. "I will start at the beginning but you must sit, and listen."


Kerian turned to face him, ready to yell. She stopped when she seen his face. He looked pale, his eyes filled with sadness. She dropped into the chair behind her. She felt numb. Not sure that she wanted to hear any more.


Marvis took a deep breathe and sat in the chair across from her. "A long time ago, a man rode into the village. I knew instantly that he was a Rider. He had a small child on the horse with him. He seen me standing in my door way and rode over to me. He was bleeding from

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