» Fantasy » Delilah and Riley, Melissa Nichols [reading a book .txt] 📗

Book online «Delilah and Riley, Melissa Nichols [reading a book .txt] 📗». Author Melissa Nichols

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Chapter One

“Delilah, are you alright?” My mother asked, knocking on my door. I shook my head, tears still falling from my cheeks. “Do you want to talk about it?” She persisted, coming to sit beside me on my bed.

I paused, trying to find a good starting point. “It isn’t fair, Mama. Why do I have be betrothed already?  Why couldn’t I have remained unattached and free to date whomever? It’s cruel!”

“Your father and I only want what’s best for you. Your betrothed is a wonderful wolf. He’s truly perfect for you. He’s intelligent, handsome, protective, loyal, strong, a very skillful fighter, mature beyond his years, knows his duty and he’s the best tracker in his pack. You can’t ask for a better match, nor can you hope for one.”

“But I don’t want him! How could you and Dad take away my will like that? Take it away before I was old enough to understand and make my own choice? It’s not fair! It’s cruel, selfish and totally outlandish. No one is betrothed these days!”

“I know how you feel, sweetheart. But you must have faith. Your father and I know what’s best and we only want the best mate for you.”

“Bullshit! You just wanted to have an excuse to have me out of your pelts as soon as possible. I bet you haven’t even met him!” I accused, my rage at being betrothed making me lash out at my mother.

“Now, wait a minute, pup! You will not address your mother and Alpha Female in such a way! I have met Riley and I agree with your father. He is the One.”

“No! I’m the one who will decide his role in my life, in my heart. And I hate him! I hate that he’s alive, fully capable of snatching away my life, my independence. I hate that I have no choice but to take him as my Alpha and mate. I hate that I can’t make one single choice about my future! I hate all of this betrothed shit! I hate you for agreeing with Father and allowing this ill-wanted match!” I shouted. I turned, dropped my head and jumped through my window, only to keep going and jump off the balcony.

It was a short drop to the ground, but it was enough time for me to phase into my wolf form.  My front paws hit the ground first.  One beat later, my back paws touched earth and I bolted as soon as I could. I dug my claws into the soft soil, coaxing more speed out of my limbs.

I ran through the forest in my backyard, through the dark trees and bushes, into the everlasting shadows that is my refuge when I’m a wolf.

Enraged by my lack of choices in a possible beaux, and my mother’s full agreement in my betrothal, I did not stop until I was deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains, searching for a place where no one can find me, not even my over-ruling father and Jazz, the best tracker in the pack.

“Delilah….” My father’s voice entered my thoughts and I immediately dephased before he could order me home. I continued my run, my speed unchanged. I was going to run away, far away, where no one could find me and force me to marry Riley. I was going to forget all about Riley, my parents, and my life as soon as I was settled. I could move in with another pack, change my name, become an Omega and live out my days with a mate of my choice. Yes, that was the solution to all of my troubles!

Turning North, I raced for my pack’s border. It was a long run, but I made it, thanks to my super-endurance. I paused, knowing it was Taboo to enter another pack’s territory without an invitation. Then, the bushes rattled on the other side.

“Hello!” I called, hoping it was a wolf of the Sun Pack.

“Who’s there?” A male voice answered. He stepped out of the bushes. His height and attire fully suggested he was a wolf fresh out of his wolf form. His shorts came up to his knees and he was shirtless. “Who are you? Get back!” He ordered, his lips pulling over his teeth and he let out a snarl of aggression. I held up my hands and lowered my head in submission. “I come in peace. I merely seek refuge and a council with Zeke. I mean no harm.”

“Who are you?” He barked, his aggression unwavering.

“My name is Delilah.” I said, knowing it would make an impression.

“Your Zak’s daughter. What are you doing here? Political matters?”

“I am his daughter, but I am not of his pack.”

“What do you mean? How can you turn your back on your parents?”

“Please, I just want to see Zeke.”

“Alright. Come with me, Delilah.” He agreed, turning half away from me. I crossed the border in a heartbeat and stuck to the man’s side.

Chapter Two

“What do you mean she’s crossed to the Sun’s Pack territory?” Zak yelled, shocked and furious at the same time. Poor Brian could tell Zak was furious and he was afraid of what Zak would do to him. Zak was not an Alpha to cross and some members of the pack had scars from bearing him bad news. When news so bad as this reached his ears, Zak turned abusive. He even overacted to his daughter’s harmless play with other children. She tried to mimic her father by playing Alpha with the other children and Zak hadn’t liked the role she had been playing. It wasn’t how she was playing, but the role. She was never meant to be the leader of a pack, just the Alpha’s whore and pup-factory, and he didn’t want her entertaining such ideas as she might rule her pack as an equal leader as Riley , so Zak’s idea of fixing it was to beat her.

“Just that, sir. She asked to see Zeke and the wolf let her through.”

“No! She can’t be…” Zak yelled, slamming his fist on his desk. “Brian, gather my wife and Dingo. We’re going to get my daughter back.”

“Yes, sir.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“So, Delilah, why are you here?” Zeke asked me, sitting down in his chair.

“Sir, I have abandoned my father’s pack and I humbly request to join yours.” I said, bowing my head and getting on my knees. “I will do whatever you ask of me. I swear.”

“You’re swearing is unnecessary, Delilah. Now, tell me, why have you left?”

“I…I was unhappy in my father’s pack. I left because I could not stand it any longer.”

“And what was the cause of your unhappiness?”

“An agreement was made when I was a pup. This agreement took away my right to choices and I grew sick of having no say in anything, most of all my choice in potential mates.”

“Oh! A betrothal. A very medieval act. Tell me, child, have you met your betrothed?”

“No, sir. But I hate him all the same. He is alive and I have no rights as long as I remain with my father’s pack.”

“But you have left. So why not go rogue?”

“Because I crave being with my fellow wolves. I could not handle being alone.”

Zeke was silent for a while, then he smiled, laughed and slapped me on the back.

“Congratulations, Delilah. You have passed the test.”

“Test, sir?”

“Yes. Welcome to the Sun Pack.”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you so much!”

“Now, let’s see. We need to iron out your rank and name. History. Yes, we’re going to completely re-invent you, Delilah.”

I remained silent, knowing the name and rank was traditional when a wolf switched loyalties, but why change my history?

“Umm, sir. One question?”

“Of course, my dear.”

“Why are we deliberating my history? I see no problem with leaving it the way it is.”

“Because of your previous loyalty to your father’s pack, my pack would target you as unfaithful. They will not trust you and my warriors would not share with you my battle plans, in fear of you tattling to your father. I know this will not happen because, coincidentally, I have the perfect opening for you. Beta.”

“B-Beta, sir?”

“Yes. Because of your long-standing past with your father’s pack, you have bountiful leadership qualities and training. You would do well as my Beta and successor.”

“Succ…Successor?! Alpha…”

“Now, no arguing. I know it is a lot to take in, but it has been decided. You are my Beta and apprentice. As for your name, we’ll call you Sora.”

“Yes, sir. Very well.”

“You’re history is going to be tricky. Born into a pack, Alpha’s daughter, but your pack was slaughtered and you were the only survivor. You’ve been a rogue since, for five years. In the five years, you’ve grown tough, but you crave the protection and safety of a pack. You have heard of my pack’s reputation and, after being turned away from the Lune Pack, you came here to apply for whatever rank is open. Sound alright?”

“Yes, sir. You’ve covered all of the stops. Very well.”

“Welcome, Sora, to the Sun Pack.” He said, closing the private ceremony.

I bowed, accepting my new life. “It will be an honor and pleasure serving you, Alpha.”

“Now, come. We must hold a meeting and introduce you to your new pack.”

“Hold it right there, Zeke!” Father yelled, bursting through the double doors. Father was visibly shaking with rage, his eyes looked like he could set me aflame and he was in full protection mode. He was accompanied by Mother and Dingo, Father’s Beta and successor.

“Zak! Welcome..”

“Just cut the shit, Zeke. Why is my daughter here?”

“I thought Dingo here would have filled you in, Father. I’ve abandoned your pack and joined Zeke’s. I am his Beta now and we’ve re-written my history. You no longer have any control over me.” I said, finally gathering the courage to challenge my father is such a way.

“You have not done anything except break Taboo. And the Law requires that in such a case as a wolf crossing the borders, that wolf’s previous Alpha retains full control until judgment is passed and carried out. That means you are still mine and I forbid you from ever consorting with any of the Sun Pack.”

“You can’t do that! I’m not yours! I am Zeke’s now. He has my loyalty and no one else.”

“Delilah, come!” Father shouted still, switching to his Order voice. I felt a great pull to obey his will, to move my feet and approach him.

No! He can’t be right. I am of the Sun Pack now, not the Lune Pack!! I shouted in my head, fighting the force with all of my will. Thankfully, my feet stayed in place, but I was having a hard time keeping them there. They shook with my effort to disobey and my strength was quickly leaving me.

“Zeke!” I squeaked, begging for his help.

“Sora, come here.” Zeke said, his voice Ordering, but still calm. I felt no effects. It’s true. I do still belong to Father. But I refused to give in to Father’s command. I tried to move my feet backward, toward Zeke, but I was not

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