» Fantasy » Elemental Princesses, Christina Brewer [feel good books txt] 📗

Book online «Elemental Princesses, Christina Brewer [feel good books txt] 📗». Author Christina Brewer


My sister and I were always so close. This is the first fight we had been in ever. I wish we had never moved to that town in the first place. That's when everything changed our lives forever. Here we are now, in this room, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. We both thought she was our friend, but she used us like we were nothing; like we were toys for a dog.

In this room i feel powerless and i can tell Sadie does to. I ran around the room looking for an exit, but it was useless.. When i get out of here it'll be the end; The end of them; The end of her.

The Amazingly Amazing Chapter 1

"Hi! My name is Sophie Jones and this is my sister Sadie." I said looking at the teacher who had just looked up from the book he was reading. It was our first day at a new school and we were both really nervous.

"Hi, I'm your teacher Richard Cummings, but of course since you are students you have to call me Mr. Cummings." We interrupted him by laughing. "What's so funny you two?" he asked us.

"your name is seriously Dick Cummings?" Sadie said and the whole class was laughing with us now.

"oh! ha. ha. I bet you two think you're really funny don't you." Mr. Cummings said and smiled once the class settled down. "Now why don't you, Sadie, go take a seat next to Kandy and you, Sophie, next to Bob. Kandy, Bob, will you please raise your hands so they know where to go?" he asked them nicely. What was wrong with this teacher i thought to myself as two hands shot up in the air.

The first was a girl. She had dirty blond hair with blue streaks in it. Her eyes were brown and she wore a black shirt and Grey sweats. She looked nothing like candy but i guess her name was Kandy. She sat at the front left hand corner of the room so Sadie only had to take a few steps to get to her seat.

In the back right hand corner of the class the guy, bob, sat. He had orange hair and brown eyes. He wore glasses and i rainbow shirt with green jeans. I'd say he'd make a pretty good clown. I turned back to the teacher and gave him an 'are you serious' look. He just laughed.

"Are you trying to separate me and my sister?" I asked him as i walked slowly to my seat. Some of the class laughed at my slowness.

"Yes and No. As you can see those are the only two seats left in this class Sophie." He said as i took my seat then added, "Now that you are both seated lets start class." A hand shot up in the air. "Yes Mr. Martin?"

"Shouldn't we, all us students, introduce ourselves?" Asked the guy he called Mr. Martin and he was hot! He had black hair and blue eyes and had the body of Taylor Lautner. He turned and looked at me and said, "I'm Chad," then he smiled.

The rest of the class started from the front to back. Mr. Cummings tried to stop them but it was useless. As they said their names I forgot them and was assuming Sadie did to. The look on her face gave it away.

As soon as they finished Mr. Cummings spoke. "Can we start class now?" Everybody nodded and looked bored. I guess they didn't like History very much; then again who does? "today we'll be learning about...."

Oh! this class is so BORING... I looked at my sister and saw me reflecting off her face, not literally, we're twins. We have the same dark brown hair and golden brown eyes. we were both wearing black skinny jeans. She had on a red tang top and black hoodie and i had a blue tang top and black hoodie and we both looked bored to death.

The bell rang and we gathered up our stuff to leave. Just as I got to the door what was his name.. Chase? No. Charles? No. Wait! Chad yeah Chad called my name. I turned around and he was a few feet away.

"Want me to walk you and your sister to your next class?" He asked me and i was sort of surprised.

"Sure," i didn't hesitate to answer and he noticed and started laughing. Maybe he was just laughing at the look on my face, who knows? We walked over to my waiting sister to go to our next class, water.

"So you guys are water elementals," He stated it lake it was a fact.

"Huh?" Sadie and I said at the same time.

"Well your next class is water, so your a water bender, that means you only have school today and Wednesday." he said as if it was obvious.

"Elemental? What kinda school is this?" Sadie asked looking ahead.

"Its a school for people that can control the elements, you know, Water, Fire, Air, Earth." he said looking at us like we were stupid. Sadie and I burst out laughing.

"You can't seriously think we'd believe you right?" I asked looking at my schedule. "Can't people just control one element. If this was an elemental school then we wouldn't be down for all the elements, right?"

"Yes I think you guys believe me. If you didn't you wouldn't be asking that next question. Its impossible for people to control more than one element and it you can then you have to control all of them. Their are books on that. The last person to control them all was our Queen but she died about fifteen or sixteen years ago giving birth..." He trailed off in thought.

"Ha! We were born fifteen and a half years ago. That's kinda funny that we're down for all elements and she died around the time we were born. Wouldn't it be funny if we were her kids." Sadie said smiling as the bell rang for our next class.

" Oh shoot I'm going to be late. See ya!" Chad said running down the hall as we shouted "bye," and walked into class.


Publication Date: 03-13-2011

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to my Best friend maria for being an awesome friend.

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