» Fantasy » All ends well, Megan stringfellow [red scrolls of magic txt] 📗

Book online «All ends well, Megan stringfellow [red scrolls of magic txt] 📗». Author Megan stringfellow

I sat nervously in the squekey clean waiting chairs. My Shene result would be in soon. Let me explain. Shenes are un natraul human beings who all live in a closed off town, called Rensun. We learn our abilities at 14, which is what im doing, the abilities or powers, can be anything. From fire to nature. Our enemies are Sheeres horrible creatures, who try to penitrate our barrier every day. Warnerlies, creatures of the light, help protect our small town by making a barrier with their magic, with the help of ours of course. So back to me. I'm sitting in the overly clean chairs, when the ability doctor comes in with the biggest smile I have ever seen. Out of breath from running down the stairs he joyfully explains.
"Your daughter..." He starts off directing his words to my single father. "Her ability is one of the rarest I have ever seen in my life time." He exclaims.
"That is?" I ask not caring about the rarness, just the power.
"Life? Is that actually one?" My father asks.
"I have only seen one other life Shene, he died by goverments hand. I would suggest not letting the goverment know about her power." He warned.
"Thanks for letting us know." Said my father, dismissing us immediatly. We walked to the car my father huffing about my 'power.'
"Dad? Maybe Doctor francois, is right." I tried to sound upbeat, but the chances of me getting a super rare power just isn't that great. My mother, dead at twenty-nine, was only a plant Shene. My father, an air Shene. Nothing special, what makes me have something special.
"Look, he may be right. I don't want to risk going to a goverment run ability doctor though. So I resigned myself to beleive you are a rare Shene." Sighed my father obviously putting up his 'white flag'
"How dad? How did I get this special power? What if I am in the..." I trailed off, thinking if I should darer mention something so close to my mother. " The Fate..." I dared. My fathers head swivered to my. His eyes blaring red warnings.
"Dont mention the Fate. I dont want you aparrt of that!" He snarled his voice steely, yet sad and depressed at the mention of something related to my mother. I nodded, not beleiving him though. Somethimes pretending to understand is the best way for a desprete parent to win the fight. "Good." He muttered glad I cowered away at his lashing out. I never cower away.
" Dad, this is soemthing to really consider though. What if, just what if, I am who the Fate talks about. I need to train." I declared madly. My dad just stared at the road.
"Lest just discuss this later." He sighed leaving me to my thoughts. He always does this. After mom passed he has always been like a Ranaboo, a crab, and turtle mix. Always having his moments where he snaps at me with his pinchers, but normally has his head in his brownish readish shell. I looked at my dad expectantly,as if he would just resign to the fact I may be the Fate. His face showed nothing. We arrived home, and I saw my best friend Ashen sitting pationtly on my front steps. Him being fifteen he as already been decided on his ability.
"Well?" He asked expectantly. I looked at my dad, who nodded his acceptance to Ashen knowing my special power.
"Is that real?"
"I guess Doc' said one other has had this special ability. The goverment must have killed him 'cause of it he said." Ashen looked at me like I was crazy.
"Really!?"I nodded. Let me tell you this I suck at lieing. Couldn't lie my way out of anything. I always look at the ground and blush. So me looking straight at Ashen with my normal olive shadded face, must have been a major give away, that I was indeed telling the truth.
"Wow." He breathed. "That sure beats water." he joked. I fake laughed then started explaning the perplexing situation.
" Few problems, the Gov' can't know 'bout this. Second, I might, just a thought, be the person of the Fate..." I stopped letting Ashen ponder what I said.
"Maybe, it seems fitting. Same day of birth as it says, same power..." He agreed with me.
"Also, how did I manage to get this, when my parents are common Shenes?"
"Well it's not all genetics. I reserched that, because I was dissapointed with water." He explained.
"Okay, so like if your parents were rare, you have the ssame chance to get common as rare?"
"Kinda-ish. With common parents mostly you get common,but on occasions, such as yours it is the oppisite as your parents."
"Like a negitive, and a negitive makes a positive?"
"Exactly, but remember a positive, and a positive makes a positive. It all just depends on some really complecated DNA, and other stuff."
"Alright, now I can at least sleep better knowing im not some freak."
"All the way at least." Ashen taunted me.
"Haha, so funny." Scrcasm pratically leaked out of my ears. Ashen playfully punched me hard in the arm. As payback I kicked him in the gut giving me the satisfying 'Opf' out of him. I laughed sycotically, and ran to my garage. Searching quickly for my always loaded paintgun I rummaged through the crap in my garage. Ashen came up behing me grinning evily holding a paint gun of his own to my head. I continued searching. Aha! My hands felt the leather grasp of my trusty paintgun. I msiled slyly, and pulled it out slowely. Twirling on my 'attacker' i knocked the gun from my head pointing mine to his." Surrender." I ordered.
"Never." I glared at him. "Not for thy Fairy kingdom!" He quoted Shakspears very own A Midsummer Nights Dream. I laughed, but didn't fail to hold my gun still to Ashen's head. "The question is will you surrender?" He raised his eyebrow trying to do the one eyebrow up one down, but failing. Instead of one eyebrow up both flew up, causing me to drop my aim, and fall on the ground laughing. "Did I do the eyebrow thing again?" He groaned.
"Yes." I said managing to get control of myself again. Pointing the end of my gun to Ashen's head, again I lead him outside.
"No guns. Just arm power. Like our ancesters. Unless your too scared." Ashen proposed to me managing to succeed in putting one eyebrow up.
"Fine with me." I dropped my gun in the dirt, Ashen mimicked me. "One-two-three." I screamed before jumping on Ashen. We rolled in the dirt untill he got me flat on the ground. "You know, your age, and gender gives you the advantage of winning." I told Ashen.
"Well once you learn your... Never mind." I laughed knowing what he was going to say. We both knew once I learned my power I would be able to make dead rise, people die, and worse munipulate all life. At least that's what we assumed. Ashen looked at me still mounted ontop of me. "What would you do if I..." He never finished his sentence because he leaned down and kissed me. Gently his lips smashed against mine. I kissed back, and after about five seconds we stopped.
"That." I answered back. Ashen smiled, then got off me brusing dirt off his jeans.
"Sorry, I just wanted to see what it felt like." He apoligized, not like he needed to.
"What did it?"
"Wonderful, like yo-you are the one. Made for me, like God set us up for this." I nodded agreeing. "Well shall we?"
"Shall we what?"
"Go on our first date."
"We shall." We walked down the street holding hands.

At Burger Man's place, we ordered than sat down. We drank the same milkshake like in those romantic movies, and stared into each others eyes.Of course this perfect moment had to have been destroyed, by the crashing of the barrier, as thousands of Sheeres swarmed in. We stopped drinking then crouched down ready to fight. Several sheeres burst through the windows of the resturant. I tackled and oncoming on, pulling out my dagger from my sleeve. I always carry it after my moms death. Peircing it in the heart I lept on another. I was a tornado, no litteraly, my anger about my mom swirled around me, and I transformed into a tornado. Killing a Sheere with contact I swirled through the town. I raised my hands, and dead Shenes killed from the unnexpected attack, that were crumpled on the ground, rose as if they never died. Plants rose and grasped ankles of the Sheeres pulling them underground. Storm clouds raced about the sky. Lightning crashed down on the Sheeres, untill none of the Sheeres were left. I turned back to my human form, and saw the destruction. That was caused by me...Goverment cars zoomed about, and a burley man plucked me off the road. I was driven away to the goverment main coperate.


Text: Please dont copy this. I worked hard...Also this is just the first book. There will be many.
Publication Date: 06-28-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my mom who always pushes me to do better, my best friend Seirra who got me into writing, and to Devon who had helped me pursue this dream.

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