» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, J.M.Hurley [thriller book recommendations TXT] 📗

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Mystica slipped on the shirt and curled up into a ball. He’ll be fine,

she thought silently as she crossed her fingers for luck, please let him be fine.

As she began more silent prayers of hope, she began to drift away into a deep sleep. One where Daniel held her tight, where he kissed her gently and where no one care who they are nor did they care what they were.


As Dakota trudge through the boggy forest ground she found herself admiring the landscape around her. She admired the way the crystal raindrops stood out delicately on the rough tree bark. She liked the idea of something so fragile mixing with something so harsh, it reminded her of Terrance. It also reminded her of her once timid self before she’d met him, the love of her life, and he’d taught her how to be strong, to never show weakness. He’ll be back

, she thought with a hope filled smile as the mud beneath her began to dry out.

The watery muck seemed to disappear, replaced by grass and she soon found herself standing in a clearing. Grassy landscape was all she could see for miles and the sunset glowed ominously in the distance. In the far edges of her vision, she could detect movement. Instantly alert and interested, she crept forward softly, but in a speedy fashion as she was eager to find the source of the movement. Her other senses alerted her that whatever this was, whether it be an animal or something else, it was not human.

“So are you a grizzly or a doe?” Dakota teased as she neared the area. Her voice rang out through the silent field like chimes in the wind, “Are you strong and though or soft and weak?”

“I’d say sly and deadly.”

Dakota whipped her head around, searching for the source of the noise when breathing in ear made her call out. Her scream echoed across the terrain as she leapt backwards and yet again was stopped by the perpetrator, but this time, she’d revealed herself to Dakota. She looked to be in her early twenties and her beauty was so intense it rendered Dakota speechless. She had long cascading waves of black hair that framed her high cheek bones perfectly and ended at her lower back. Her stunning green eyes held the passion of a caged tiger and her heart shaped lips were parted in a superior, teasing smile.

“You scare quite easily, don’t you?” she mocked as she danced circles around Dakota like a calculating predator. Her movements her as graceful as a dove yet she managed to make them
looks as deadly as a lion.

“No!” Dakota reprimanded once she caught her breath, “I was expecting someone else, but I’m prepared to deal with anything and anyone,” she warned with a glare. The woman’s perfect brows raised themselves as she came to a stop then cocked her head to the side.

“Why so defensive? We’re one in the same Hun, you know,” she purred. Dakota reluctantly dropped her apprehension and allowed confusion and interest consume her as she blinked back at the girl.

“No, I don’t know. How is it that we’re the same? I don’t even know who you are, yet alone what are similarities are.” AS if expecting this, the girl’s smile grew and she winked at Dakota teasingly.

“No, I don’t suppose you do know me, but that’s irrelevant. What’s important is that I know you and as so my title, you can call my Scarlet. Scar for short.”

“Scarlet,” Dakota repeated with distaste.

“Yes, Kota, and now we have some very important matters to discuss.”

Dakota frowned indignantly and tisked, “Disregarding the question of how you name what my name is, what matters are these that we have to discuss?” Scarlet smiled with a seductive air as she bent down and snatched something out of her boot.

“We need to discuss this

.” In her hand she held a slightly crumpled photo of Dakota and her family. Their smiles were big and Terrance and Jeannine were show too, both of them had their arms thrown around Dakota. It was the day before they’d been killed, the day before everything had gone wrong.

“Where did you get that?!” Dakota demanded as she grabbed for it but Scarlet was too quick and easily jumped to the side.

“Never mind that, I’m here to talk business. As I’m aware, you’re looking for a way to take revenge against these wolves, correct?” Scarlet’s pursed lips pulled back to reveal blindingly white teeth as she spoke and her calculating green eyes searched for signs of weakness.

“Correct,” Dakota responded as she took a step closer, “but I doubt you can help with that nor would you want too. It’ll be dangerous work, most of us will more than likely not survive.”

“I have my own reasons for wanting this as do you,” Scarlet warned as she too inched in, “I’m perfectly aware of the risks, and as I have said before, I’m not here to whine or complain about them. I’m here to get revenge, and I’m recruiting you to help me do it.”

“You want me, Dakota, to help you, Scarlet, get revenge on the wolves?” she clarified in an astonished tone.

“Is there something wrong?” Scarlet asked with a bored tone as she blinked in a questioning sort of fashion.

“No, it seems that everything is actually…right

. In fact, you’re just the person I’ve been looking for,” Dakota chimed with a dangerous smile as she held out her hand.

Scarlet stared at her hand for a moment, a confused look playing on her lips, then slowly, a dangerous, mischievous look crept onto her face and she gasped Dakota’s hand. “Looks like we have a deal then,” Scarlet announced as shook her hand, her long red nails pressing against Dakota’s palm.

“Indeed we do,” Dakota replied as she took a step back toward the clearing, “I must go now, my family must be worried.”

Scarlet nodded and gave her a smile, “Don’t let me stop you,” she stated as she too retreated in the opposite direction, “I must go now too.”

“But when will I see you again, how will I contact you?” Dakota wondered aloud as she watched Scarlet’s black tendrils of hair begin to grow faint in the distance.

“No worries, I found you once, I’ll find you again,” her voice echoed off the tree’s and though Dakota’s wished she could’ve had a better reassurance the mysterious girl was soon gone, vanished like dust in the wind. Feeling more hopeful than she had in a long time she realized that she was wrong, her family and Terrance weren’t coming back, but she’d realized something even more important. Those wolves weren’t going to get away with what they did, they were going to learn how much of a bitch karma can really be, Dakota was going to make sure of it.


Cracking his knuckles softly, Blaze stared off into space, thoughts running through his mind. Anne Marie could be heard clanking dishes and pans in the kitchen and Grace sat quietly sucking her thumb. The television hummed quietly in the corner, a vague news channel caster speaking in a low monotone voice. It was all a bit too boring for Blaze. He was used to action or at least to talking, but since Tori was gone no one seemed to be able to keep up a conversation. He really hoped Dakota would be back soon, her thin, lean arms linked with Tori’s, but until then, he rose quietly. “Time to check up on him again,” Blaze murmured as he stood and stretched, then casually trudged over to Mystica’s room.

As expected, Mark still lay sprawled out on her mattress, a look of despair on his lips. “You know, if you tell me where she is this can all be over,” Blaze stated with a smile as he rested his shoulder on the wall of the doorway.

“What’s the use? I’ve already missed my date!” Mark’s furrowed brows turned down in a grimace as he spoke.

“Somehow, I think you’ll survive,” Blaze retorted as a firm knock echoed off of the door and down the hallway to his ears.

“Blaze, can you get that, dear?” Anne Marie called from the kitchen, probably assuming Blaze was still sitting looking distant near the door.

Blaze gave Mark a wink, “Don’t think we’re finished,” he assured him as he coolly stalked out into the living room and flung open the door. “Can I…” his voice trailed off as he took in the girl standing before him. Her legs were clad from thighs to ankles in slick, black, fitted leather. On her top she wore a ruby studded corset that hugged her every curve. She had flowing black silk for hair and emerald green eyes. She raised a red polished hand in a wave and winked seductively. “Help you?” Blaze finished awkwardly as he smiled back at her.

“I just have a package to deliver, sweetheart,” she purred as she gazed at him with eyes that held a sort of caged fiery passion.

“Well, you want to come in?” he asked, a tone of hope in his voice as she tossed her soft hair over her shoulder.

“I’m afraid I can’t, I must be somewhere but no worries, Stud, I’ll be back.” While reaching into her pants pocket, she produced a small wrapped box. “Now, no peeking. It’s for Dakota, just tell her it’s from Scar.” Blaze nodded as he received the package from her soft hands and grasped it in his rough ones.

“Scar?” he asked as he studied the mysterious girl.

“Yes, Scar. It’s short for Scarlet,” she replied and Blaze grinned.

“Scarlet, uh, would you maybe like to catch up some time, you know, get to know each other a little better?” Blaze’s hopeful eyes scanned Scarlet’s but she gave nothing away, playing up her poker-face perfectly.

“I’d love

to, in fact I’m looking forward to getting to know you

too. But for now,” her seductive emerald eyes sparkled as she leaned in closer, her breath smelling of fresh peppermints, “I must go.”

“Goodbye, Scar,” Blaze called after her as she abruptly turned and strutted off down the porch.
“Tata for now, Blaze, don’t forget about that package, Hun.” Her smooth, mysterious voice rung out through the streets and she was soon gone, vanished with the wind and only a small paper package to prove that she’d been there.

Chapter 10

Tori’s chocolate bangs brushed against her forehead as she leaned forward, her head in her hands. Why me? She felt like asking, she wanted to not only ask it but scream it. She wanted to allow the warm tears forming behind her eyes out, to snap her eyes shut and for it to all have been a dream when she opened them. She was still sitting on the uncomfortable cot in the doctors space, Randy stood off to the side, staring at his hands and not daring to look up. Had he really meant what he’d said? Why would he? She wanted to ask him about it but was waiting until the doctor left them alone.

“So, I’ve given you all the information I can. All of it is in those pamphlets, so read up!” He

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